BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

I knew the Founding Fathers kicked the British out of here for some reason...............We thank you for your advice and now tell you to :anj_stfu:.
I knew the Founding Fathers kicked the British out of here for some reason...............We thank you for your advice and now tell you to :anj_stfu:.

The founding fathers owned slaves. Pick somebody else.
No thanks..............I'll stick with them...................Most of the world has evolved from that position..............but history must be taken in the CONTEXT OF HISTORY............during that time it was acceptable.....................Wrong but acceptable............and the English were a part of that tradition as well........all over the world...................

Slavery.........Practices in Asia and the Middle East today..........They buy and sell poor Asian women for sex slaves and maids even today................These places need to evolve and get out of that ancient history mindset.
Now we have a Brit reporter thinking they know what is best for America. Thanks for the opinion, now we can we can ignore it.

We fought two major wars over the issue of how much say the British should have regarding how we run our country. The British got their asses kicked very hard, both times.

And if it ever comes to that again, we now have the capability to kick the British's asses even harder; even, if necessary, to wipe their nation off the face of the Earth; though, at this point, by following the same advice that they presume to offer us, they may well be on course to wipe themselves out without any help from us.
So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

Oh here we go again; you libs with your Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity crap again.

Why is it you libs think that stunt is a Get Out Of Jail free card anyway? It's like you're all brainwashed or something. And if that doesn't work, bring up rich people and tax cuts.

Gheeze, no wonder the Democrat debates are so boring. Same ole crap over and over again.

Could be because being a dittohead identifies you as believing every right wing crazy idea that has been presented. It's very rare to find a right winger who disagrees with him on anything. He is a perfect barometer of what the right is stirred up about today. Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

No it's not. The last time Republicans had anything to do with taxes, they raised them.

Of course we agree with the broadcasters we listen to. That's why we listen to them. There are broadcasters I don't listen to such as Glenn Beck, Hannity and Prager. I don't enjoy their shows and I don't agree with everything they say.

On the other hand, I know and have met Republicans that don't like Limbaugh, Medved or Gallagher either.

If anything, it's Democrats that march in lockstep. You don't have the bickering in the Democrat party as we do in the Republican party. We are independent thinkers. We don't all agree with each other.

The bickering is only caused by the few sane people who claim to be republican see how crazy the right wing has become.

That's not crazy. Crazy is just following party lines with each and every issue no matter how you really feel about it.
The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America,

So you're saying the NRA even protects the rights of Democrats? Those bastards!!!
The founding fathers owned slaves. Pick somebody else.

Some did... and without exception... they kicked the British the fuck OUT and kept their ignorant ass slaves.

But that's because, even an ignorant ass slave was worth VASTLY more than a mouthy brit waste of skin.
The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America,

So you're saying the NRA even protects the rights of Democrats? Those bastards!!!

I'm saying you're an idiot, and the NRA is where you belong.
You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

We all have empathy for the precious little children that were murdered by a nutcase.

What we don't have any respect for are the Libtard dickheads that use the tragedy of children being murdered as an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. That is despicable.

What makes it even more despicable and deserving of the moniker of dickhead is the fact that these stupid Libtards that seemed so concerned for the children of Sandy Hook are impervious to the murder of almost a million children a year on demand for the sake of convenience.

I've never had an abortion, impregnated someone who did, and I had a vasectomy after our second child was born. And fyi lying asshole, it is not only "libtards" who have abortions, abortions are sought by republican women too, and paid for by conservative hypocrites too.

But it is only asshole conservatives like you who give lip service to the unborn, and deny the unborn Children's Health Insurance once the child is born. And, it's only asshole conservatives like you who will deny women contraceptives and thus create the need to murder children in the womb.

It's hard for me to fathom why stupid and immora peoplel like you continue to post bullshit and expect to get away with it..

It's my judgement that you are morally corrupt, dumb as a box of crushed rocks, and a Reublcan voter. What I don't know which is more evil.

How is anybody denying children's health services or female contraceptives? I'd like to know who and how they are stopping all this.

I suppose you need to stop watching Faux News and do some research, you may then learn how evil, hypocritical and devious are the members of the Republican Party, the Republcan Caucus in the H. of Rep.& the talking heads on the Fox News Channel.

Yeah, that's nice and I hope you feel all better now. But if you can't answer a question, save yourself some typing and just say you don't have an answer.

Well that's true... But the last one... was Islam attacking the US, IN THE US... in the worst mass-murder in the US since 9-11-01... BECAUSE of obama.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

We all have empathy for the precious little children that were murdered by a nutcase.

What we don't have any respect for are the Libtard dickheads that use the tragedy of children being murdered as an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. That is despicable.

What makes it even more despicable and deserving of the moniker of dickhead is the fact that these stupid Libtards that seemed so concerned for the children of Sandy Hook are impervious to the murder of almost a million children a year on demand for the sake of convenience.

I've never had an abortion, impregnated someone who did, and I had a vasectomy after our second child was born. And fyi lying asshole, it is not only "libtards" who have abortions, abortions are sought by republican women too, and paid for by conservative hypocrites too.

But it is only asshole conservatives like you who give lip service to the unborn, and deny the unborn Children's Health Insurance once the child is born. And, it's only asshole conservatives like you who will deny women contraceptives and thus create the need to murder children in the womb.

It's hard for me to fathom why stupid and immoral people like you continue to post bullshit and expect to get away with it..

It's my judgement that you are morally corrupt, dumb as a box of crushed rocks, and a Republican voter. What I don't know which is more evil.

You belong to a filthy ass party and voted for a shithead that supports abortion so don't try to weasel your way out of the fact that you condone the killing of a million American children each year. That infanticide that you support is as immoral as it gets.

I am a Life Member of the NRA that is the world's largest firearm safety organization. I am a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor that teaches firearm safety. I am a NRA Range Officer that enforces firearms safety. What the hell do you do to promote responsible and safe firearm policies?

Nothing because you do not understand the Bill of Rights and you really don't care about safety. All you care about is taking Liberties away from Americans and that is despicable.

I have never understood why you stupid uneducated low information Liberals are so hell bent on taking freedom away from Americans. I can only speculate that is because you hate the idea of there being something more powerful than your beloved government.

I don't understand why someone like you, pathologically angry,is permitted to own, possess or ever to have firearm in your custody or under your control.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.

This from a far left drone that thinks gathering up all guns will stop mass shootings with an open border..
You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

We all have empathy for the precious little children that were murdered by a nutcase.

What we don't have any respect for are the Libtard dickheads that use the tragedy of children being murdered as an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. That is despicable.

What makes it even more despicable and deserving of the moniker of dickhead is the fact that these stupid Libtards that seemed so concerned for the children of Sandy Hook are impervious to the murder of almost a million children a year on demand for the sake of convenience.

I've never had an abortion, impregnated someone who did, and I had a vasectomy after our second child was born. And fyi lying asshole, it is not only "libtards" who have abortions, abortions are sought by republican women too, and paid for by conservative hypocrites too.

But it is only asshole conservatives like you who give lip service to the unborn, and deny the unborn Children's Health Insurance once the child is born. And, it's only asshole conservatives like you who will deny women contraceptives and thus create the need to murder children in the womb.

It's hard for me to fathom why stupid and immoral people like you continue to post bullshit and expect to get away with it..

It's my judgement that you are morally corrupt, dumb as a box of crushed rocks, and a Republican voter. What I don't know which is more evil.

You belong to a filthy ass party and voted for a shithead that supports abortion so don't try to weasel your way out of the fact that you condone the killing of a million American children each year. That infanticide that you support is as immoral as it gets.

I am a Life Member of the NRA that is the world's largest firearm safety organization. I am a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor that teaches firearm safety. I am a NRA Range Officer that enforces firearms safety. What the hell do you do to promote responsible and safe firearm policies?

Nothing because you do not understand the Bill of Rights and you really don't care about safety. All you care about is taking Liberties away from Americans and that is despicable.

I have never understood why you stupid uneducated low information Liberals are so hell bent on taking freedom away from Americans. I can only speculate that is because you hate the idea of there being something more powerful than your beloved government.

I don't understand why someone like you, pathologically angry,is permitted to own, possess or ever to have firearm in your custody or under your control.


I don't understand why someone like you, pathologically angry,is permitted to own, possess or ever to have firearm in your custody or under your control.

Oh... that's because of people like you, deceitful and constantly threatening the means of others to exercise their God-given rights.

Hope that helps, 'though I know in my heart... that it won't.
At some point, someone of the objective variety will look into the voter registration of the Muslim who murdered and seriously injured all those Democrats... enjoying their "Holiday Party".

We can be sure that since it hasn't been reported, that it was a Democrat.

Which of course re-focuses the discussion, back upon THE PROBLEM!
I don't understand why someone like you, pathologically angry,is permitted to own, possess or ever to have firearm in your custody or under your control.

Oh... that's because of people like you, deceitful and constantly threatening the means of others to exercise their God-given rights.

Hope that helps, 'though I know in my heart... that it won't.

"deceitful"? "threatening"? Hardly, I offer only my opinions, based on reality / the world we live in. You seem to have a reality much different and conceived not by your five senses, but by emotions formed in the rabbit hole between your ears.
I don't understand why someone like you, pathologically angry,is permitted to own, possess or ever to have firearm in your custody or under your control.

Oh... that's because of people like you, deceitful and constantly threatening the means of others to exercise their God-given rights.

Hope that helps, 'though I know in my heart... that it won't.

"deceitful"? "threatening"? Hardly, I offer only my opinions, based on reality / the world we live in. You seem to have a reality much different and conceived not by your five senses, but by emotions formed in the rabbit hole between your ears.

Yes... which is what every Prog since the 50s has done and the inevitable consequence of that has been the stark decline in the US Culture. This due to the deceitful, nature of subjective, fatally flawed reasoning expressed by idiots, for the purpose of satisfying their own subjective needs, over and beyond the needs of society to remain viable, thus establishing the nature of the threat.

Now... would ya like to pursue this further?
the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.
Ladies and gentlemen. We are privileged to have in this very forum one of the world's leading scholars. Who else would have connected shootings with guns when it was right under our noses all along?

Who else?

M14, 2aguy, the Cleveland guy, Rabbi, you iceweasel, and the other dozen or so others who seem to forget gun violence is perpetrated by terrorists (domestic and foreign), gangsters, men and women of all colors and ethnicity, children, dads, moms, criminals and law enforcement, etc.

So what do they all have in common? A GUN!

Yet those so obsessed with their right to have a gun, seek to blame factors other than the gun for the carnage created by a diverse demographic with that single thing - having a gun in their possession - in common.

People control is difficult, we can't profile and thus become a police state, we can stick our heads in the sand and ignore a serious social problem, or we can control the proliferation of guns by holding gun owners and those who seek to own or possess them to be responsible.

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