Be honest, conservatives...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
...who among you really believed the polls were all skewed??

You know which ones of you said so, now help us out here,

did you really believe what you were saying, or were you just adding your own voices to the rightwing propaganda machine's bullshit,

while you knew it was bullshit.

In other words, were you lying, or are you genuinely that stupid??
Let me see if I get your position. The fact that Obama won reelection by 2% proves that the polls that said he was up by 8% were accurate.

Do you understand math at all?
Let me see if I get your position. The fact that Obama won reelection by 2% proves that the polls that said he was up by 8% were accurate.

Do you understand math at all?

clearly, you don't get his position.

"Be honest, conservatives... "

Like a liberal ever gave the concept a second thought?
...who among you really believed the polls were all skewed??

You know which ones of you said so, now help us out here,

did you really believe what you were saying, or were you just adding your own voices to the rightwing propaganda machine's bullshit,

while you knew it was bullshit.

In other words, were you lying, or are you genuinely that stupid??

I thought it would be closer. I was surprised to hear how many conservatives did not support Romney as most people who supported him were counting on, including me.

I did sense Obama had the edge because the educational level of people he was swaying to vote in mass numbers and to volunteer to get the vote out was more easily swayed to vote for him, but those same tactics won't work for Romney/conservative voters. As the number of voters who stayed home, and conservatives who voted for McCain but not Romney, it would take a lot more to get those voters excited about the more complex steps it actually WILL take to turn the economy around. That can't be spelled out in campaign promos while the liberal symbolic message of change without explaining how can be pushed very simply.

Overall, if the Republican/conservative message is for individual citizens and businesses to do the work ourselves to rebuild the country and economy, then relying on an election is not consistent with that message anyway. The work still needs to be done outside the system.

So if Obama won, as when Bill Clinton won who didn't represent half the country either, I took it as a sign that we are supposed to do the work ourselves to fix this, not rely on govt.
If we were meant to use govt to check itself, then Romney would have won. But if not, then we need to check it on principle, not relying on elected govt officials to change bad policy.

People who sell the message to DEPEND on Govt, Obama or the Democrat party to push for the middle class and defend interests from "rich corporations as the bad guy" are going to get more people out. I have been trying to work within the Democrat party and membership to shift toward fulfilling the goals by doing the work directly through community
empowerment, but that doesn't get people elected. The people who run the party and draw the people to get them elected know how to play this game so they keep doing it.

This is the first I heard of Republicans getting divided over whether to play the same games and pander to the public to get more moderate voters out, or if that is seen as not working, and they should just stick to their traditional conservative base and not compromise that.

I truly believe they should stick to Constitutional principles and independence, and try to check govt from that stance; and if they get elected to do it, fine, but if they don't, then keep enforcing Constitutional standards anyway and don't rely on elections to do it!!!
Honest conservatives = oxymoron.

Regards from Rosie

Actually, I run into a similar problem with fellow Democrats/liberals not being intellectually honest; where they apply one set of rules to their rights/interests while condemning others.

When I brought up how the health care bill went against pro-choice arguments opposing prolife legislation, I was met with a wild range of excuses; the only ones being honest were admitting the bill was not perfect, but something needed to pass to force things to change.

I have found some resistance from conservatives, when i bring up the idea of checking corporations for abuses of constitutional freedoms (they understand this for unions),
but the tend to eventually reconcile because they are consistent about the Constitution.

Not so with Democrats who base their defense of prochoice not on Constitutional grounds as I do which applies to all people including prolife; but on objection to other parties they fear.
Completely partisan driven, and not about the Constitution which defends others equally.

So with liberal Democrats I find this rare to have complete transparency and honesty without that bias in the way. They can defend their own views, but when it comes to others, they can't see it. Like that whole gay marriage issue; they understand if their views are imposed upon, but can't see how other people feel they are being imposed upon equally.
Let me see if I get your position. The fact that Obama won reelection by 2% proves that the polls that said he was up by 8% were accurate.

Do you understand math at all?

clearly, you don't get his position.


His position is he is smarter than conservatives, I mock him as often as possible for it, this thread offered a unique opportunity.

I dont know why you would mock him. You are a moron.
Let me see if I get your position. The fact that Obama won reelection by 2% proves that the polls that said he was up by 8% were accurate.

Do you understand math at all?

clearly, you don't get his position.


His position is he is smarter than conservatives, I mock him as often as possible for it, this thread offered a unique opportunity.

I'm all for mockery of liberals, but it helps when you respond with an actual fact.

The math is pretty elementary. 61,304,426 / 58,230,919 = 1.053. Last time I checked that was about 5%. Where do you get the 2% from?
Let me see if I get your position. The fact that Obama won reelection by 2% proves that the polls that said he was up by 8% were accurate.

Do you understand math at all?

clearly, you don't get his position.


His position is he is smarter than conservatives, I mock him as often as possible for it, this thread offered a unique opportunity.

i think his position was different from that, but go with what you know.

you may want to check the definition of unique, btw.
...who among you really believed the polls were all skewed??

You know which ones of you said so, now help us out here,

did you really believe what you were saying, or were you just adding your own voices to the rightwing propaganda machine's bullshit,

while you knew it was bullshit.

In other words, were you lying, or are you genuinely that stupid??

Interestingly enough, the polls that were the most skewed appeared on FAUX Nooze. Dick Morris clung to his polls until he couldn't any more. Karl Rove did the same thing, and look how wrong he was, even Megan Kelly asked Rove if he was using a different type of Republican math to make himself feel better.

Interestingly enough, the polls that every right wingnut on these boards laughed at (Huffington Post) was among the top 2 who got it right.
Honest conservatives = oxymoron.

Regards from Rosie

Actually, I run into a similar problem with fellow Democrats/liberals not being intellectually honest; where they apply one set of rules to their rights/interests while condemning others.

When I brought up how the health care bill went against pro-choice arguments opposing prolife legislation, I was met with a wild range of excuses; the only ones being honest were admitting the bill was not perfect, but something needed to pass to force things to change.

I have found some resistance from conservatives, when i bring up the idea of checking corporations for abuses of constitutional freedoms (they understand this for unions),
but the tend to eventually reconcile because they are consistent about the Constitution
Not so with Democrats who base their defense of prochoice not on Constitutional
grounds as I do which applies to all people including prolife; but on objection to other
parties they fear.
Completely partisan driven, and not about the Constitution which defends others equally.
So with liberal Democrats. I find this rare to have complete transparency and honesty
without that bias in the way. They can defend their own views, but when it comes to
others, they can't see it. Like that whole gay marriage issue; they understand if their views
are imposed upon, but can't see how other people feel they are being imposed upon

Thanks for this meaty reply.

I think the intellectual dishonesty from conservatives and others as to liberals defending their principles is that the impositions are equivalent. Far from it. Family planning is a HUGE economic issue for women and rich white men and especially unmarried priests have no business messing with family size. Smaller families are not their business and they have no stake in claiming any imposition. The morality argument was fine- in 1650. Much beyond that it fell apart and especially priests have no moral grounds. None.

I will admit liberal koolaid tastes mighty good and as a rule we do not sell out our own. Most conservatives moan and complain about taxing incomes above 250K but aren't
anywhere near that. No direct imposition but they endlessly impede anyway - as
hypocritical wannabes.

As for gay marriage: a Log Cabin Republican was asked if he opposed the GOP anti-gay
marriage plank. He replied, "Screw gay marriage, I just want to become filthy rich!"

So much for equal impositions and intellectual honesty. The shocking thing about the imposition of evil is how banal it is.

Regards from Rosie
...who among you really believed the polls were all skewed??

You know which ones of you said so, now help us out here,

did you really believe what you were saying, or were you just adding your own voices to the rightwing propaganda machine's bullshit,

while you knew it was bullshit.

In other words, were you lying, or are you genuinely that stupid??

I never believed they were deliberately skewed. I simply thought they were over estimating Dem Turn out, and Under estimating Republican turn out.

As it turned out, I was half right. The did over estimate Dem Turn out, Obama got 6 Million less votes than last time, But the Data we were seeing on Projected GOP turn out was also off.

I said all along if the Voter ID info Rass, and Gallup had was right, Romney would win pretty big, But if it was wrong and Turn out was more in favor of Dems as it usually is, that it would be a very close election that Obama would likely win.

In the end, that is pretty much what we had.
clearly, you don't get his position.


His position is he is smarter than conservatives, I mock him as often as possible for it, this thread offered a unique opportunity.

I'm all for mockery of liberals, but it helps when you respond with an actual fact.

The math is pretty elementary. 61,304,426 / 58,230,919 = 1.053. Last time I checked that was about 5%. Where do you get the 2% from?

Gallup and Rasmussen both showed Obama leading by a significant margin at times, they ended up being the two least accurate polls. Since the only pools I personally criticized for being inaccurate are the ones I just mentioned, what actual facts am I not using?

i had a poster on the hook who was willing to bet that romney would win 330 electoral votes.

i felt guilty.

i could not take advantage of such a misled person.

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