Beau Biden Has Died

RIP Beau, condolences to the Biden clan.

Cancer on the body's a bitch. It took my mother.

But then there's this...

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

One less democrat voter.

joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

-- the degradation that will leave no funeral un-Westboroed in its selfish quest to score its own cheap political points, regardless who gets hurt.

That's very much a cancer on the body politic, applying the same heart-sapping destruction as biological cancer does on the body. There's virtually no difference; in both cases cells grow, spread out of control, and destroy everything in their path.

How anyone could live with himself in that sort of swill I'll never comprehend.

Sorry about your mother Pogo. I have seen cancer take a 6'4" tough guy and turned him into a shell of what he was before it took his life. Terrible disease.

Thank you PG, and belated sympathies for your child as well.
joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

That's politics. I can pick another day to fight. I can pick another day to scrap it out. I can pick another day to give a liberal or a progressive a knuckle sandwich on the internet.

BUT today I can choose to try to understand the pain of a father burying his eldest son.

BUT today I can choose to try to embrace a reality that children have lost their father far too early.

BUT today I can choose to try to NO succeed at just caring about a man, his wife, his daughter in law, his grandchildren just missing a son, a husband, a father for forever.
RIP Beau, condolences to the Biden clan.

Cancer on the body's a bitch. It took my mother.

But then there's this...

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

One less democrat voter.

joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

-- the degradation that will leave no funeral un-Westboroed in its selfish quest to score its own cheap political points, regardless who gets hurt.

That's very much a cancer on the body politic, applying the same heart-sapping destruction as biological cancer does on the body. There's virtually no difference; in both cases cells grow, spread out of control, and destroy everything in their path.

How anyone could live with himself swimming in that sort of swill, I'll never comprehend.

Most of my family. Mr. Cancer pisses me clean off on the best of days.

It's a fight of a lifetime for true. Lost most to the mother fucker pardon my french.
RIP Beau, condolences to the Biden clan.

Cancer on the body's a bitch. It took my mother.

But then there's this...

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

One less democrat voter.

joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

-- the degradation that will leave no funeral un-Westboroed in its selfish quest to score its own cheap political points, regardless who gets hurt.

That's very much a cancer on the body politic, applying the same heart-sapping destruction as biological cancer does on the body. There's virtually no difference; in both cases cells grow, spread out of control, and destroy everything in their path.

How anyone could live with himself in that sort of swill I'll never comprehend.

Sorry about your mother Pogo. I have seen cancer take a 6'4" tough guy and turned him into a shell of what he was before it took his life. Terrible disease.

My dad. Daniel Boone. Six four as well reduced to 60 some odd pounds before it took him.

It's one hell of a disease. I don't wish it on anyone.
RIP Beau, condolences to the Biden clan.

Cancer on the body's a bitch. It took my mother.

But then there's this...

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

One less democrat voter.

joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

-- the degradation that will leave no funeral un-Westboroed in its selfish quest to score its own cheap political points, regardless who gets hurt.

That's very much a cancer on the body politic, applying the same heart-sapping destruction as biological cancer does on the body. There's virtually no difference; in both cases cells grow, spread out of control, and destroy everything in their path.

How anyone could live with himself in that sort of swill I'll never comprehend.

Sorry about your mother Pogo. I have seen cancer take a 6'4" tough guy and turned him into a shell of what he was before it took his life. Terrible disease.

My dad. Daniel Boone. Six four as well reduced to 60 some odd pounds before it took him.

It's one hell of a disease. I don't wish it on anyone.

Sorry to hear that.
RIP Beau, condolences to the Biden clan.

Cancer on the body's a bitch. It took my mother.

But then there's this...


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

One less democrat voter.

joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

-- the degradation that will leave no funeral un-Westboroed in its selfish quest to score its own cheap political points, regardless who gets hurt.

That's very much a cancer on the body politic, applying the same heart-sapping destruction as biological cancer does on the body. There's virtually no difference; in both cases cells grow, spread out of control, and destroy everything in their path.

How anyone could live with himself in that sort of swill I'll never comprehend.

Sorry about your mother Pogo. I have seen cancer take a 6'4" tough guy and turned him into a shell of what he was before it took his life. Terrible disease.

My dad. Daniel Boone. Six four as well reduced to 60 some odd pounds before it took him.

It's one hell of a disease. I don't wish it on anyone.

Sorry to hear that.

Appreciated. 20 years ago this June. No truer words were ever spoken by a man to teach me the lesson of a life time...

"I wish I'd have gone fishing more". Since that day I've made sure I've gone fishing. Every fish fight on my magic bobber line is dedicated to my dad :)
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

Are you even a human being? Can you not leave politics aside for just one fucking second to think of other human beings, or are you just too far gone, just beyond redemption?

Damn, some Righties are so unbelievably fucked-up, there are just no words....

He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.

He does have two sons.

His son Hunter is still alive. He also has two daughters with Jill.
That is good to know, Doc. I pray that Biden will turn from Rome's agenda against Israel and Protestants and do the right thing in the future. I think his sins against Protestants and Jews in Israel have caused a lot of un-necessary pain and suffering. Including on himself and his own family.

Oh, fer Chrissakes, can you people not leave politics and your form of religion out of this for even one fucking second?

What in the fuck is wrong with you people?

Can you not, even for one second, see another person as a human being, with thoughts and feelings?

Jeri, shame on you.

Better yet, go fuck off, you crazy-assed nutbag. You have no respect for the dead, so I have no respect for you.

He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.

I feel for the family.. It's always hard losing a child.

I wonder if Joe will use the funeral to announce his candidacy?

My God, what in the fuck is wrong with you people?

Have you not even one smidgen of decency left in your souls?

Can you not leave politics out of something like this, for even just one second?

Damn, I was right. Righties are soulless creatures and absolutely beyond redemption.
RIP Beau, condolences to the Biden clan.

Cancer on the body's a bitch. It took my mother.

But then there's this...

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

One less democrat voter.

joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!

-- the degradation that will leave no funeral un-Westboroed in its selfish quest to score its own cheap political points, regardless who gets hurt.

That's very much a cancer on the body politic, applying the same heart-sapping destruction as biological cancer does on the body. There's virtually no difference; in both cases cells grow, spread out of control, and destroy everything in their path.

How anyone could live with himself swimming in that sort of swill, I'll never comprehend.

Unbelievable, what?

They really are beyond redemption. No soul left within them. They are goners.
I feel for the family.. It's always hard losing a child.

I wonder if Joe will use the funeral to announce his candidacy?

My God, what in the fuck is wrong with you people?

Have you not even one smidgen of decency left in your souls?

Can you not leave politics out of something like this, for even just one second?

Damn, I was right. Righties are soulless creatures and absolutely beyond redemption.

too soon??

I feel for the family.. It's always hard losing a child.

I wonder if Joe will use the funeral to announce his candidacy?

My God, what in the fuck is wrong with you people?

Have you not even one smidgen of decency left in your souls?

Can you not leave politics out of something like this, for even just one second?

Damn, I was right. Righties are soulless creatures and absolutely beyond redemption.



He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.


Why would anyone be upset that Joe's drug addicted son Hunter, will be there to comfort Joe at the funeral/press conference?

12 pages of foolishness IMO , course its a free country but nothing that's been said in this thread matters or makes a difference .
I had a feeling something like this was going to be the case. Last week he was hospitalized for some recurring headache type thing and the tone was very hushed. I've been monitoring Joe Biden ever since to see any tells, but the man has been all usual. He's been playing it cool knowing his son was dying all this time.

I'm quite saddened by this news and my heart truly goes out to the family.

May he rest in peace.

Incredibly sad. There's nothing worse for a parent than losing a child, especially when Biden was so grateful that Beau survived the car accident so many years ago.

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