BBC: Quarter of young British people 'do not trust Muslims'


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
More than a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain do not trust Muslims, a BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat poll suggests.

Of the 1,000 young people questioned, 28% said Britain would be better off with fewer Muslims, while 44% said Muslims did not share the same values as the rest of the population.

Some 60% thought the British public had a negative image of Muslims.

An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more.

Akeela Ahmed, from the Cross-government Working Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred, said: "These findings indicate that we need to ensure young people are mixing at local levels and that they're working on projects together so that people can get to know Muslims and vice versa."

Made up of civil servants, academics, and members of the Islamic community, the group was launched last year and its job is to advise the government on how to tackle prejudice.

Its members said prejudice among young people was particularly worrying because they were thought to be more liberal than older age groups.


BBC - Newsbeat - Quarter of young British people 'do not trust Muslims'
Their mistrust of Muslims is well-deserved. Across the planet, Muslims act out violently against non-Muslims.
Any Muslim who considers him/herself to be a devout Muslim, considers the Quran to be the true word of God and that Muhammad's latter teachings of violence and hatred to supercede his earlier teachings.
They are not to befriend infidels (that'd be you, if you're not a Muslim). You are to be converted or if refusing to be converted, persecuted and ultimately, killed (via the cutting off of hands and heads).
If by looking at what has been going on across the planet (India, China, Russia, England, Spain, Kosovo, United States, Netherlands, Lebanon, Egypt, Kenya, Brunei, Comoros, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, et cetera, et cetera), you will find that violence is initiated by the Muslims. It's a worldwide problem with the Quran at its core. If you approach Muslims about it, they will just say that it's a small amount of people involved. They use the Doctrine of Taqiyya as their way of communicating with infidels on the subject matter (lie to infidels to protect the religion). A study in Canada of the existing mosques found that 85% of the mosques taught hatred of infidels.
Islam is at war with all infidel nations and their using infiltration into western nation and lies, coupled with their growing numbers to carry out their ultimate goal of world domination. They're patient and it will take time, but they will win; largely due to western stupidity and gullibility.
Since it stopped at age 24 it's meaningless. Britons 24 and below are nearly totally devoid of any awareness of religion and are reacting only to gossip. Among those 40 and above the stat approaches 80%.
More than a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain do not trust Muslims, a BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat poll suggests.

Of the 1,000 young people questioned, 28% said Britain would be better off with fewer Muslims, while 44% said Muslims did not share the same values as the rest of the population.

Some 60% thought the British public had a negative image of Muslims.

An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more.

Akeela Ahmed, from the Cross-government Working Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred, said: "These findings indicate that we need to ensure young people are mixing at local levels and that they're working on projects together so that people can get to know Muslims and vice versa."

Made up of civil servants, academics, and members of the Islamic community, the group was launched last year and its job is to advise the government on how to tackle prejudice.

Its members said prejudice among young people was particularly worrying because they were thought to be more liberal than older age groups.


BBC - Newsbeat - Quarter of young British people 'do not trust Muslims'

Muslims brought this upon themselves. Look at the problems with Muslims in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and now Kenya. Muslims are barbarians. The Qur'an is not a religious book, it contains 164 passages that promote the killing of non-Muslims.


You are aware that a U. S. Congressman has suggested nuking Mecca if there is any further damage to American cities. Here is a link to that USMB thread.
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^ Are you disappointed or are you relieved?

Disappointed that so few were questioned. It would be interesting to see a wider age range.

Are you disappointed or relieved?

I am disappointed that a quarter of british populations does not trust muslims. I think muslims are wonderful people. I have dated some mulim girls and they were awesome.
Since it stopped at age 24 it's meaningless. Britons 24 and below are nearly totally devoid of any awareness of religion and are reacting only to gossip. Among those 40 and above the stat approaches 80%.

So do you think 80% of the UK population does not trust muslims?
^ Are you disappointed or are you relieved?

Disappointed that so few were questioned. It would be interesting to see a wider age range.

Are you disappointed or relieved?

I am disappointed that a quarter of british populations does not trust muslims. I think muslims are wonderful people. I have dated some mulim girls and they were awesome.

Nothing like a little Muslim loving to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :cuckoo:


More than a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain do not trust Muslims, a BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat poll suggests.

Of the 1,000 young people questioned, 28% said Britain would be better off with fewer Muslims, while 44% said Muslims did not share the same values as the rest of the population.

Some 60% thought the British public had a negative image of Muslims.

An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more.

Akeela Ahmed, from the Cross-government Working Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred, said: "These findings indicate that we need to ensure young people are mixing at local levels and that they're working on projects together so that people can get to know Muslims and vice versa."

Made up of civil servants, academics, and members of the Islamic community, the group was launched last year and its job is to advise the government on how to tackle prejudice.

Its members said prejudice among young people was particularly worrying because they were thought to be more liberal than older age groups.


BBC - Newsbeat - Quarter of young British people 'do not trust Muslims'

"An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more."

I'm not British, but I'm pretty sure I don't need some ass-hat that focuses on 'hatred" as his claim to fame to tell me what people need to do.
Why didn't the author of the article ask a pro-Muslim lover adviser what the answer was? Oh wait, they did, they just worded it differently.
Since it stopped at age 24 it's meaningless. Britons 24 and below are nearly totally devoid of any awareness of religion and are reacting only to gossip. Among those 40 and above the stat approaches 80%.

So do you think 80% of the UK population does not trust muslims?

Anyone who knows how to read knows Muslims are a very real threat to western culture. They are brainwashed whack jobs who will not assimilate.


Would you like to see the results in an autopsy photo of a Boston Marathon victim?

It is too gross to post as a pic. So, click here for a link.
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