Beau Biden Has Died

Joe Biden s son Beau dies of brain cancer Reuters
He lost his first wife and daughter, and now he lost his son
if ever a time to just put politics aside and mourn, it's now. No one should ever bury a child, let alone twice
May he rest in peace.
I hope he knows why does God punish him so severely.

For the same reason he punishes farmers with drought and kids on a bus that goes over a bridge. [rolling eyes]
That's terrible news and to bury a son. RIP.
True. I have a friend who buried two of her 20-something sons in 2014. 10 months apart, both from unexpected tragedies. At least Biden had to have known this was a possible outcome and was somewhat prepared...not that it makes the ultimate end any easier.
If there is one good thing I can say about cancer is you see that death is coming. I'm a Castaneda baby and a great believer that death dances over your shoulder every minute of your life and your goal is to out dance death as he waits for you.

My dance will be a long one because I have made certain I have lived every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year.

For Beau's family if this is any consolation they knew the end of the story. Once upon a time was not going to end "and they lived happily ever after".

They helped Beau dance before death. This is a strong family with great love between them. With the son of a bitch Mr. Cancer waiting in the wings, this family appears to have embraced every bit of life they could suck from it.

Bless their souls. They are awesome. Truly awesome.

He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.




It's moments like these when you see into the heart of a soul. Now I understand those popping off actually no I don't. I'm from the "if you have nothing good to say" generation.

So actually I don't understand the venom at all. Never mind.
That's terrible news and to bury a son. RIP.
True. I have a friend who buried two of her 20-something sons in 2014. 10 months apart, both from unexpected tragedies. At least Biden had to have known this was a possible outcome and was somewhat prepared...not that it makes the ultimate end any easier.

How does one deal with that? Very sad, two within a year. very sad.

He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.




It's moments like these when you see into the heart of a soul. Now I understand those popping off actually no I don't. I'm from the "if you have nothing good to say" generation.

So actually I don't understand the venom at all. Never mind.

That's the point. I don't understand the venom, either, but can clearly see when people have become so batshit crazy, they cannot even behave like human beings on the thread like this, and I have no desire to coddle them. They are fools.
That's terrible news and to bury a son. RIP.
True. I have a friend who buried two of her 20-something sons in 2014. 10 months apart, both from unexpected tragedies. At least Biden had to have known this was a possible outcome and was somewhat prepared...not that it makes the ultimate end any easier.

How does one deal with that? Very sad, two within a year. very sad.

I just read that one. Holy toledo! Two in one year omg my best friend would be mr. schmirnoff with my dog dragging me around and being so stoned out my cats would have to learn how to operate a can opener.

How on earth do some of these people make it thru? Man oh man that's fist at the moon stuff. How could you bury two babies in one year. Oh my.

He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.




It's moments like these when you see into the heart of a soul. Now I understand those popping off actually no I don't. I'm from the "if you have nothing good to say" generation.

So actually I don't understand the venom at all. Never mind.

That's the point. I don't understand the venom, either, but can clearly see when people have become so batshit crazy, they cannot even behave like human beings on the thread like this, and I have no desire to coddle them. They are fools.

Maybe we are just hanging with the wrong crowd :lol:. I don't understand those who can't feel the pain of the other side or the funny of the other side.

Remember when Obama brought the poor girls out for the Turkey pardon?

Well hell's bells my first thoughts were "girls you are first daughters OMG DON'T PULL THE FACE"....Puleeze don't embarrass yourselves.

But moments later I was thinking.....aha Daddy will never ever do this to you again.


I had two teenage daughters. Even the President of America can misjudge teenage girls not wanting a selfie with a freaking turkey 'mmmmkay?

No matter what our politics I wish more could put it aside. Oh well it's a dream.
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

Just stfu
joes a jerk and his son was in politics , a dem , progressive or enemy of Americans Tinydancer !!
Really? You're a sack of shit

He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.


Any scumbags making inhuman, inappropriate comments in the face of this family's loss do not represent any political point of view; they only represent their own personal moral bankruptcy.
Poor Joe. He's only had 2 years to prepare for this "sudden" death.......

As if time makes it any easier. I recently lost my father to cancer after watching him deteriorate for 10 years while he fought as hard as he could to survive. I watched him waste away, and finally slip into a coma looking like a corpse, a shell of the man who had raised me. The length of his illness didn't dull the pain whatsoever. It was just as devastating. It's still devastating.

RIP Beau. Such a tragic loss for his family. May he finally be free of his pain.
The faux outrage over a few snarky comments is duly noted. The truth is nobody really gives a fuck about Joe Biden and his family except the people that are very close to him. Amongst the USMB population that amounts to ZERO people. Most folks just feel compelled to be polite. Good for them, but I don't feel that way.

We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.


He had two children.

Then they are both dead now. The daughter died in a car accident with her mother years ago. I thought he had two sons. I guess not.
He does have two sons. Drug addict, Hunter is still alive.

Not even in their moment of sorrow can you show even one little bitty bit of humanity.

You are one sorry fucking excuse for a human being.

Righties have completely lost their humanity. They are beyond redemption.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of Right Wing shit.


Any scumbags making inhuman, inappropriate comments in the face of this family's loss do not represent any political point of view; they only represent their own personal moral bankruptcy.

It's hard not to note that the only ones doing it are always in total agreement on every other subject. It's really sad.
We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

Yes, we've all experienced grief and loss, and usually people with any sense of human kindness say something nice or say nothing at all. You are a disgrace to your party. Shame on you. You''re not funny, you're disgusting.

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