Beau Biden Has Died

I had a feeling something like this was going to be the case. Last week he was hospitalized for some recurring headache type thing and the tone was very hushed. I've been monitoring Joe Biden ever since to see any tells, but the man has been all usual. He's been playing it cool knowing his son was dying all this time.

I'm quite saddened by this news and my heart truly goes out to the family.

May he rest in peace.
Joe Biden has been all smiles ehh , maybe as a survivor he is not aware of whats going on . [just saw the thread , hope I'm not too late to comment]
You know in this horrid world of politics, Joe Biden always seemed to be the kind of guy you could walk up to and go "hey buddy".

I hurt for him. Bless his soul. I hope he knows we are out there for him and his wife and his family. His son's wife and family.

Prayers. Prayers big time for them.
well , you did take notice and my post was only a couple of words AveGuy !!
I was standing there in the receiving line at Ben's funeral, making a valiant effort to keep it together when I looked to my right and saw my father crying.
Imagine burying your grandchild.

So sorry Ernie, that is the worst. I remember my wife walking in and collapsing in grief, I worried about her, she was a mess for weeks after.
I like JOE , think that he is a lovable but stupid enemy democrat / progressive but he is funny and not suited to be VP , lots of laughs though .
Having lost a child, this cannot be an easy event for Biden to go through. It takes many years to sort through the loss.

My thoughts and prayers to Vice President and his family.
Sorry to hear about your loss too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my daughter.

Thank you, the worst pain I ever had. Losing two children and a wife? It breaks my heart for Biden.

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