Be legitimate and stop being paranoid...(says Trump)


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I've been paying close attention to things and I've found that no stand-up American is or feels threatened by the Trump administration...Only the loony's, criminals, and human cockroaches are scared as they know their anything goes free for all under a democratic minded government is over.
Here's the formula for getting along with the Trump admin:
Go to work and stop sucking the welfare tit
Head back to that amazing country you came from
Stop waving that disgusting Mexican flag in public
Learn to speak english CLEARLY...rid yourself of illiterate sounding accents
Learn to fall in love with people with different genitals than know, someone you could reproduce with
Stop thinking you should have a vagina if you have a penis
Don't commit crime and do drugs.

This is so simple peolpe...just act LEGITIMATE!
Democrat minded governments control all of the major metropolitan areas where ALL the liberal lunacy is taking place. So NO, the stupidity isn't gonna end.
Democrat minded governments control all of the major metropolitan areas where ALL the liberal lunacy is taking place. So NO, the stupidity isn't gonna end.

I really hope you're wrong Gramps.
You can't get much done at the federal level without cooperation from your state and local leaders...In time, I think he'll force the hammer down on all government.

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