Be a Part of the Solution

actually in all seriousness the topic you were talking about with oddball a couple of days ago on language might be something that could be implemented in preschoolers to figure out how different kids learn better .. and maybe they could have a few subgroups of different approaches that would cover most kids ..
actually in all seriousness the topic you were talking about with oddball a couple of days ago on language might be something that could be implemented in preschoolers to figure out how different kids learn better .. and maybe they could have a few subgroups of different approaches that would cover most kids ..
Teachers already adjust practices to meet the needs of different types of learners.
Teachers already adjust practices to meet the needs of different types of learners.
so why do some kids find it easier to learn than others .. does it have anything to do with the family unit ? its a known fact that on average kids with a traditional family unit learn better .
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so why do some kids find it easier to learn than others .. does it have anything to do with the family unit ? ....
That's a very big influence. There are many others, but it is also important to remember that each individual is unique.

That's a very big influence. There are many others, but it is also important to remember that each individual is unique.
yeah its a shame that many kids dont have the same advantages as others with both parents in the home .. but we cant lower standards in order for them to keep up because the world wont wait .. somehow we need to find a way to help disadvantaged kids to catch up and at the same time promote the importance of the nuclear family ..
Ideas that will help build confidence and self-esteem for your students:
  • Have your ESL students make a list of 3 things they don't like about themselves and have them give a few sentences as to why and what they can do about it. (Don't let them know they'll be reading it to the class the next day.) The next day, have them read out loud to the class what they wrote down. Between the readings, have the class respond to what their school mate said. Reason being, the way they see themselves is vastly different from the way others see them.
  • Tell your students that they'll have a "secret" assignment where they'll be writing about something they admire about another classmate, but that they must keep the person they are writing about a secret. Put all the students' names in a box, give each student a name, and have them write about what they admire about that person. Nothing negative, has to be positive.
So...ritualized forced public humiliation?, not in a trillion trillion centuries.
We did that in Civics class in 8th grade.
I wasn't even offered civics classes in middle or high school, at any point.
Come on…don’t be a coward and use semantics to avoid dissent.
That's what he ALWAYS does. He deflects, distracts, dodges, quotes himself, makes inane no-content one line posts, and never actually answers a question.
Yes. Until you qualify in Math, reading and writing (cursive & print) legibly.

You don't let dogs stay inside un-watched until housebroken do you? Basic fundamentals first.
Cursive? That's totally irrelevant and has been for decades now.
corporal punishment for kids that act out and distract others trying to learn !
Stop fantasizing about hurting children.
I have more than a few students who could palm your head and pick you straight up off the ground that way.
That's when you draw and cock. A 9mm JHP to the chest is VERY persuasive.
martial arts are nice for quick strikes to the unexpected ... but what happens we you hit someone and said person shakes their head and is only enraged by said strike ? believe it or not most people cant take a punch very well ...however their are those [ though not very many]that can shake off a blow that would level the average person ..
They don't shake it off when there is something serious behind the blow...say, brass knuckles, or 8" of razor-sharp steel, or a ball peen hammer.
Stop fantasizing about hurting children.

That's when you draw and cock. A 9mm JHP to the chest is VERY persuasive.

They don't shake it off when there is something serious behind the blow...say, brass knuckles, or 8" of razor-sharp steel, or a ball peen hammer.
lol ! a dungeon and masters tough guy ! lol !

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