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Be not afraid Republicans - Americans have never been safer - Obama is correct

safer , I keep hearing safer and safety from these lefties as if the country was 'unsafe' at one time , somewhere but in all my time I've never seen an unsafe USA . Anyway , I don't care about safety NFooled . Yeah , there are some problems in some areas in big cities but everyone knows that those areas are a problem . Big cities zuck anyway so stay away from big cities .
Obiw 11066957
Iran on fast track to get nukes...check

If the deal is reached Iran will be on a slower track to get a bomb or they will keep their word and not try to get a bomb at all. If they break the deal they will likely be hit with tougher sanctions and/or bombed 'justifiably' for breaking a ten to fifteen year agreement. Their word will not be given a second chance if they agree to a deal and violate it to build a bomb.

Evidently you haven't heard that the deal isn't so hot. France is balking on it.

And Iran is demanding that Saudi Arabia quit bombing their guys in Yemen (you know, Obama's big success?), so they can finish taking over.
pism 11071446
safer , I keep hearing safer and safety from these lefties as if the country was 'unsafe' at one time , somewhere

Are you hearing that from 'lefties' in the Atlantic Magazine article?

I'm not seeing the crime rate as being measured by lefties:

Here at home, criminal violence is, as ever, a serious problem. But its reduction over the past couple of decades is one of the great success stories of our time. The violent-crime rate (which excludes homicides) has declined by more than 70 percent since the early 1990s. The homicide rate has declined by half, and in 2011 it reached the lowest level since 1963. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, between 1995 and 2010 the rate of rape and sexual assault fell from five per 1,000 females to two.

And how do Americans celebrate this extraordinary success? By denying it. Every year Gallup asks whether crime has gone up or down since the previous year. Every year, rain or shine, the public insists, usually by overwhelming margins (63 percent to 21 percent in 2014), that crime has risen. “Most Americans Unaware of Big Crime Drop Since 1990s,” announced the Pew Research Center in 2013; only 10 percent of those surveyed knew that gun crimes had gone down since the 1990s. Criminologists say that many people get angry when told that crime is decreasing.
HD 11066912
maybe from outside but what about in the Country?....things seem to be getting worse ....

NF 11067107
. Why not read the article - it is very well explained on that topic early on.

HD 11067635
i did read it.....crime has been going down since the 90's so that is not because of Obama.....animosity among the people is rising.....and this President has said some things that are not thought out very well... things that have not helped in this matter.....

NF 11068129
No one is saying that violent crime in the US went down because of Obama. You could not have read the article if you have an impression that it suggested that? Crime has gone down but polling tells us that the public perception is year after year is that violent crime is going up,

HD 11068129
you should probably learn to read.....like i said in my statement.....animosity among people is on the rise, sometimes resulting in a violent crime being committed....now you know why many think violent crime is on the rise....and this President doesn't have the leadership ability to deal with it....some of the stuff he has said has made things worse....why i think domestically Obama is a piss poor leader....

NF 11070623
Animosity between whom is on the rise as a result of what Obama policy?

HD 11071794
oh im sorry....did i say it was because of an Obama policy?.....you will have to point that out for me where i said that......

Look no further than your post # 11068129 .."...animosity among people is on the rise, sometimes resulting in a violent crime being committed.. ".... "and this President doesn't have the leadership ability to deal with it." "...some of the stuff he has said has made things worse..."

Whatever a President and his Administration says is a matter policy.

So in your view some of the stuff Obama has said has made things worse..

So now you still need to tell me what specific animosity between whom is on the rise as a result of what Obama said that made things worse.
lefties talk abut safety all the time as they build their nanny state NF, safety , safer and for the children . I'm just saying that safety is not a selling point to me . I'd prefer they , lefties would mind their own business .
Be Not Afraid.
When President Obama tells Americans to stop worrying, he’s accused of fecklessness. But he has a point: we have never been safer. JONATHAN RAUCH. FEB 16 2015, 8:08 PM ET

Be Not Afraid The Atlantic

Obama said last August: “I promise you things are much less dangerous now than they were 20 years ago, 25 years ago, or 30 years ago. This is not something that is comparable to the challenges we faced during the Cold War.”

Some excerpts to lead thinking people to read the entire article and discuss it because in reality Obama is right - Americans are now living in a world that is much safer than it was twenty years ago at least.

Obama is presiding over the most peaceful time in human history. All the violence in Iraq is still about half of what it was in 2006 except now Americans are not being killed in large numbers there.

"War between major nation-states has dwindled to the verge of extinction"
. According to Steven Pinker, the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, today is probably the most peaceful time in human history. By the numbers, he writes, “the world was a far more dangerous place” in the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s. According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, armed conflicts have declined by almost 40 percent since right after the end of the Cold War. “Today,” write Micah Zenko and Michael A. Cohen in Foreign Affairs, “wars tend to be low-intensity conflicts that, on average, kill about 90 percent fewer people than did violent struggles in the 1950s.” War between major nation-states has dwindled to the verge of extinction. In the context of human evolution, this is an astounding development.

Criminal violence is way down but Americans celebrate this extraordinary success by denying it:
. Here at home, criminal violence is, as ever, a serious problem. But its reduction over the past couple of decades is one of the great success stories of our time. The violent-crime rate (which excludes homicides) has declined by more than 70 percent since the early 1990s. The homicide rate has declined by half, and in 2011 it reached the lowest level since 1963. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, between 1995 and 2010 the rate of rape and sexual assault fell from five per 1,000 females to two.

And how do Americans celebrate this extraordinary success? By denying it.

"As for the risk posed by terrorism inside the United States, .... Americans are about four times as likely to drown in their bathtub as they are to die in a terrorist attack:
.Perception is even more skewed where terrorism is concerned. “Terror-ism Worries Largely Unchanged,” ran another Pew headline, also in 2013. That year, 58 percent of the public was worried about another terrorist attack in the United States, a rate not all that much lower in October 2001, immediately after the 9/11 attacks, when 71 percent of the public was worried. A few months ago, perhaps influenced by ISIS’s atrocities, a large plurality of respondents told NBC News/Wall Street Journal pollsters that the country is less safe than it was before 9/11.

Reality, once again, tells us otherwise. State-sponsored international terrorism, writes the intelligence analyst Paul R. Pillar in Cato’s A Dangerous World?, “is today only a shadow of what it was in the 1970s and 1980s.” As for the risk posed by terrorism inside the United States, to characterize it as trivial would be very generous. Americans are about four times as likely to drown in their bathtub as they are to die in a terrorist attack. John Mueller of Ohio State University and Mark G. Stewart of Australia’s University of Newcastle estimate the odds of such deaths at one in 950,000 and one in 3.5 million, respectively.

Can any matter-of-factly dispute the finding mentioned in this article?
So.....Bush was right to attack Iraq? No other conclusion to draw....
HD 11066912
maybe from outside but what about in the Country?....things seem to be getting worse ....

NF 11067107
. Why not read the article - it is very well explained on that topic early on.

HD 11067635
i did read it.....crime has been going down since the 90's so that is not because of Obama.....animosity among the people is rising.....and this President has said some things that are not thought out very well... things that have not helped in this matter.....

NF 11068129
No one is saying that violent crime in the US went down because of Obama. You could not have read the article if you have an impression that it suggested that? Crime has gone down but polling tells us that the public perception is year after year is that violent crime is going up,

HD 11068129
you should probably learn to read.....like i said in my statement.....animosity among people is on the rise, sometimes resulting in a violent crime being committed....now you know why many think violent crime is on the rise....and this President doesn't have the leadership ability to deal with it....some of the stuff he has said has made things worse....why i think domestically Obama is a piss poor leader....

NF 11070623
Animosity between whom is on the rise as a result of what Obama policy?

HD 11071794
oh im sorry....did i say it was because of an Obama policy?.....you will have to point that out for me where i said that......

Look no further than your post # 11068129 .."...animosity among people is on the rise, sometimes resulting in a violent crime being committed.. ".... "and this President doesn't have the leadership ability to deal with it." "...some of the stuff he has said has made things worse..."

Whatever a President and his Administration says is a matter policy.

So in your view some of the stuff Obama has said has made things worse..

So now you still need to tell me what specific animosity between whom is on the rise as a result of what Obama said that made things worse.
there is a difference between the president setting a policy and his comments in front of a crowd of people.....like when he was out here and told a Latino crowd "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us"....gee i wonder who the enemies are?.....is he not the President of everyone whether they agree with him or not?....should the President use a better choice of words when talking to a crowd of people?.....the pro-illegal immigration activist fanned those flames for quite a few days after he left.....
there is a difference between the president setting a policy and his comments in front of a crowd of people.....like when he was out here and told a Latino crowd "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us"....gee i wonder who the enemies are?.....is he not the President of everyone whether they agree with him or not?....should the President use a better choice of words when talking to a crowd of people?.....the pro-illegal immigration activist fanned those flames for quite a few days after he left.....

He was talking about rewarding friends and punishing enemies at the voting booth and later admitted he should have used the word "opponents" instead. But he clearly was not using the word enemies as if they were to be harmed in any other way than losing an election.

So that has you worked up and annoyed and you think created animosity that sometimes causes violent crimes to be committed? I don't see any violent crime being committed unless mass voting by Latinos is a violent crime to Republicans.


"And you know, it's interesting right now, there was a -- I had a conversation with a Hispanic radio outlet, Univision, and during the course of that conversation, one of the things that I had to say to the Latino community, which is frustrated that we haven't seen progress on immigration reform, was that they can't sit out of this election. There were arguments being made that because Democrats hadn't gotten this done, that Latinos should vote against Democrats or just sit out the election."

"And I said, well, you can't punish your friends when -- the folks who've been supporting it. Now, I did also say if you're going to punish somebody, punish your enemies, and I probably should have used the word, "opponents" instead of enemies. Now the Republicans are saying that I'm calling them enemies. What I'm saying is you're an opponent of this particular provision, comprehensive immigration reform, which is something very different."

"But the key issue here is that if you are supportive of comprehensive immigration reform, if you are supportive of health care reform, if you are supportive of making sure that credit card companies are treating us fairly, making sure that banks are properly regulated so they don't end up getting taxpayer bailouts -- if you support those things, then you've got to support those who helped to put those provisions into law. And you've got to make sure that those who are opposed to that legislation, that they get a clear message that they shouldn't be standing in the way of the progress, but rather we should be moving this country forward."

Obama Explains His Remark About Punishing Enemies - CBS News

What else you got? The Latino political movement opposed to Republican obstruction has been quite civil peaceful fairly well organized. I think that annoys you more than the topic if this thread which is that we are safer than ever from violent acts being taken against us.
there is a difference between the president setting a policy and his comments in front of a crowd of people.....like when he was out here and told a Latino crowd "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us"....gee i wonder who the enemies are?.....is he not the President of everyone whether they agree with him or not?....should the President use a better choice of words when talking to a crowd of people?.....the pro-illegal immigration activist fanned those flames for quite a few days after he left.....

He was talking about rewarding friends and punishing enemies at the voting booth and later admitted he should have used the word "opponents" instead. But he clearly was not using the word enemies as if they were to be harmed in any other way than losing an election.

So that has you worked up and annoyed and you think created animosity that sometimes causes violent crimes to be committed? I don't see any violent crime being committed unless mass voting by Latinos is a violent crime to Republicans.


"And you know, it's interesting right now, there was a -- I had a conversation with a Hispanic radio outlet, Univision, and during the course of that conversation, one of the things that I had to say to the Latino community, which is frustrated that we haven't seen progress on immigration reform, was that they can't sit out of this election. There were arguments being made that because Democrats hadn't gotten this done, that Latinos should vote against Democrats or just sit out the election."

"And I said, well, you can't punish your friends when -- the folks who've been supporting it. Now, I did also say if you're going to punish somebody, punish your enemies, and I probably should have used the word, "opponents" instead of enemies. Now the Republicans are saying that I'm calling them enemies. What I'm saying is you're an opponent of this particular provision, comprehensive immigration reform, which is something very different."

"But the key issue here is that if you are supportive of comprehensive immigration reform, if you are supportive of health care reform, if you are supportive of making sure that credit card companies are treating us fairly, making sure that banks are properly regulated so they don't end up getting taxpayer bailouts -- if you support those things, then you've got to support those who helped to put those provisions into law. And you've got to make sure that those who are opposed to that legislation, that they get a clear message that they shouldn't be standing in the way of the progress, but rather we should be moving this country forward."

Obama Explains His Remark About Punishing Enemies - CBS News

What else you got? The Latino political movement opposed to Republican obstruction has been quite civil peaceful fairly well organized. I think that annoys you more than the topic if this thread which is that we are safer than ever from violent acts being taken against us.

He was talking about rewarding friends and punishing enemies at the voting booth and later admitted he should have used the word "opponents" instead. But he clearly was not using the word enemies as if they were to be harmed in any other way than losing an election.

sure he was.....he was addressing a whole bunch of people who cant vote.....you buy anything he says dont you?...
and later admitted he should have used the word "opponents" instead
in other words he said..."Oops"......the damage was done......the activists jumped all over that.....look i understand you love the guy and you think he can do no harm...but the guy has something in common with Bush.....they both suck in dealing with those who dont agree with them.....that means here at home the guy is a piss poor leader.....and that means he has no clue how to get people who dont agree with him to give him the benefit of the doubt....like Clinton and no doubt Reagan were able to do..........
HD 11073233
there is a difference between the president setting a policy and his comments in front of a crowd of people...

The comment you cited was made to the crowd by Obama to motivate Latinos in favor of his policy to vote so that policy could become enacted. And it did not inspire some kind of increase in Latino on Republican violence as you have provided no evidence that it did.

So you show no interest in the subject of this thread since all you want to do is tell us your opinion that Obama is a bad president just because he does nit wage enough war for your taste and will not deport parents of kids and young law abiding young people who were born or brought here at an early age.,

No input from you on the 70% decrease in violent crime since 1990 except you don't like any president since then, and you think animosity is way up between Latinos and Republicans because "enemy" instead of "opponent" at a campaign rally.
HD 11073233
there is a difference between the president setting a policy and his comments in front of a crowd of people...

The comment you cited was made to the crowd by Obama to motivate Latinos in favor of his policy to vote so that policy could become enacted. And it did not inspire some kind of increase in Latino on Republican violence as you have provided no evidence that it did.

So you show no interest in the subject of this thread since all you want to do is tell us your opinion that Obama is a bad president just because he does nit wage enough war for your taste and will not deport parents of kids and young law abiding young people who were born or brought here at an early age.,

No input from you on the 70% decrease in violent crime since 1990 except you don't like any president since then, and you think animosity is way up between Latinos and Republicans because "enemy" instead of "opponent" at a campaign rally.
geezus you are so attached to Obamas ass you cant even tell the truth....were did i ever say it inspired some kind of increase in Latino on Republican violence?..
not wage enough war for your taste
were did i even mention war?....
will not deport parents of kids and young law abiding young people who were born or brought here at an early age.
were have i said this?...oh and by the way clueless one.....i am in the immigration threads defending the Mexicans from being deported because that aint gonna happen...

No input from you on the 70% decrease in violent crime since 1990

i believe i stated it was down and said Obama had little to do with that...
except you don't like any president since then
really?.....i voted for Clinton twice.....but i guess i did not like the guy....
and you think animosity is way up between Latinos and Republicans because "enemy" instead of "opponent" at a campaign rally
i know animosity is up.....i live among illegals and legals.....how about you?.....but dont worry lots of legal Mexicans dont care for your lefty buddies either,they dont fall for the shit you guys feed them like you think they do.....
you might not be fooled by W....but you sure are fooled by O......
were did i ever say it inspired some kind of increase in Latino on Republican violence?.


you should probably learn to read.....like i said in my statement.....animosity among people is on the rise, sometimes resulting in a violent crime being committed....now you know why many think violent crime is on the rise....and this President doesnt have the leadership ability to deal with it....some of the stuff he has said has made things worse....why i think domestically Obama is a piss poor leader....

I asked you "animosity between whom" and you said Obama's speech to Latinos.

Are you one saying that this animosity thing does not lead sometimes to violent crime. It would nice if you provided examples with your assertions at the time you make them. What violent crimes are you tying to Obama induced animosity.
So.....Bush was right to attack Iraq? No other conclusion to draw....

Not at all. Saddam Hussein was contained and did not have WMD. some of the progress made is not starting wars when diplomatic means can resolve the issue.in 2003 the correct choice was by far and self-evident to stick with the UN inspection process and only use war as a last resort.
If Obama said it it must be written in stone, and printed in a little book, preferably red, and printed in the tens-of-millions of copies, and be in every home.

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