BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
By John Sides and Eric McGhee February 17, 2013

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
Goddammit can you read? I said get all the money out of politics and take back our government. I'm sure you rich folks would love to get any competition out of the way......that's why every time you win a majority in the congress you reconfigure all the voting precincts. DUUHH!

The rich who want to eliminate competition are democrats. Why do you think they tax people who earn money at higher rates? It's to keep them from getting wealthy and challenging their power.

See the wealthy already have their money. They preserve their power by stopping other people from earning money.
Those are the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard in my life...'course I'm just 81.
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