BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

It was for very good reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

If there is any point to the OP, it is to remind us of this, and to show us that some of these reasons remain valid to this day.
New day, same old crap the bat shit crazy liberals invent yet another boogieman. Oh noes its...its...its the NRA run for your lives /sarcasm
Why should a law abiding citizen ever give up their right to protect their own life or the lives of those around them? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. When you liberals find the right combination of laws to control all criminals, I will leave my weapon at home. Until then, shut the hell up you pathetic piece of liberal dogshit. My right to my gun beats your bullshit rhetoric that endangers people's lives and only empowers the criminals. You don't want to protect yourself, that is your choice. Let's not pretend that disarming a law abiding person will make you any safer from a criminal. It just makes your fellow citizen an easier target.

Liberals are on the side of criminals.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

The NRA is the one who's radicalized. Gun manufacturers own their ass and most politicians take campaign contributions from them. This carnage has to stop. The shooters fired 75 rounds, killed 14 and wounded 17. What the hell does any civilian need with a weapon which will fire that many rounds that quick?

I wonder how Muslim wives feel about their husband owning six dozen virgins for all of eternity?

Well you could move to France where they have lots of gun control laws...oh wait France has had more mass shooting deaths just in 2015 than the USA has had during Obama's entire presidency.

Why yes I am mocking your stupidity.
New day, same old crap the bat shit crazy liberals invent yet another boogieman. Oh noes its...its...its the NRA run for your lives /sarcasm

about 20 percent of the dem/leftist party figured gun control is the thing to run on


their timing to spout such is so incredibly off

in case they didnt realize it

since this latest terrorist attack

gun sales has been through the roof
The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

The proof is that there are currently ways to legally purchase guns in the US without going through a background check and the NRA does not want the law to change that.

Only if you're eligible to buy a gun in the first place, but you already know that.
BBC reporter’s sobering advice to America: ‘Break’ the NRA or your mass shootings will never stop

Good advice.

And it's not the NRA general membership we're talking about. The NRA is no longer about "freedom" or safety or GUN sportsmanship -- it's about sales and profit.

New smart gun laws and restrictions would put a dent in retail sales.

5% of retail gun stores are responsible for 45% percent of guns on the street. The names of the stores and the owners are easily found on the internet. They conduct business in sickeningly immoral manner and get away with it under laws promoted and written by the NRA.

Imagine if the ATF could go after those Bad Apple dealers. Prices on street guns and ammo would skyrocket as the market dried up.

The NRA leadership serves the gun manufactures. Promotes sales through fear and keeping extended magazines legal.

BBC host Aaron Heslehurst advised Americans this week that they would have to “break” or “dismantle” the National Rifle Association (NRA) if they wanted the mass shootings in the United States to stop.

On Wednesday’s Morning Business Report, BBC presenter Adnan Nawaz pointed out that journalists still did not have all of the details about the shooting in San Bernardino.

“There have been more mass shootings in the United States this year that there have been days this year,” Nawaz noted. “We’re at about 330-odd days with 350+ mass shootings. And it’s becoming far too common as far as almost any sensible person including President Obama is concerned.”

Columnist Maike Currie agreed that the figures were “staggering.”

The small and paranoid minority of gun nutters is good at disrupting the conversation with all kinds of "slippery slope" and straw man logic. Slippery slope is a logical fallacy. Not an argument.

You got an argument as to why assault rifles shouldn't come with a pink slip -- make it. But slippery slop or screaming Nazi registration list doesn't cut it.

Assault rifles already require a special ATF licenses. NEXT!
Uh, I guess you've missed the news that this was a Muslim terrorist attack?

I know: Your liberal brainwashing kicked in as soon as you saw reports of a mass shooting, and out churned another driveling OP about guns.

These were Muslim terrorists. Arab men were seen leaving their apartment. They clearly planned this attack. Both the hub and the wife became radicalized. The wife used to live in Saudi Arabia. The hub visited Saudi recently.

Just FYI.

Come on now. Your talking about Hazass.

He'd much rather complain about guns than admit terrorists killed fourteen people. Guns and mass shootings carried out by anyone but a Muslim terrorist are far more interesting to a fool like him.

Cut him a break for Christ Sakes. Its Christmas. It will be your gift to the asshole he truly is.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.
The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

The proof is that there are currently ways to legally purchase guns in the US without going through a background check and the NRA does not want the law to change that.

Seems to me you have more of an issue with the legislators why don't you whine about them

You think the NRA has far more power than it actually does
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
By John Sides and Eric McGhee February 17, 2013

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

You forgot the part where the convicted felon has to go before the BATF and request his gun rights back, and it would have to be a non-violent felony.

House votes to let nonviolent ex-felons restore gun rights

Also, the purpose of the legislation was to correct an end run done by Schumer, Mr. Disarmament himself.

Buck's move would settle an ongoing fight in Congress between gun advocates and gun-control fans. For years, ex-felons have been allowed to ask the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to restore their gun ownership rights. But a 23-year-old provision authored by Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer has blocked appropriations for the agency to investigate the applications, thus killing the process.
Why should a law abiding citizen ever give up their right to protect their own life or the lives of those around them? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. When you liberals find the right combination of laws to control all criminals, I will leave my weapon at home. Until then, shut the hell up you pathetic piece of liberal dogshit. My right to my gun beats your bullshit rhetoric that endangers people's lives and only empowers the criminals. You don't want to protect yourself, that is your choice. Let's not pretend that disarming a law abiding person will make you any safer from a criminal. It just makes your fellow citizen an easier target.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don't you understand? That's the whole point.

Liberal politicians don't hate guns, they hate that people have the ability to protect themselves with guns.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
By John Sides and Eric McGhee February 17, 2013

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
Goddammit can you read? I said get all the money out of politics and take back our government. I'm sure you rich folks would love to get any competition out of the way......that's why every time you win a majority in the congress you reconfigure all the voting precincts. DUUHH!
The NRA's current position is as follows:

If you are convicted felon in America, if you are certifiably mentally incompetent, even if you have a history of gun violence,

you should STILL be able to legally purchase guns somewhere in America, and,

your ability to do so should never be taken away from you.

Do you understand the difference between violent and non violent felonies?

Why should being convicted of a non violent felony result in taking away your Constitutional right to keep and bear arms?

Most of you Libtards promote the idea of having convicted felons have their right restored, especially when it comes to voting so don't be hypocritical. It just makes you look like a fool.

The NRA doesn't. The NRA wants to preserve gun purchase loopholes that allow violent felons and crazy people to legally purchase guns.

Such as what?
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
By John Sides and Eric McGhee February 17, 2013

Redistricting didn’t win Republicans the House
Goddammit can you read? I said get all the money out of politics and take back our government. I'm sure you rich folks would love to get any competition out of the way......that's why every time you win a majority in the congress you reconfigure all the voting precincts. DUUHH!

Obviously you didn't read the article, DUHH.

And HTF can you get money out of government? I thought we took care of that with the McCain--Feingold bill??????

You'll never get money out of the hands of politicians. There are too many ways to pass favors or money down the road.
Stupid thread, most gun owners don't even belong to the NRA. The NRA is the left's boogeyman, something to blame every shooting there is on and it's getting old.

As long as they own republicans in congress and prevent reasonable restrictions, they deserve the blame.
It saddens me to say but they own some of the Democrats too. This deal of outside interests funding campaigns should be the first step in the common man taking back the government. Elections should be decided by majority vote and no other money should be allowed into the considerations. All gerrymandering should also be taken out of the picture. Anytime it become obvious that either party is looking closely at districts and precincts attempting to fix the game that should be the end of it. We must take back our government.

So you're okay that we get rid of union money as well? How about trail lawyer money? How about environmentalist money?

Hey Numbnuts!!! I said all the money. That's the main problem with all you folks who only care about supporting the rich and tax don't care much about reading. You get your news from FAUX

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