BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

I don't understand why someone like you, pathologically angry,is permitted to own, possess or ever to have firearm in your custody or under your control.

Oh... that's because of people like you, deceitful and constantly threatening the means of others to exercise their God-given rights.

Hope that helps, 'though I know in my heart... that it won't.

"deceitful"? "threatening"? Hardly, I offer only my opinions, based on reality / the world we live in. You seem to have a reality much different and conceived not by your five senses, but by emotions formed in the rabbit hole between your ears.

Yes... which is what every Prog since the 50s has done and the inevitable consequence of that has been the stark decline in the US Culture. This due to the deceitful, nature of subjective, fatally flawed reasoning expressed by idiots, for the purpose of satisfying their own subjective needs, over and beyond the needs of society to remain viable, thus establishing the nature of the threat.

Now... would ya like to pursue this further?

Not with you, at least not now. Seek clinical intervention and once you are medicated then we might be able to communicate effectively. Word salad is not productive, and that is all you offer.
the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.
Ladies and gentlemen. We are privileged to have in this very forum one of the world's leading scholars. Who else would have connected shootings with guns when it was right under our noses all along?

Who else?

M14, 2aguy, the Cleveland guy, Rabbi, you iceweasel, and the other dozen or so others who seem to forget gun violence is perpetrated by terrorists (domestic and foreign), gangsters, men and women of all colors and ethnicity, children, dads, moms, criminals and law enforcement, etc.

So what do they all have in common? A GUN!

Yet those so obsessed with their right to have a gun, seek to blame factors other than the gun for the carnage created by a diverse demographic with that single thing - having a gun in their possession - in common.

People control is difficult, we can't profile and thus become a police state, we can stick our heads in the sand and ignore a serious social problem, or we can control the proliferation of guns by holding gun owners and those who seek to own or possess them to be responsible.

We already are now. CA has the toughest gun laws in the country, and you people are still blaming the guns and the ability to get them. At the same time, you complain about the governments ability to snoop in on electronic transmissions that might have led to the feds looking into guys like this one and others such as in Boston marathon bombing.
the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.
Ladies and gentlemen. We are privileged to have in this very forum one of the world's leading scholars. Who else would have connected shootings with guns when it was right under our noses all along?

Who else?

M14, 2aguy, the Cleveland guy, Rabbi, you iceweasel, and the other dozen or so others who seem to forget gun violence is perpetrated by terrorists (domestic and foreign), gangsters, men and women of all colors and ethnicity, children, dads, moms, criminals and law enforcement, etc.

So what do they all have in common? A GUN!

Yet those so obsessed with their right to have a gun, seek to blame factors other than the gun for the carnage created by a diverse demographic with that single thing - having a gun in their possession - in common.

People control is difficult, we can't profile and thus become a police state, we can stick our heads in the sand and ignore a serious social problem, or we can control the proliferation of guns by holding gun owners and those who seek to own or possess them to be responsible.
I was complimenting you for pointing the missing key, the hidden link behind the curtain of uncertainty. What all these shooters have in common is guns! That's brilliant! You can retire now.
I used to be an NRA member. Over 30 years. It used to stand for my hunting rights. Now its a ggreedy business that has cast hunters aside and is in it for gun manufacturers who are claiming they are under some kind of attack which is hokey. Once they began to operate like a business that was it for me. The ones in charge of it probably were taking my dues and eating steaks with it.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

They seem to think that saying a person is crazy or deranged or need of mental help is the answer to all this violence.

If it really was a psychological problem then why aren't any republican politicians doing anything to get proper mental help to these people and why do they constantly cut funds to mental health programs?

Seems to me if they actually believed that it was a psychological problem then they would take steps to stop the carnage by funds for mental health.

Yet the republicans do the exact opposite.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

Yeah, right. This latest tragedy had nothing to do with mental instability or religion? It was the guns fault, right?

Damn you're really very dumb! Read my post, better yet have someone who completed the 8th grade read it to you.

the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.
correction, it's the unarmed helpless victims. Arm the victims and there won't be any mass shootings.

Then how do you explain the fact that we didn't have these mass shootings all the time until the 1980s.

I don't recall any mass shootings before the 80s or at least not on the scale we have now.

Not everyone had guns then, we didn't have gun free zones and we also didn't have the mass shootings we have now.

So your claims are nothing but garbage. Arming more people will just get more people killed.
the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.
Ladies and gentlemen. We are privileged to have in this very forum one of the world's leading scholars. Who else would have connected shootings with guns when it was right under our noses all along?

Who else?

M14, 2aguy, the Cleveland guy, Rabbi, you iceweasel, and the other dozen or so others who seem to forget gun violence is perpetrated by terrorists (domestic and foreign), gangsters, men and women of all colors and ethnicity, children, dads, moms, criminals and law enforcement, etc.

So what do they all have in common? A GUN!

Yet those so obsessed with their right to have a gun, seek to blame factors other than the gun for the carnage created by a diverse demographic with that single thing - having a gun in their possession - in common.

People control is difficult, we can't profile and thus become a police state, we can stick our heads in the sand and ignore a serious social problem, or we can control the proliferation of guns by holding gun owners and those who seek to own or possess them to be responsible.

We already are now. CA has the toughest gun laws in the country, and you people are still blaming the guns and the ability to get them. At the same time, you complain about the governments ability to snoop in on electronic transmissions that might have led to the feds looking into guys like this one and others such as in Boston marathon bombing.

I didn't complain about profiling, I simply pointed out the PC police have made profiling - which has always existed - non grata. It still goes on covertly, and is something we should all be wary of, but as I've posted before, Freedom and Security are complex issues and should be part of public debate on policy..

Do you claim the absolute right of privacy, based on the Second Amendment, and consider licensing and registration to be violations of your right to own guns? Does that right not apply to every citizens under the principle of equality of rights and due process of the law?

Or are some citizens more equal than others. Which seems to be the in articulated belief of callous conservatives.
I used to be an NRA member. Over 30 years. It used to stand for my hunting rights. Now its a ggreedy business that has cast hunters aside and is in it for gun manufacturers who are claiming they are under some kind of attack which is hokey. Once they began to operate like a business that was it for me. The ones in charge of it probably were taking my dues and eating steaks with it.
No, they were fighting assholes left and right so you could still own your guns. But how did they cast hunters aside? I call bullshit on your entire post.
They seem to think that saying a person is crazy or deranged or need of mental help is the answer to all this violence.

If it really was a psychological problem then why aren't any republican politicians doing anything to get proper mental help to these people and why do they constantly cut funds to mental health programs?

Seems to me if they actually believed that it was a psychological problem then they would take steps to stop the carnage by funds for mental health.

Yet the republicans do the exact opposite.
Never heard anyone say mental help is the answer to all this. You are full of shit, like ALWAYS. You damaged your brain with pot and hammer the fact home with every post.

The recent killers in CA were motivated by their hateful religion, not insane. We've always had guns but society has deteriorated, thanks to liberal policies, ONE of them is making it difficult to lock up loonies, but that hits too close to home.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

They seem to think that saying a person is crazy or deranged or need of mental help is the answer to all this violence.

If it really was a psychological problem then why aren't any republican politicians doing anything to get proper mental help to these people and why do they constantly cut funds to mental health programs?

Seems to me if they actually believed that it was a psychological problem then they would take steps to stop the carnage by funds for mental health.

Yet the republicans do the exact opposite.

Fiscal conservatives are penny wise and pound foolish; it's past time for The Congress and other legislative bodies to become Fiscally Responsible, before all of our bridges begin to fall and our electric grid shorts out.
BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

Good advice.

And it's not the NRA general membership we're talking about. The NRA is no longer about "freedom" or safety or GUN sportsmanship -- it's about sales and profit.

New smart gun laws and restrictions would put a dent in retail sales.

5% of retail gun stores are responsible for 45% percent of guns on the street. The names of the stores and the owners are easily found on the internet. They conduct business in sickeningly immoral manner and get away with it under laws promoted and written by the NRA.

Imagine if the ATF could go after those Bad Apple dealers. Prices on street guns and ammo would skyrocket as the market dried up.

The NRA leadership serves the gun manufactures. Promotes sales through fear and keeping extended magazines legal.

BBC host Aaron Heslehurst advised Americans this week that they would have to “break” or “dismantle” the National Rifle Association (NRA) if they wanted the mass shootings in the United States to stop.

On Wednesday’s Morning Business Report, BBC presenter Adnan Nawaz pointed out that journalists still did not have all of the details about the shooting in San Bernardino.

“There have been more mass shootings in the United States this year that there have been days this year,” Nawaz noted. “We’re at about 330-odd days with 350+ mass shootings. And it’s becoming far too common as far as almost any sensible person including President Obama is concerned.”

Columnist Maike Currie agreed that the figures were “staggering.”

The small and paranoid minority of gun nutters is good at disrupting the conversation with all kinds of "slippery slope" and straw man logic. Slippery slope is a logical fallacy. Not an argument.

You got an argument as to why assault rifles shouldn't come with a pink slip -- make it. But slippery slop or screaming Nazi registration list doesn't cut it.

So let me see if I've got this straight...Islamic extremists slaughter Americans...and your response is that we should be forced to give up the guns that we have to protect ourselves?

You actually think that notion's going to fly...don't you, Hazel?

Here's a dose of reality for you on the Left! If you can't protect Americans against Islamic extremists because you're so consumed with political correctness...then Americans will increasingly seek to protect themselves.
My post is legit. They gave me this jargin about how gun manufacturers are under attack. That is not my concern. My concern is my rights as a hunter. The 2nd amendment takes care of the rest. Your post is falsified. Its all about money now...sadly
Then how do you explain the fact that we didn't have these mass shootings all the time until the 1980s.

Hmm... Could be the 60s... and a generational soak. Where an assload of fatally flawed 'ideas', failed... and the intellectually less fortunate spawned from a number of those ideas... failed.

I don't recall any mass shootings before the 80s ...

That's fascinating... considering, prior to the 1960s fewer people overtly participated in the abuse of illicit drugs and fewer people set their ideas in the fatally flawed notions of humanism, etc... .

Then how do you explain the fact that we didn't have these mass shootings all the time until the 1980s.

I don't recall any mass shootings before the 80s or at least not on the scale we have now.

Not everyone had guns then, we didn't have gun free zones and we also didn't have the mass shootings we have now.

So your claims are nothing but garbage. Arming more people will just get more people killed.

I am always amazed at how confused Liberals are, aren't you?

We have had mass shootings prior to the 1980s not only here in the US but all over the world.

For instance, I remember as a teenager in the 1960s when Charles Whitman sat on top of a building and shot college students at the University of Texas.

Here is a listing of them:

List of rampage killers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a longer list that includes the US going back over 100 years.

List of rampage killers (Americas) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not all of them are shootings but most of them are.

The thing to keep into perspective about the shootings this week in California is that California has the strictest state gun control laws in the country including the most strict assault weapons ban and that did absolutely nothing to deter the crime that was committed. Just like Chicago's strict gun laws doesn't stop the massive crimes there. Gun control only stops law abiding citizens from owing firearms and does nothing to stop criminals.

Despite it being proven over and over again that is a inconvenient truth that the Left refuses to understand.

Maybe they understand it but there agenda is not to stop crime but to disarm Americans so that there can be no opposition to the government.
People control is difficult, we can't profile and thus become a police state, we can stick our heads in the sand and ignore a serious social problem, or we can control the proliferation of guns by holding gun owners and those who seek to own or possess them to be responsible.

Well... "the sand" would be quite the change of venue from where the Left typically have their heads shoved.

For those wondering what that means, here's a graphic demonstration of the typical nature of their problem.


That said...

As a person; which is to say a singular element of that which is OKA: "people" ... which the Left feels must 'be controlled'... I would only offer an unapologetic "Fuck THAT!".

Americans aren't interested in controlling people... we provide people with the freedom to make their own choices, then hold them accountable for those choices.

The Progs, such as that cited above, they advocate for poor choices, then demand that any attempt to hold people accountable for those poor choices, is "DISCRIMINATION", "HATE", "RACISM", "BIGOTRY", "HOMOPHOBIA"... etc, etc... .

But in fairness to them... they have their heads up their asses. And that's not an environment suitable for any intellectual pursuit that is not common to idiocy.
I didn't complain about profiling, I simply pointed out the PC police have made profiling - which has always existed - non grata.

Oh good... glad you cleared that up. So only the PC Police reject actuarial processes of considering the traits most common to a category of criminal offenders.

It still goes on covertly, and is something we should all be wary of... .

Wow~ that didn't last long. So what position do you play in the PC Police? Ya sort of remind me of the "Moderate Muslim" who doesn't fly jumbo jets into the towers full of innocent people... but who celebrate in Jersey, when it happens.
Fiscal conservatives are penny wise and pound foolish; it's past time for The Congress and other legislative bodies to become Fiscally Responsible, before all of our bridges begin to fall and our electric grid shorts out.


Sweet Mother that's pitiful.

Anyone witnessed any conservative rejecting maintenance on infrastructure?








Anyone at all?

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