Be a good little Nazi and turn your neighbor in

It's a PANDEMIC that has killed a quarter millon people.

If you engage in behavior that endangers society you should be held accountable
Are you going to snitch on your neighbors?
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Meh, pols everywhere are making asinine and asinine statements like this.

Exactly what are they going to do about it though - not a damn thing. Same statements were made over Halloween. I doubt you can find a single case across the nation where someone was jailed or otherwise subjected to state force for gathering. It certainly was not pervasive and people everywhere had Halloween parties or gatherings. Trick or treaters were out in force in my neighborhood and while other areas may have seen more drastic changes than here that is as it should be as individuals respond to the differing levels of risk in their local areas.

Politicians can continue to blow hot air - that is all they are good for anyway.
Like with children---and other mentally ill----when they start talking about harming others, its a warning sign that they are planning on harming others. The governors comments will only be muted if law enforcement tells her to go pound sand------but she will attempt to harm others for disobeying her.
Meh, pols everywhere are making asinine and asinine statements like this.

Exactly what are they going to do about it though - not a damn thing. Same statements were made over Halloween. I doubt you can find a single case across the nation where someone was jailed or otherwise subjected to state force for gathering. It certainly was not pervasive and people everywhere had Halloween parties or gatherings. Trick or treaters were out in force in my neighborhood and while other areas may have seen more drastic changes than here that is as it should be as individuals respond to the differing levels of risk in their local areas.

Politicians can continue to blow hot air - that is all they are good for anyway.
Like with children---and other mentally ill----when they start talking about harming others, its a warning sign that they are planning on harming others. The governors comments will only be muted if law enforcement tells her to go pound sand------but she will attempt to harm others for disobeying her.
She can plan away - she has not the power to do anything about it.

Most Americans simply don't give a rats ass what their governor 'orders' them to do on their own property nor does the government have the power to do anything about it. There simply is not enough people willing to comply with that kind of bullshit, at least not anywhere where I live or would be willing to live.
And so it begins. Be little snitches and throw your neighbor under the bus. It's all part of the Biden* plan to bring us cattle cars

Be sure to let us know when beijing biden sez this type of bx(behavior) is unacceptable

Why not the govt. wants you to snitch on drug dealers, drug users, thieves and murderers.
I drink Roundup.
Be sure to report that the the ninth circuit in San Francisco
And so it begins. Be little snitches and throw your neighbor under the bus. It's all part of the Biden* plan to bring us cattle cars

Be sure to let us know when beijing biden sez this type of bx(behavior) is unacceptable

Why not the govt. wants you to snitch on drug dealers, drug users, thieves and murderers.
I drink Roundup.
Be sure to report that the the ninth circuit in San Francisco

You should be used to fascism you have been living with it since Reagan..
And so it begins. Be little snitches and throw your neighbor under the bus. It's all part of the Biden* plan to bring us cattle cars

Be sure to let us know when beijing biden sez this type of bx(behavior) is unacceptable

Why not the govt. wants you to snitch on drug dealers, drug users, thieves and murderers.
I drink Roundup.
Be sure to report that the the ninth circuit in San Francisco

You should be used to fascism you have been living with it since Reagan..
Clearly there is a misconception of what fascism actually means....
And so it begins. Be little snitches and throw your neighbor under the bus. It's all part of the Biden* plan to bring us cattle cars

Be sure to let us know when beijing biden sez this type of bx(behavior) is unacceptable

Why not the govt. wants you to snitch on drug dealers, drug users, thieves and murderers.
I drink Roundup.
Be sure to report that the the ninth circuit in San Francisco

You should be used to fascism you have been living with it since Reagan..
Clearly there is a misconception of what fascism actually means....
Not like you can't have variations
this is normal operating procedure in Communist countries.

Ask anyone from Cuba.

Expect the Left to go nuts using this to turn Americans against Americans in the coming years if we have to deal with Harris / Biden
are they going to appoint block wardens? Only Democrats need apply.
STop calling this marxism people

What the fuck are you talking about?

How do you think we fight the drug war?

It's authoritarian

Americans love to call the cops on each other.
And so it begins. Be little snitches and throw your neighbor under the bus. It's all part of the Biden* plan to bring us cattle cars

Be sure to let us know when beijing biden sez this type of bx(behavior) is unacceptable

Why not the govt. wants you to snitch on drug dealers, drug users, thieves and murderers.
I drink Roundup.
Be sure to report that the the ninth circuit in San Francisco

You should be used to fascism you have been living with it since Reagan..
Clearly there is a misconception of what fascism actually means....
Not like you can't have variations
And none of those variations are in the ballpark of the USA within the last 50 years. Not even close.
STop calling this marxism people

What the fuck are you talking about?

How do you think we fight the drug war?

It's authoritarian

Americans love to call the cops on each other.
The drug war is also Marxism. Marxism is authoritarianism/totalitarianism.
Do drugs, riot and snitch on your neighbors. Oregon has sure progressed hasn't it?
STop calling this marxism people

What the fuck are you talking about?

How do you think we fight the drug war?

It's authoritarian

Americans love to call the cops on each other.
The drug war is also Marxism. Marxism is authoritarianism/totalitarianism.

We fight the drug war specifically because drugs are seen as bad for capitalism

Nothing inherently commie or capitalist about drug policy.

Commies may want state supplied drugs instead of private black markets, but beyond that. Not relevant
STop calling this marxism people

What the fuck are you talking about?

How do you think we fight the drug war?

It's authoritarian

Americans love to call the cops on each other.
The drug war is also Marxism. Marxism is authoritarianism/totalitarianism.

We fight the drug war specifically because drugs are seen as bad for capitalism

Nothing inherently commie or capitalist about drug policy.

Commies may want state supplied drugs instead of private black markets, but beyond that. Not relevant
We fight the drug war because this country is overpopulated with hypocites who are wound too tight.

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