BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

Pointing out someone, or groups of people are bigots ...

Is intolerance toward their differing opinions, which is the definition of Bigotry.

It's a paradox. Which is something that is clearly well beyond your limited intellectual means.

LOL, no...

LOL! It's not even a debatable point, asshat.

'Intolerance toward the differing opinions of others' is the literal definition of bigotry.

Calling someone a bigot, is a demonstration of intolerance of their ideas... thus is a demonstration OF Bigotry.

Don't we pretty much have that now? The anti-gun people blame the states with liberal gun policies for the problems they have.

More importantly is that you would never wager me on more gun restrictions because you yourself know they won't produce results; just like the Brady Bill didn't do squat.

You hit upon the naivety of the anti gun nuts.

Their position is that there would be no gun crime In Chicago if the Federal government would take the guns away from the people in neighboring Indiana because then none would be able to works it way into the ghetto.

The Liberals are very confused about things like this.

First of all with about 300,000,000 firearms in the US it would take at least a century for the supply to dry up. Maybe even longer.

Then you have the unsecured border and if there is a demand for firearms then there would be an illegal supply to meet that demand. To think otherwise would be very naive and stupid.

The people that wanted to commit crimes with guns would still get them like our Muslim terrorists in Kalifornia the other day.

The average law abiding citizen would then not be able to use firearms for recreational purposes, self defense or to hold the government accountable for oppression.

The crooks and the oppressive government wins. Americans lose.

These Libtards have a very bad idea. Real morons.

Don't we pretty much have that now? The anti-gun people blame the states with liberal gun policies for the problems they have.

More importantly is that you would never wager me on more gun restrictions because you yourself know they won't produce results; just like the Brady Bill didn't do squat.

You hit upon the naivety of the anti gun nuts.

Their position is that there would be no gun crime In Chicago if the Federal government would take the guns away from the people in neighboring Indiana because then none would be able to works it way into the ghetto.

The Liberals are very confused about things like this.

First of all with about 300,000,000 firearms in the US it would take at least a century for the supply to dry up. Maybe even longer.

Then you have the unsecured border and if there is a demand for firearms then there would be an illegal supply to meet that demand. To think otherwise would be very naive and stupid.

The people that wanted to commit crimes with guns would still get them like our Muslim terrorists in Kalifornia the other day.

The average law abiding citizen would then not be able to use firearms for recreational purposes, self defense or to hold the government accountable for oppression.

The crooks and the oppressive government wins. Americans lose.

These Libtards have a very bad idea. Real morons.

The Gun Crime in Chicago would dry up the instant that the Leftists and the product of Leftism in Chicago, are removed from Chicago.
Pointing out someone, or groups of people are bigots ...

Is intolerance toward their differing opinions, which is the definition of Bigotry.

It's a paradox. Which is something that is clearly well beyond your limited intellectual means.

LOL, no...

LOL! It's not even a debatable point, asshat.

'Intolerance toward the differing opinions of others' is the literal definition of bigotry.

Calling someone a bigot, is a demonstration of intolerance of their ideas... thus is a demonstration OF Bigotry.

I understand why you need to lie by omission, what I can't understand is why you believe you can get away doing so; I wrote:

"Pointing out someone, or groups of people are bigots does not necessarily demonstrate that the speaker/writer is intolerant of the bigot or group. The fact is that the more stupid conclusions posted by racists and bigots, the greater is the spread of knowledge that such opinions are based on ignorance, hate and fear, that is, emotions not reality"
You left out "Pointing out someone, or groups of people are bigots does not necessarily demonstrate that the speaker/writer is intolerant of the bigot or group".

In fact without you and the other bigots this forum would be less entertaining, and bigotry, based as it is on ignorance, hate and fear, is a good thing since it exposes you and othe bigots to reality.
I suggest you refer to a dictionary definition of Paradox.


Suit yourself... But you're not going to like it.

Paradox: a statement or proposition that, despite setting up sound (or apparently sound) reasoning and drawn from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.


There's the word Bigotry...

You think it means one thing... so you use it as a rhetorical bludgeon, thus demonstrating that you are the thing that you lamented, in accusing another of such; which you reject because such 'sounds' or 'seems' senseless... despite such resting in sound reason, because, you're an idiot.

Which is again... a paradox.

Don't we pretty much have that now? The anti-gun people blame the states with liberal gun policies for the problems they have.

More importantly is that you would never wager me on more gun restrictions because you yourself know they won't produce results; just like the Brady Bill didn't do squat.

You hit upon the naivety of the anti gun nuts.

Their position is that there would be no gun crime In Chicago if the Federal government would take the guns away from the people in neighboring Indiana because then none would be able to works it way into the ghetto.

The Liberals are very confused about things like this.

First of all with about 300,000,000 firearms in the US it would take at least a century for the supply to dry up. Maybe even longer.

Then you have the unsecured border and if there is a demand for firearms then there would be an illegal supply to meet that demand. To think otherwise would be very naive and stupid.

The people that wanted to commit crimes with guns would still get them like our Muslim terrorists in Kalifornia the other day.

The average law abiding citizen would then not be able to use firearms for recreational purposes, self defense or to hold the government accountable for oppression.

The crooks and the oppressive government wins. Americans lose.

These Libtards have a very bad idea. Real morons.

The Gun Crime in Chicago would dry up the instant that the Leftists and the product of Leftism in Chicago, are removed from Chicago.

The problem in Chicago is people who are not allowed to carry guns get a slap on the hand if they are caught. They simply have no more room in their prisons and reserve the room they have for more violent offenders.

Don't we pretty much have that now? The anti-gun people blame the states with liberal gun policies for the problems they have.

More importantly is that you would never wager me on more gun restrictions because you yourself know they won't produce results; just like the Brady Bill didn't do squat.

You hit upon the naivety of the anti gun nuts.

Their position is that there would be no gun crime In Chicago if the Federal government would take the guns away from the people in neighboring Indiana because then none would be able to works it way into the ghetto.

The Liberals are very confused about things like this.

First of all with about 300,000,000 firearms in the US it would take at least a century for the supply to dry up. Maybe even longer.

Then you have the unsecured border and if there is a demand for firearms then there would be an illegal supply to meet that demand. To think otherwise would be very naive and stupid.

The people that wanted to commit crimes with guns would still get them like our Muslim terrorists in Kalifornia the other day.

The average law abiding citizen would then not be able to use firearms for recreational purposes, self defense or to hold the government accountable for oppression.

The crooks and the oppressive government wins. Americans lose.

These Libtards have a very bad idea. Real morons.

They just don't think for themselves is the problem.

They are told what to think by their leaders. That's why you get this "Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh" thing all the time. They were told by their leaders these people are the reason we don't have a total liberal America today; they are the ones that promote hatred and bigotry.

Democrat politicians have no problem with the guns themselves, what they have a problem with are people using those guns for self-defense. They don't like it because then we don't need government for protection.

Both parties would love to expand their base. One of the largest bases for Democrats are victims. They know damn well all the gun laws in the world won't solve any problems. All they would really do is arm the criminal and disarm the victim. The more victims we have in this country, the more likely Democrat voters.

Of course they can't tell people that. Instead, tell their followers to promote more gun legislation and restrictions. Tell them that if we outlawed guns in this country, that would stop mass murders and murders in general because nobody would have a gun.
I suggest you refer to a dictionary definition of Paradox.


Suit yourself... But you're not going to like it.

Paradox: a statement or proposition that, despite setting up sound (or apparently sound) reasoning and drawn from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.


There's the word Bigotry...

You think it means one thing... so you use it as a rhetorical bludgeon, thus demonstrating that you are the thing that you lamented, in accusing another of such; which you reject because such 'sounds' or 'seems' senseless... despite such resting in sound reason, because, you're an idiot.

Which is again... a paradox.

Do have a choice of dressing for this word salad?

Your constant attacks on progressive and liberals does not a disputation make, it defines you as a bigot and a curmudgeon. Adding to the character flaws which already define you: mendacious, magniloquent and cavil.

Do have a choice of dressing for this word salad?

Your constant attacks on progressive and liberals does not a disputation make, it defines you as a bigot and a curmudgeon. Adding to the character flaws which already define you: mendacious, magniloquent and cavil.

Liberals deserve to be attack. In fact they are not attacked enough. They are allowed to get away with a lot more of their stupidity than they should. Having their heads up their asses about the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is just one of the many things they are confused about.

They are doing a lot of damage to our country and they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, know what I mean?
I suspect this is a great representation of the typical anti gun Liberal:

Uh, I guess you've missed the news that this was a Muslim terrorist attack?

I know: Your liberal brainwashing kicked in as soon as you saw reports of a mass shooting, and out churned another driveling OP about guns.

These were Muslim terrorists. Arab men were seen leaving their apartment. They clearly planned this attack. Both the hub and the wife became radicalized. The wife used to live in Saudi Arabia. The hub visited Saudi recently.

Just FYI.

They may have been Muslim but he was a United States citizen with just as many rights and access that you have.

Do have a choice of dressing for this word salad?

Your constant attacks on progressive and liberals does not a disputation make, it defines you as a bigot and a curmudgeon. Adding to the character flaws which already define you: mendacious, magniloquent and cavil.

Liberals deserve to be attack. In fact they are not attacked enough. They are allowed to get away with a lot more of their stupidity than they should. Having their heads up their asses about the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is just one of the many things they are confused about.

They are doing a lot of damage to our country and they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, know what I mean?

Define damage to our country, no doubt you believe what you post, but never posting any evidence suggests your beliefs were put in your head during brainwashing sessions.

First of all, do you believe every man, women and child in America has the right to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control a gun?

If not, why not?

Do you believe every citizen should be treated equally under the laws and have Rights equal to every other citizen?

Who decides whose Right to Arms should be suspended / revoked? You? Or no person, everyone, felon, paranoid schitzphrenic, wife beater, drug dealer, etc. has the Right to be Armed.?
You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

Yeah, right. This latest tragedy had nothing to do with mental instability or religion? It was the guns fault, right?

Damn you're really very dumb! Read my post, better yet have someone who completed the 8th grade read it to you.

the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.
correction, it's the unarmed helpless victims. Arm the victims and there won't be any mass shootings.

Then how do you explain the fact that we didn't have these mass shootings all the time until the 1980s.

I don't recall any mass shootings before the 80s or at least not on the scale we have now.

Not everyone had guns then, we didn't have gun free zones and we also didn't have the mass shootings we have now.

So your claims are nothing but garbage. Arming more people will just get more people killed.
You forget the Mafia and the Tommy gun?

Define damage to our country,

Increasing poverty, declining family income, increased welfare, $20 Trillion in debt, failed foreign policy, unsecured borders, failed health care, racial turmoil, reduction in personal freedom, increased regulation, lowest workforce participation in 40 years because people have given up looking for work, excessive taxation, Muslim terrorism, etc. Shall I go on?

First of all, do you believe every man, women and child in America has the right to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control a gun?

I beleive that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It is in the Bill of Rights. Go look it up. I'll ask you some questions on it later so pay attention this time.

Do you believe every citizen should be treated equally under the laws and have Rights equal to every other citizen?

I believe the fucking government needs to stay out of the business of trying to run our lives.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats have a very difficult time distinguishing between equal protection under the law and guaranteeing equal outcomes. That is one of the reasons we ridicule you dumbasses so much.

You Libtards also have difficult time when it comes to understanding the freedom of speech or the freedom of religion when those Liberties conflicts with your agenda of Left Wing hate and divison.

You never have understood that the right of a child to live and not be murdered for the sake of convenience is great than the right of a stupid bitch to kill her child. That is pathetic that you don't understand basic human morality.

Who decides whose Right to Arms should be suspended / revoked? You? Or no person, everyone, felon, paranoid schitzphrenic, wife beater, drug dealer, etc. has the Right to be Armed.?

I am not a Republican but they introduced the Grassely Cruz bill to strengths the ability of the government to keep tabs on the mentally ill when it comes to firearms purchase but you stupid Democrats voted the bill down so don't tell me you really give a shit because you don't.

Reasonable firearms regulation is just like abortion. Real Americans can't come to reasonable laws because the Liberals won't ever be reasonable.

The Liberals are unwilling to protect the Liberties assured in the Bill of Rights so they go off the deep end when it comes to regulation.

It is just like with abortion. Conservatives would probably agree on abortion for legitimate medical reason and maybe even rape and incest but that is not good enough for the filthy ass Libtards. They insist on killing a child for the sake of convenience.

There are a couple of common sense gun laws that we could have but the Libtards insist on all kinds of unreasonable things like having to get permission from the government to own a firearm. How stupid is that seeing that it is a right guaranteed under the Constitution?
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Define damage to our country,

Increasing poverty, declining family income, increased welfare, $20 Trillion in debt, failed foreign policy, unsecured borders, failed health care, racial turmoil, reduction in personal freedom, increased regulation, lowest workforce participation in 40 years because people have given up looking for work, excessive taxation, Muslim terrorism, etc. Shall I go on?

First of all, do you believe every man, women and child in America has the right to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control a gun?

I beleive that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It is in the Bill of Rights. Go look it up. I'll ask you some questions on it later so pay attention this time.

Do you believe every citizen should be treated equally under the laws and have Rights equal to every other citizen?

I believe the fucking government needs to stay out of the business of trying to run our lives.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats have a very difficult time distinguishing between equal protection under the law and guaranteeing equal outcomes. That is one of the reasons we ridicule you dumbasses so much.

You Libtards also have difficult time when it comes to understanding the freedom of speech or the freedom of religion when those Liberties conflicts with your agenda of Left Wing hate and divison.

You never have understood that the right of a child to live and not be murdered for the sake of convenience is great than the right of a stupid bitch to kill her child. That is pathetic that you don't understand basic human morality.

Who decides whose Right to Arms should be suspended / revoked? You? Or no person, everyone, felon, paranoid schitzphrenic, wife beater, drug dealer, etc. has the Right to be Armed.?

I am not a Republican but they introduced the Grassely Cruz bill to strengths the ability of the government to keep tabs on the mentally ill when it comes to firearms purchase but you stupid Democrats voted the bill down so don't tell me you really give a shit because you don't.

Reasonable firearms regulation is just like abortion. Real Americans can't come to reasonable laws because the Liberals won't ever be reasonable.

The Liberals are unwilling to protect the Liberties assured in the Bill of Rights so they go off the deep end when it comes to regulation.

It is just like with abortion. Conservatives would probably agree on abortion for legitimate medical reason and maybe even rape and incest but that is not good enough for the filthy ass Libtards. They insist on killing a child for the sake of convenience.

There are a couple of common sense gun laws that we could have but the Libtards insist on all kinds of unreasonable things like having to get permission from the government to own a firearm. How stupid is that seeing that it is a right guaranteed under the Constitution?

Flash, with no respect do, you are a lunatic.

Flash, with no respect do, you are a lunatic.

That statement coming from a Moon Bat is hilarious. Somebody that is very confused about a great many things. You can't defend your position so you resort to attacking the messenger that tells you that you have your head up your ass.

Liberals are the scum of America as we all know and it seems like you are the stereotypical Libtard that is lacking in common sense, morality, intelligence and an understanding of the Bill of Rights.

Gun control has failed wherever it has been implemented.

It failed in Europe where some of the toughest gun control laws in the world failed to stop innocent citizens from being gunned down in the streets,

It fails in Chicago that has the toughest city gun control laws in the country when people gets shot every day.

It failed in California with the strictest state laws in the country where Muslims killed people at a Christmas celebration.

Gun control laws simply do not work. Never have and never will.

It makes you stupid and naive pussified Moon Bats feel good good but it pretty wells screws this country up when the only people that have firearms are the crooks and the filthy ass corrupt government.
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Flash, with no respect do, you are a lunatic.

That statement coming from a Moon Bat is hilarious. Somebody that is very confused about a great many things. You can't defend your position so you resort to attacking the messenger that tells you that you have your head up your ass.

Liberals are the scum of America as we all know and it seems like you are the stereotypical Libtard that is lacking in common sense, morality, intelligence and an understanding of the Bill of Rights.

Gun control has failed wherever it has been implemented.

It failed in Europe where some of the toughest gun control laws in the world failed to stop innocent citizens from being gunned down in the streets,

It fails in Chicago that has the toughest city gun control laws in the country when people gets shot every day.

It failed in California with the strictest state laws in the country where Muslims killed people at a Christmas celebration.

Gun control laws simply do not work. Never have and never will.

It make make you stupid and naive pussified Moon Bats feel good good but it pretty wells screws this country up when the only people that have firearms are the crooks and the filthy ass corrupt government.
I think the liberals point isn't just to outlaw guns but to put a wall around the place where guns are outlawed so you control 100% of what goes in and out of the area then it'll work.

Liberals live in fantasy land.

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