Be more like Canada

Hey there,
Jim from Canada here. You Americans need to vote for Bernie. You might not agree with all his points, but he's truly your only option.

The United States is moving in a different direction than other democratic first world countries. The US citizens average life span is appalling among the G8, as well as life satisfaction and a slew of other metrics for how good your country is to live in.

And seriously, you guys are really embarrassing right now. Being Canadian can be fun. Foreigners wont have any idea we're not American unless we tell them (the asute foreigner will know straight away when we introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James" instead of "Hi I'm James, would you like to see a picture of my handgun?")
But now we're forced to introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James, I'm not American, I'm Canadian, sorry about my countries brother right now guys...."

If you wont adopt a more socialist, mixed market economy, like the rest of progressive human society, then please at least stop bragging about how awesome it is to get shafted by large insurance companies.

Now you might not agree with what Bernie says, but his heart is in the right place. You can either have that, or keep going down the shit slide. Seriously as a Canadian, who is statistically more educated and literate than you, those are your two options...
Well said....I have lot of friends that went to school in Canada and migrated. Great country and great people.
As you might know, most americans don't travel abroad and they were fed the lie that they live the best lives, but in reality, they work long hours, pay too much for health care, poor education even with a college degree, high crimes.
Trust me they wont believe you, they have been brainwashed...they even vote against their own interest.
says the guy who has been kinda brainwashed himself...
Scary when someone makes too much sense huh? You near your safe space?
Look, I know what I think of’s just awfully strange that you would view someone fighting to keep their country in tact as a “winger”.
Where you stand on the issues is not what makes you a "winger". I wonder how many times I need to say this stuff.

My goodness, the consistency with which you simply don't understand is absolutely astounding to me.

But sure, you're very scary and you make too much sense and you're so intimidating that I need a safe space.

Holy crap, this place.

Fair enough, I’ll backup...I forgot about your fascination with ‘proper’ delivery.
Seeking clarity...So it is only myself and others whom are too candid, too concise, too transparent and too abrasive whom you classify as “wingers”?
So the “winger” label isn’t fit to one for their extreme position(s) you simply award the label to those with a delivery that isn’t ‘polished’ to your liking...Am I right?

Well I’m super confused.
I know you have lots of far more important shit to do but do us all a favor and grace us one more time with your extreme intelligence...Give us your definition of “winger”...please?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions with those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
Last edited:
Where you stand on the issues is not what makes you a "winger". I wonder how many times I need to say this stuff.

My goodness, the consistency with which you simply don't understand is absolutely astounding to me.

But sure, you're very scary and you make too much sense and you're so intimidating that I need a safe space.

Holy crap, this place.

Fair enough, I’ll backup...I forgot about your fascination with ‘proper’ delivery.
Seeking clarity...So it is only myself and others whom are too candid, too concise, too transparent and too abrasive whom you classify as “wingers”?
So the “winger” label isn’t fit to one for their extreme position(s) you simply award the label to those with a delivery that isn’t ‘polished’ to your liking...Am I right?

Well I’m super confused.
I know you have lots of far more important shit to do but do us all a favor and grace us one more time with your extreme intelligence...Give us your definition of “winger”...please?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I have to wonder:
Under the definition provided, who isn't a wingut?
ooooh ooooh Progressive LMAO

“Progressive” when observed objectively actually means backwards economic policies that spread poverty, amoral culture that spreads misery, high taxes, bad schools, high crime rates, anti-mainstream, anti-middle class, anti-Wasp, anti-suburbanite, anti-Christian, anti-Southerner, anti-Midwesterner, anti-American, anti-democracy, anti-sovereignty, incompetence government and incredible lying and corruption
We should deport our "Progressives" to Canada to teach them a lesson

Oh please do! Can you imagine, it's no coincidence the more Democratic areas in the United States have the best of the best Americans. Imagine if Canada all of a sudden got the best of the best from silicon valley alone. Never mind the most qualified engineers, doctors, scientists the world over.

I'm sure Canada could finally shave of that half a percent and be equal with Scandinavian countries in the area of life quality in a few months!

It wouldn't be long until what's left of the US degenerates and that leading military you got there stops working entirely, then we'd only have to worry about the heavily armed and quarrelsome backwards population. I'm sure by that time, and with unlimited government funding, of-course, the former US scientists we acquire would develop sophisticated weapons technology by which we could defend ourselves easily.

Within a decade, I believe Canada could then influence public perception enough down there to instill a Canadian puppet president instead of a Russian one.

I like your idea and agree with it.

Lol, California is a lib mecca and it's falling apart with illegals, debt, infrastructure, excessive taxation, freak shows, homeless. Hate to ruin your circus but those aren't the best of the best.

CA is a Libknutt dumpster fire
Hey there,
Jim from Canada here. You Americans need to vote for Bernie. You might not agree with all his points, but he's truly your only option.

The United States is moving in a different direction than other democratic first world countries. The US citizens average life span is appalling among the G8, as well as life satisfaction and a slew of other metrics for how good your country is to live in.

And seriously, you guys are really embarrassing right now. Being Canadian can be fun. Foreigners wont have any idea we're not American unless we tell them (the asute foreigner will know straight away when we introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James" instead of "Hi I'm James, would you like to see a picture of my handgun?")
But now we're forced to introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James, I'm not American, I'm Canadian, sorry about my countries brother right now guys...."

If you wont adopt a more socialist, mixed market economy, like the rest of progressive human society, then please at least stop bragging about how awesome it is to get shafted by large insurance companies.

Now you might not agree with what Bernie says, but his heart is in the right place. You can either have that, or keep going down the shit slide. Seriously as a Canadian, who is statistically more educated and literate than you, those are your two options...

STFU and mind your own business. You have enough problem of your own that need addressing. If it weren't for the USA, you idiots would either starve or freeze to death.
Where you stand on the issues is not what makes you a "winger". I wonder how many times I need to say this stuff.

My goodness, the consistency with which you simply don't understand is absolutely astounding to me.

But sure, you're very scary and you make too much sense and you're so intimidating that I need a safe space.

Holy crap, this place.

Fair enough, I’ll backup...I forgot about your fascination with ‘proper’ delivery.
Seeking clarity...So it is only myself and others whom are too candid, too concise, too transparent and too abrasive whom you classify as “wingers”?
So the “winger” label isn’t fit to one for their extreme position(s) you simply award the label to those with a delivery that isn’t ‘polished’ to your liking...Am I right?

Well I’m super confused.
I know you have lots of far more important shit to do but do us all a favor and grace us one more time with your extreme intelligence...Give us your definition of “winger”...please?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.
Fair enough, I’ll backup...I forgot about your fascination with ‘proper’ delivery.
Seeking clarity...So it is only myself and others whom are too candid, too concise, too transparent and too abrasive whom you classify as “wingers”?
So the “winger” label isn’t fit to one for their extreme position(s) you simply award the label to those with a delivery that isn’t ‘polished’ to your liking...Am I right?

Well I’m super confused.
I know you have lots of far more important shit to do but do us all a favor and grace us one more time with your extreme intelligence...Give us your definition of “winger”...please?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.

That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Hey there,
Jim from Canada here. You Americans need to vote for Bernie. You might not agree with all his points, but he's truly your only option.

The United States is moving in a different direction than other democratic first world countries. The US citizens average life span is appalling among the G8, as well as life satisfaction and a slew of other metrics for how good your country is to live in.

And seriously, you guys are really embarrassing right now. Being Canadian can be fun. Foreigners wont have any idea we're not American unless we tell them (the asute foreigner will know straight away when we introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James" instead of "Hi I'm James, would you like to see a picture of my handgun?")
But now we're forced to introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James, I'm not American, I'm Canadian, sorry about my countries brother right now guys...."

If you wont adopt a more socialist, mixed market economy, like the rest of progressive human society, then please at least stop bragging about how awesome it is to get shafted by large insurance companies.

Now you might not agree with what Bernie says, but his heart is in the right place. You can either have that, or keep going down the shit slide. Seriously as a Canadian, who is statistically more educated and literate than you, those are your two options...

Americans need Commie Bernie like we need the Plague.

Speaking of embarrassment I lived in a border town for seven years. It was embarrassing to your country to see all the Canadians come across the border to pay for health care in the US when they could get it for free back home.

Says a lot for the kind of failed government free shit we would get if Commie Bernie would be elected.

Well I’m super confused.
I know you have lots of far more important shit to do but do us all a favor and grace us one more time with your extreme intelligence...Give us your definition of “winger”...please?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.

That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Well, they think that ALL policies they're pitching are good for Americans, in the America that they want to see.

They see things differently than you do.

I realize you think that you can "beat" them, and get most everything your way. I don't see that happening, but I could be wrong.

I definitely think that much of what they're pushing is not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think the same about what the other tribe is pushing. That's because the two tribes are so far apart that there's plenty of room for those of us who don't belong to a tribe.
When Canadians stop selling milk in bags maybe we would take them a little more seriously.
Well I’m super confused.
I know you have lots of far more important shit to do but do us all a favor and grace us one more time with your extreme intelligence...Give us your definition of “winger”...please?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.

That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Well, they think that ALL policies they're pitching are good for Americans, in the America that they want to see.

They see things differently than you do.

I realize you think that you can "beat" them, and get most everything your way. I don't see that happening, but I could be wrong.

I definitely think that much of what they're pushing is not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think the same about what the other tribe is pushing. That's because the two tribes are so far apart that there's plenty of room for those of us who don't belong to a tribe.

“Everything my way”...huh...You mean keeping America the America it’s been for half a century?
What exactly is the other tribe (my tribe) pushing that you believe is a bad idea?
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence, but one last time.

In my personal, tiny little mind, I think of "wingers" (Left or Right, irrelevant to me) as partisan ideologues who regularly exhibit the following behaviors in a large portion of their communication:
  1. Deflection
  2. Distortion
  3. Denial
  4. Straw Man Arguments
  5. Childish Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Intellectual Myopia
  8. Blatant Hypocrisy
  9. Obtuseness
  10. Tribalism
  11. Outright Lies
There you go. I require neither your agreement nor your approval. You're most welcome.

Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.

That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Well, they think that ALL policies they're pitching are good for Americans, in the America that they want to see.

They see things differently than you do.

I realize you think that you can "beat" them, and get most everything your way. I don't see that happening, but I could be wrong.

I definitely think that much of what they're pushing is not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think the same about what the other tribe is pushing. That's because the two tribes are so far apart that there's plenty of room for those of us who don't belong to a tribe.

“Everything my way”...huh...You mean keeping America the America it’s been for half a century?
What exactly is the other tribe (my tribe) pushing that you believe is a bad idea?
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.

Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.

Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.

Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.

I could go on.
Got it...and you believe that ‘deals’ can be reached if everybody stays calm and collected? You believe the Right should be willing to ‘make deals’ and concessions to those whom seek to change America? You believe the Left is being reasonable in their quest to CHANGE America?
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.

That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Well, they think that ALL policies they're pitching are good for Americans, in the America that they want to see.

They see things differently than you do.

I realize you think that you can "beat" them, and get most everything your way. I don't see that happening, but I could be wrong.

I definitely think that much of what they're pushing is not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think the same about what the other tribe is pushing. That's because the two tribes are so far apart that there's plenty of room for those of us who don't belong to a tribe.

“Everything my way”...huh...You mean keeping America the America it’s been for half a century?
What exactly is the other tribe (my tribe) pushing that you believe is a bad idea?
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.

Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.

Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.

Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.

I could go on.

This is bold, be honest and give us a quick explanation of how you arrive at what you describe above...Something brief with each bullet point would be great.
I'd love to see "calm & collected" 100% of the time, but I know that's not reasonable. I'll settle for intellectual honesty most of the time.

I think that both ends now confuse collaboration with capitulation. The best collaboration can yield something more important -- innovation. Like our Constitution. And since both parties then have skin in the game, both parties have a vested interest in making it work. Sadly, it appears we've lost that skill, a skill that played a large role in making America great in the first place.

Is it reasonable to want changes? Sure. But it's then the tactics and behaviors in advocating for those changes that matter.

That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Well, they think that ALL policies they're pitching are good for Americans, in the America that they want to see.

They see things differently than you do.

I realize you think that you can "beat" them, and get most everything your way. I don't see that happening, but I could be wrong.

I definitely think that much of what they're pushing is not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think the same about what the other tribe is pushing. That's because the two tribes are so far apart that there's plenty of room for those of us who don't belong to a tribe.

“Everything my way”...huh...You mean keeping America the America it’s been for half a century?
What exactly is the other tribe (my tribe) pushing that you believe is a bad idea?
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.

Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.

Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.

Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.

I could go on.

This is bold, be honest and give us a quick explanation of how you arrive at what you describe above...Something brief with each bullet point would be great.
Blech. I cover these topics all the time. And I know I'd be wasting my time.

Just declare that I'm afraid of you and move on. I'll sign off on it.
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.
Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.
Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.
Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.
All of the above are distortions, myopic, obtuse, tribalist, and border on childish insults.
Hey there,
Jim from Canada here. You Americans need to vote for Bernie. You might not agree with all his points, but he's truly your only option.

The United States is moving in a different direction than other democratic first world countries. The US citizens average life span is appalling among the G8, as well as life satisfaction and a slew of other metrics for how good your country is to live in.

And seriously, you guys are really embarrassing right now. Being Canadian can be fun. Foreigners wont have any idea we're not American unless we tell them (the asute foreigner will know straight away when we introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James" instead of "Hi I'm James, would you like to see a picture of my handgun?")
But now we're forced to introduce ourselves like "Hi I'm James, I'm not American, I'm Canadian, sorry about my countries brother right now guys...."

If you wont adopt a more socialist, mixed market economy, like the rest of progressive human society, then please at least stop bragging about how awesome it is to get shafted by large insurance companies.

Now you might not agree with what Bernie says, but his heart is in the right place. You can either have that, or keep going down the shit slide. Seriously as a Canadian, who is statistically more educated and literate than you, those are your two options...

No those are your two opinions, and just so you know, not all Canadians agree with your lame ass opinions.

I think Americans are tired of being lectured to by know-it-all buttinsky canadians like Jim
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.
Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.
Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.
Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.
All of the above are distortions, myopic, obtuse, tribalist, and border on childish insults.
Wow, I really do get up in your heads. Cool.
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.
Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.
Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.
Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.
All of the above are distortions, myopic, obtuse, tribalist, and border on childish insults.
Wow, I really do get up in your heads. Cool.
And -there's- deflection, distortion, obtuseness and outright lies.
Given your standard, expressed previously, tell us why you do not consider yourself a wingnut.
That’s the thing...There’s nothing confusing about it bud. Democrats are not pushing for any RESONABLE change beneficial for Americans. Can you think of one policy they are pitching that could be considered reasonable by any good real American? (I’m asking for your opinion on this one.)
Well, they think that ALL policies they're pitching are good for Americans, in the America that they want to see.

They see things differently than you do.

I realize you think that you can "beat" them, and get most everything your way. I don't see that happening, but I could be wrong.

I definitely think that much of what they're pushing is not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think the same about what the other tribe is pushing. That's because the two tribes are so far apart that there's plenty of room for those of us who don't belong to a tribe.

“Everything my way”...huh...You mean keeping America the America it’s been for half a century?
What exactly is the other tribe (my tribe) pushing that you believe is a bad idea?
You've distorted our economic system, opening the door for an openness to socialism.

Your simplistic, binary approaches to health care, race and taxation are frustrating.

Your immigration policies are primitive, wasteful and counter-productive.

Some of your cultural policies are ugly to me.

I could go on.

This is bold, be honest and give us a quick explanation of how you arrive at what you describe above...Something brief with each bullet point would be great.
Blech. I cover these topics all the time. And I know I'd be wasting my time.

Just declare that I'm afraid of you and move on. I'll sign off on it.
.’s getting hot in here isn’t it...I’m kinda forcing you to be transparent and make clear admissions huh? Stepping out of the bubble of ambiguity is so scary huh? are very much like a Berkeley scholar..scared shitless of those whom are too sensible. I love it...thanks Mac.

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