BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

I am sure the BBC does not think that anyone would walk into their offices and blow them away.

Screw them.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

Oh here we go again; you libs with your Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity crap again.

Why is it you libs think that stunt is a Get Out Of Jail free card anyway? It's like you're all brainwashed or something. And if that doesn't work, bring up rich people and tax cuts.

Gheeze, no wonder the Democrat debates are so boring. Same ole crap over and over again.

Could be because being a dittohead identifies you as believing every right wing crazy idea that has been presented. It's very rare to find a right winger who disagrees with him on anything. He is a perfect barometer of what the right is stirred up about today. Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.
[Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat.

The main goal of the "Right" is to reduce taxes for everybody and to reduce the size of this bloated out of control debt ridden filthy ass corrupt government.
"Break the NRA"? Listen to the way these people talk. The NRA is an independent organization that receives no taxpayer support. The left defends PP receiving taxpayer funding while credible allegations indicate it is in the business of killing human beings and selling their body parts. What does the left mean by "break" anyway? Are they willing to throw out the Bill of Rights and use the government to crush opposing ideas and opinions? God help us if lefties ever gain total control. We know what it's all about. The left is desperate to deflect attention from the administration's incompetence and the very real jihad threat so they find some obscure idiot Brit reporter who blames the NRA.

The BIG LIE ("credible allegations indicate it is in the business of killing human beings and selling their body parts"). Chalk Whtehall up as another dishonest RWer. .
"Credible allegations"??? Since you believe that the NRA is the second coming of the KKK and all conseratives are really Hitler Youth or SS anyting that supports that view is credible to you.
On Planet Earth it isnt so.

Godwind's Law

See #1 here: Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe
[Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat.

The main goal of the "Right" is to reduce taxes for everybody and to reduce the size of this bloated out of control debt ridden filthy ass corrupt government.

Bullshit. What does abortion or gay marriage have to do with lower taxes or smaller government?
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.
Yes they were dickheads. They were perfectly willing to use dead kids to promote their political agenda on gun reform.
Using dead kids is what Hamas does. Using dead kids makes people dickheads.
"Break the NRA"? Listen to the way these people talk. The NRA is an independent organization that receives no taxpayer support. The left defends PP receiving taxpayer funding while credible allegations indicate it is in the business of killing human beings and selling their body parts. What does the left mean by "break" anyway? Are they willing to throw out the Bill of Rights and use the government to crush opposing ideas and opinions? God help us if lefties ever gain total control. We know what it's all about. The left is desperate to deflect attention from the administration's incompetence and the very real jihad threat so they find some obscure idiot Brit reporter who blames the NRA.

The BIG LIE ("credible allegations indicate it is in the business of killing human beings and selling their body parts"). Chalk Whtehall up as another dishonest RWer. .
"Credible allegations"??? Since you believe that the NRA is the second coming of the KKK and all conseratives are really Hitler Youth or SS anyting that supports that view is credible to you.
On Planet Earth it isnt so.

Godwind's Law

See #1 here: Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe

Damn Rabbi, you are as nuts as Flash. Godwin's Law is defined in my link and spelled out in your post,
if you think (of course not) if you believe "/fari" is a rebuttal you're more challenged by reality than even I thought.
"Break the NRA"? Listen to the way these people talk. The NRA is an independent organization that receives no taxpayer support. The left defends PP receiving taxpayer funding while credible allegations indicate it is in the business of killing human beings and selling their body parts. What does the left mean by "break" anyway? Are they willing to throw out the Bill of Rights and use the government to crush opposing ideas and opinions? God help us if lefties ever gain total control. We know what it's all about. The left is desperate to deflect attention from the administration's incompetence and the very real jihad threat so they find some obscure idiot Brit reporter who blames the NRA.

The BIG LIE ("credible allegations indicate it is in the business of killing human beings and selling their body parts"). Chalk Whtehall up as another dishonest RWer. .
"Credible allegations"??? Since you believe that the NRA is the second coming of the KKK and all conseratives are really Hitler Youth or SS anyting that supports that view is credible to you.
On Planet Earth it isnt so.

Godwind's Law

See #1 here: Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe

Damn Rabbi, you are as nuts as Flash. Godwin's Law is defined in my link and spelled out in your post,
if you think (of course not) if you believe "/fari" is a rebuttal you're more challenged by reality than even I thought.
You're an illiterate retard. That much is clear.
Godwin's law involves accusing your opponent of being a Nazi. I didnt accuse you of being a Nazi. I said you believed every conservative is secretly a Nazi.
You are one dumb piece of shit. Did your gay boys slam you in the head too much?
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

We all have empathy for the precious little children that were murdered by a nutcase.

What we don't have any respect for are the Libtard dickheads that use the tragedy of children being murdered as an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. That is despicable.

What makes it even more despicable and deserving of the moniker of dickhead is the fact that these stupid Libtards that seemed so concerned for the children of Sandy Hook are impervious to the murder of almost a million children a year on demand for the sake of convenience.
[Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat.

The main goal of the "Right" is to reduce taxes for everybody and to reduce the size of this bloated out of control debt ridden filthy ass corrupt government.

Here's what your goddam tax cuts have gotten us. When adjusted for inflation the lower half of earners in America are still working for 1979 wages.


..........................Total U S Debt...........................

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)
09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)
09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)
09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)
09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32(Clinton raised taxes while he still had a Democrat congress)
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00
09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)
09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.
Yes they were dickheads. They were perfectly willing to use dead kids to promote their political agenda on gun reform.
Using dead kids is what Hamas does. Using dead kids makes people dickheads.

Look closely at my right hand......that's a dickhead...a real dickhead.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.
Yes they were dickheads. They were perfectly willing to use dead kids to promote their political agenda on gun reform.
Using dead kids is what Hamas does. Using dead kids makes people dickheads.

Look closely at my right hand......that's a dickhead...a real dickhead.
Why look there? The joke's between your legs.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.
Yes they were dickheads. They were perfectly willing to use dead kids to promote their political agenda on gun reform.
Using dead kids is what Hamas does. Using dead kids makes people dickheads.

Look closely at my right hand......that's a dickhead...a real dickhead.
[Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat.

The main goal of the "Right" is to reduce taxes for everybody and to reduce the size of this bloated out of control debt ridden filthy ass corrupt government.

Here's what your goddam tax cuts have gotten us. When adjusted for inflation the lower half of earners in America are still working for 1979 wages.

So, what's your point?
[Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat.

The main goal of the "Right" is to reduce taxes for everybody and to reduce the size of this bloated out of control debt ridden filthy ass corrupt government.

Bullshit. What does abortion or gay marriage have to do with lower taxes or smaller government?

You need to read a little slower.

A "main goal" does not mean the "only" goal.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

The membership and expenditures of the NRA, in addition to record firearms sales, went up after Sandy Hook was because of a reasonable response to the massive anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit you dickhead Liberals were spewing after the event.

Obama with his anti Constitutional hate stupidity resulted in a significant increase in NRA membership and firearm sales. The dumb fuck!


Dickheads? Is that what you call human beings who have empathy for the parents loss, and express horror when 20 toddlers are slaughtered in their classroom? Your need to use vulgar and sexually explicit personal attacks in such a manner speaks volumes about your mental health and your character.

Liberals are not the only set to see the common denominator of all the mass murders and shootings, it is the gun; not the mental health of the shooter nor their political or religious leanings.

Seek a good therapist, I'd hate to one day read that one of the nuts who posts here one day goes postal - so many nuts, so many guns and so much hate and fear never has a good outcome.

Yeah, right. This latest tragedy had nothing to do with mental instability or religion? It was the guns fault, right?
As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

Oh here we go again; you libs with your Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity crap again.

Why is it you libs think that stunt is a Get Out Of Jail free card anyway? It's like you're all brainwashed or something. And if that doesn't work, bring up rich people and tax cuts.

Gheeze, no wonder the Democrat debates are so boring. Same ole crap over and over again.

Could be because being a dittohead identifies you as believing every right wing crazy idea that has been presented. It's very rare to find a right winger who disagrees with him on anything. He is a perfect barometer of what the right is stirred up about today. Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

No it's not. The last time Republicans had anything to do with taxes, they raised them.

Of course we agree with the broadcasters we listen to. That's why we listen to them. There are broadcasters I don't listen to such as Glenn Beck, Hannity and Prager. I don't enjoy their shows and I don't agree with everything they say.

On the other hand, I know and have met Republicans that don't like Limbaugh, Medved or Gallagher either.

If anything, it's Democrats that march in lockstep. You don't have the bickering in the Democrat party as we do in the Republican party. We are independent thinkers. We don't all agree with each other.
[Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat.

The main goal of the "Right" is to reduce taxes for everybody and to reduce the size of this bloated out of control debt ridden filthy ass corrupt government.

Bullshit. What does abortion or gay marriage have to do with lower taxes or smaller government?
How does that make it bigger? Who said it was all the right cared about. Learn to use your brain, it will probably feel a little weird at first but will get easier with practice.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

Oh here we go again; you libs with your Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity crap again.

Why is it you libs think that stunt is a Get Out Of Jail free card anyway? It's like you're all brainwashed or something. And if that doesn't work, bring up rich people and tax cuts.

Gheeze, no wonder the Democrat debates are so boring. Same ole crap over and over again.

Could be because being a dittohead identifies you as believing every right wing crazy idea that has been presented. It's very rare to find a right winger who disagrees with him on anything. He is a perfect barometer of what the right is stirred up about today. Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

No it's not. The last time Republicans had anything to do with taxes, they raised them.
Are You Nuts? Are You For Real?? I've never heard of a Republican who wanted to raise taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Course I'm just 81 years old.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

Oh here we go again; you libs with your Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity crap again.

Why is it you libs think that stunt is a Get Out Of Jail free card anyway? It's like you're all brainwashed or something. And if that doesn't work, bring up rich people and tax cuts.

Gheeze, no wonder the Democrat debates are so boring. Same ole crap over and over again.

Could be because being a dittohead identifies you as believing every right wing crazy idea that has been presented. It's very rare to find a right winger who disagrees with him on anything. He is a perfect barometer of what the right is stirred up about today. Protecting rich people with tax cuts is the main goal of the right.

No it's not. The last time Republicans had anything to do with taxes, they raised them.
Are You Nuts? Are You For Real?? I've never heard of a Republican who wanted to raise taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Course I'm just 81 years old.


Yes, Republicans raised taxes. They increased taxes on those making over 450K per year, and they increased capital gains and corporate taxes as well. That was the last tax measure that the Republican Congress addressed. Need a link, just ask.

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