BBC: Quarter of young British people 'do not trust Muslims'

More than a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain do not trust Muslims, a BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat poll suggests.

Gee...i can't imagine why.

An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more.

Akeela Ahmed, from the Cross-government Working Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred, said: "These findings indicate that we need to ensure young people are mixing at local levels and that they're working on projects together so that people can get to know Muslims and vice versa."

"Mix more"? The average Brit doesn't want to "mix" with Muslims. But then they have no choice, because their leaders are forcing Muslims onto them through unchecked immigration and continued capitulation in regards to social issues.
Well said, worth repeating.

"Mix more"? The average Brit doesn't want to "mix" with Muslims. But then they have no choice, because their leaders are forcing Muslims onto them through unchecked immigration and continued capitulation in regards to social issues.


The OP

More than a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain do not trust Muslims, a BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat poll suggests.

Of the 1,000 young people questioned, 28% said Britain would be better off with fewer Muslims, while 44% said Muslims did not share the same values as the rest of the population.

Some 60% thought the British public had a negative image of Muslims.

An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more.

Akeela Ahmed, from the Cross-government Working Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred, said: "These findings indicate that we need to ensure young people are mixing at local levels and that they're working on projects together so that people can get to know Muslims and vice versa."

Made up of civil servants, academics, and members of the Islamic community, the group was launched last year and its job is to advise the government on how to tackle prejudice.

Its members said prejudice among young people was particularly worrying because they were thought to be more liberal than older age groups.


BBC - Newsbeat - Quarter of young British people 'do not trust Muslims'

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