Beau Biden Has Died

You know in this horrid world of politics, Joe Biden always seemed to be the kind of guy you could walk up to and go "hey buddy".

I hurt for him. Bless his soul. I hope he knows we are out there for him and his wife and his family. His son's wife and family.

Prayers. Prayers big time for them.

He always seemed like a used car salesman to me, one who puts his foot in his mouth often enough that Nike should name a shoe after him.
That aside, nothing can be sadder or as gut-wrenching as losing a son or daughter.

I'm currently agnostic, but if I ever become a praying man again, the first prayer would go something like this:

"Please God, I won't burden you with much, but you'll have my allegiance forever if you'll bless my family with the gift of good health.
And God, whatever life for us you have in store, please most of all I ask that you never paint our family story where I outlive my children".
Nice write-up in FOX:

Beau Biden son of Vice President Joe Biden dies of brain cancer Fox News

Senator James Langford (R-OK) also released a statement expressing his remorse.

"I'm incredibly saddened to hear of the death of Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden,” the statement said. “Our entire nation mourns with the Biden family and the White House during this difficult time. Vice President Biden has endured incredible tragedies during his lifetime. Cindy and I pray for the Biden family, Beau's widow, Natalie, and their two children."..

...In addition to his work as a lawyer and attorney general, Biden was a major in an Army National Guard unit that deployed to Iraq in 2008.

He was married and the father of two children.

Markell ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in Delaware in honor of Biden.

Funeral arrangements are pending.
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?
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