BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX
I see you are menstruating more than usual right now. Money will not leave politics, you won't get our guns (but I hope the Dims are stupid enough to make it a campaign issue), you won't over turn the electoral college and the lefty big cities often call the shots for the rest of the state.

Move to Cuba you dumb whiny fuck.
LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!
LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!

Until NYC gives me my gun rights back, No new laws, no new restrictions, no new anything.

And at Sandy hook the guy could have used your .38 special and done the same thing because no one in the building was armed, and the police took 10 minutes to get there.
LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!
How do you limit the number of weapons?
In any case, I could take my 12ga pump and a sack of shells, mixed #4buck and slug, and wreak incredible havoc at any school or other building. The 12ga is a poor man's machine gun, putting as much lead in the air as an M16. And no one is going to ban it. And all I need is one.
LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!
...while we jerk off. You left that out. You don't think you could turn a party into hamburger meat with a semi-auto shotgun? But it isn't up to you or the government to decide which guns to have or how many. The military uses shotguns too, btw.
LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!
...while we jerk off. You left that out. You don't think you could turn a party into hamburger meat with a semi-auto shotgun? But it isn't up to you or the government to decide which guns to have or how many. The military uses shotguns too, btw.

The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

The proof is that there are currently ways to legally purchase guns in the US without going through a background check and the NRA does not want the law to change that.

Seems to me you have more of an issue with the legislators why don't you whine about them

You think the NRA has far more power than it actually does

The NRA is a pawn of the gun manufacturers....if you can't see that I can't help you.

No ordinary citizen in the United States has any goddam business with a military style assault weapon and thousands of rounds of ammunition.....PERIOD!!
[. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed.

If anybody is dammed by God it is the goddamn Democrats that support the slaughter of almost a million American children each year on demand, for the sake of convenience.

Don't tell me that goddamn Democrats give a shit about children, because they don't. They kill them in abortion clinics and if the child survives they put them in poverty so they can have a welfare dependency power base.

I know you goddamn Democrats are confused about things like this but the NRA advocates firearm safety and the legal use of firearms, not the illegal use like at Sandy Hook.

The only reason you stupid uneducated low information Libtards hate the NRA is that generally they give more money to Conservative political candidates and therefore is not a cash cow for the filthy ass goddamn Democrat Party.
Progressive Founding Fathers all agree: Guns are bad, unless the government has them.

LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!
...while we jerk off. You left that out. You don't think you could turn a party into hamburger meat with a semi-auto shotgun? But it isn't up to you or the government to decide which guns to have or how many. The military uses shotguns too, btw.

The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

The proof is that there are currently ways to legally purchase guns in the US without going through a background check and the NRA does not want the law to change that.

Seems to me you have more of an issue with the legislators why don't you whine about them

You think the NRA has far more power than it actually does

The NRA is a pawn of the gun manufacturers....if you can't see that I can't help you.

No ordinary citizen in the United States has any goddam business with a military style assault weapon and thousands of rounds of ammunition.....PERIOD!!

You obviously never owned a firearm before. I know several people with thousands of rounds of ammunition including myself. Any gun will not shoot any bullet. Bullets are different sizes and so are guns. They have to match up.

500 rounds is only ten boxes of bullets. You can go through ten boxes in just a few hours depending on the gun. If you have four different calibers of weapons, and you only have 500 rounds per weapon, that's 2,000 rounds right there. Like anything else you buy in life, you pay less by purchasing quantity.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

Oh here we go again; you libs with your Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity crap again.

Why is it you libs think that stunt is a Get Out Of Jail free card anyway? It's like you're all brainwashed or something. And if that doesn't work, bring up rich people and tax cuts.

Gheeze, no wonder the Democrat debates are so boring. Same ole crap over and over again.
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.
LOL. The tard is strong with this one. Tell Mr. BBC Talkingcunt to come get our guns and we can reenact the good ole days.

Who the hell said anything about getting all the guns? I have a 12 gauge Remington semi automatic shotgun loaded with magnum shells, a .30 .30 Marlin saddle gun and a .38 Chief's Special which I carry when I travel. Put a limit on the number of weapons and outlaw military style weapons......that would cut the fatalities in half. Not that you goddam Republicans give a damn about who gets killed. I wish every son-of-a-bitch who continues to support "No Holds Barred" on buying weapons would dream every night about the five to seven years olds who were murdered at Sandy Hook........IN COLOR!!
...while we jerk off. You left that out. You don't think you could turn a party into hamburger meat with a semi-auto shotgun? But it isn't up to you or the government to decide which guns to have or how many. The military uses shotguns too, btw.

The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

The proof is that there are currently ways to legally purchase guns in the US without going through a background check and the NRA does not want the law to change that.

Seems to me you have more of an issue with the legislators why don't you whine about them

You think the NRA has far more power than it actually does

The NRA is a pawn of the gun manufacturers....if you can't see that I can't help you.

No ordinary citizen in the United States has any goddam business with a military style assault weapon and thousands of rounds of ammunition.....PERIOD!!
Can you show any evidence that "the NRA is the pawn of the gun manufacturers"? Keep in mind most gun manufacturers are small companies.
WTF is wrong with a "military style assault weapon" or "thousands of rounds of ammo."?
You wouldnt know the difference between them if you had to.
Which one of these is a miltary style assault weapon?

The NRA promotes gun safety and wildlife conservation and about six U.S. presidents were members so why do alleged American lefties listen to a Brit reporter's criticism? Next thing you know the same lefties will be telling us how evil the Boy Scouts of America is. (oh, they already did that?)
The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.
Of course they spent more. They faced an unprecedented attempt at imposing legilsation that would have been disasterous. That's what lobbying organizations do, they lobby. To lobby you have to spend money.
The mass shooting pipe-bomb attack targeted Inland Regional Center "gun-free zone" in heavily gun restricted California. Apparently they could not get their pipe bombs to work. Guns are more reliable.
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The NRA's expenditures went up after the Sandy Hook School carnage. One and only one reason why the NRA should be known as an organization which tacitly supports terror in America.

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Spending 3.3 million dollars the year after Sandy Hook to lobby the Congress for "gun rights' it is apparent that those who support the NRA are complicit and culpable for supporting an organization which prevents sane and sensible gun control efforts.
It's a reaction to the lefttard gun grabbers. Too complicated for you?
The mass shooting pipe-bomb attack targeted Inland Regional Center "gun-free zone" in heavily gun restricted California. Apparently they could not get their pipe bombs to work. Guns are more reliable.
But nothing is more reliable than gun grabbers after a mass murder.

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