Be thankful you were born in America and not Nigeria.

I doubt it. He probably read some old national geographic article about rural African nomads and thinks all of Africa is like that.
Nigeria is a third world country. I dont need old magazines to know that. I can look up stats.
Of course, thats probably racist, right? :lol:

That's what you tell me when I post stats about white people. You don't know anything about Nigeria.
Link? Or are you lying again?
I know enough to know its a shithole. That whole continent is a shithole.

Fuck you. I'm not wasting my time looking for a link because your punk ass doesn't want to drop a lie you believe about a place you've never seen. Africa was doing quite fine until whitey decided he had a right to rob the continent of it's resources. So if Africa is a shithole, it's because of whites.

Africa is still being looted, pillaged and raped by corrupt interference to this day. Anyone who has made a business trip there and speaks to people living there who see it happening knows the truth.

World is plundering Africa's wealth of 'billions of dollars a year'
That’s nothing compared to what is happening to Europe.
Africa is undeniably a shithole
they should thank their lucky stars they were born in the US
but no, they hate the US--even the Obamas--which I've linked many times
even the rich blacks hate America/whites/etc

They will never stop hating's an essential part of their identity. No matter how much money the left throws at them. Might as well flush it down the toilet. The black "community" thanks to their unrelenting resentment and violent tendencies is like a cancerous tumor that is killing America. If not for them, the US would be comparable to Europe in terms of crime rates and such. Biggest mistake ever was bringing them here. Second biggest mistake was not sending them all back.

Here is an example of a white man suffering from psychosis.

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