Beau Biden Has Died

The faux outrage over a few snarky comments is duly noted. The truth is nobody really gives a fuck about Joe Biden and his family except the people that are very close to him. Amongst the USMB population that amounts to ZERO people. Most folks just feel compelled to be polite. Good for them, but I don't feel that way.

We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.


You're a low-life piece of shit. Fuck off.
I had a feeling something like this was going to be the case. Last week he was hospitalized for some recurring headache type thing and the tone was very hushed. I've been monitoring Joe Biden ever since to see any tells, but the man has been all usual. He's been playing it cool knowing his son was dying all this time.

I'm quite saddened by this news and my heart truly goes out to the family.

May he rest in peace.
That's heartbreaking.
We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

Yes, we've all experienced grief and loss, and usually people with any sense of human kindness say something nice or say nothing at all. You are a disgrace to your party. Shame on you. You''re not funny, you're disgusting.

Firstly- I don't represent any "party". Unlike you and your ilk of mindless sheep, I think and speak for myself.

Secondly, , shame on YOU- for being a phony. You don't care about Biden or his family. You don't even know them. You're just seizing an opportunity to act morally superior.
The faux outrage over a few snarky comments is duly noted. The truth is nobody really gives a fuck about Joe Biden and his family except the people that are very close to him. Amongst the USMB population that amounts to ZERO people. Most folks just feel compelled to be polite. Good for them, but I don't feel that way.

We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.


You're a low-life piece of shit. Fuck off.


We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

Yes, we've all experienced grief and loss, and usually people with any sense of human kindness say something nice or say nothing at all. You are a disgrace to your party. Shame on you. You''re not funny, you're disgusting.

Firstly- I don't represent any "party". Unlike you and your ilk of mindless sheep, I think and speak for myself.

Secondly, , shame on YOU- for being a phony. You don't care about Biden or his family. You don't even know them. You're just seizing an opportunity to act morally superior.
Well, it isn't really hard to act superior to a piece of shit like you. You don't have the strength of character to comprehend that you don't have to know the people to show human sympathy. What you are saying is that if you don't directly know someone you don't care in the least that they have lost a child. It indicates that you lack a positive human characteristic and possess negative ones. It even indicate a level of sociopathic behavior or traits.

Suggesting you and those who are posting these inappropriate comments about the death of the VP's son is a sign of a mental illness is not unreasonable and actually based on fact.
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

Are you even a human being? Can you not leave politics aside for just one fucking second to think of other human beings, or are you just too far gone, just beyond redemption?

Damn, some Righties are so unbelievably fucked-up, there are just no words....

Pity you can't shed another of your copious crocodile for the souls of THE ABORTED.

This is an adult website. If you can't cope with that maybe you can find a Mr. Rogers fan site where you might feel more at home - IF they'd let you play.
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

Second post by an asshole using his death for political purposes.

All things considered that is pretty good for USMB.
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

joe's a piece of it, but it's still horrible for anyone

Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

good observation , sympathy might move him along .


I hope you never lose a child. Its a pain that is truly beyond words.
Can't you pretend to be human beings for even one thread?

Pity you libs don't feel that way when you abort the outcomes of your pleasure hunts.

Grow up.

What an asshole you are.
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Sorry truth is that tragedy like this enhances one's chances at moving up the democrat Party totem pole.

This could catapult Plugs into being the golden-haired boy for whom the 'crats toss Hillary under the bus!

Are you even a human being? Can you not leave politics aside for just one fucking second to think of other human beings, or are you just too far gone, just beyond redemption?

Damn, some Righties are so unbelievably fucked-up, there are just no words....

Pity you can't shed another of your copious crocodile for the souls of THE ABORTED.

This is an adult website. If you can't cope with that maybe you can find a Mr. Rogers fan site where you might feel more at home - IF they'd let you play.

What an asshole you are.
We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

Yes, we've all experienced grief and loss, and usually people with any sense of human kindness say something nice or say nothing at all. You are a disgrace to your party. Shame on you. You''re not funny, you're disgusting.

Firstly- I don't represent any "party". Unlike you and your ilk of mindless sheep, I think and speak for myself.

Secondly, , shame on YOU- for being a phony. You don't care about Biden or his family. You don't even know them. You're just seizing an opportunity to act morally superior.
Well, it isn't really hard to act superior to a piece of shit like you. You don't have the strength of character to comprehend that you don't have to know the people to show human sympathy. What you are saying is that if you don't directly know someone you don't care in the least that they have lost a child. It indicates that you lack a positive human characteristic and possess negative ones. It even indicate a level of sociopathic behavior or traits.

Suggesting you and those who are posting these inappropriate comments about the death of the VP's son is a sign of a mental illness is not unreasonable and actually based on fact.


We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

Yes, we've all experienced grief and loss, and usually people with any sense of human kindness say something nice or say nothing at all. You are a disgrace to your party. Shame on you. You''re not funny, you're disgusting.

Firstly- I don't represent any "party". Unlike you and your ilk of mindless sheep, I think and speak for myself.

Secondly, , shame on YOU- for being a phony. You don't care about Biden or his family. You don't even know them. You're just seizing an opportunity to act morally superior.
Well, it isn't really hard to act superior to a piece of shit like you. You don't have the strength of character to comprehend that you don't have to know the people to show human sympathy. What you are saying is that if you don't directly know someone you don't care in the least that they have lost a child. It indicates that you lack a positive human characteristic and possess negative ones. It even indicate a level of sociopathic behavior or traits.

Suggesting you and those who are posting these inappropriate comments about the death of the VP's son is a sign of a mental illness is not unreasonable and actually based on fact.


Why would I need a tissue? I was merely pointing out that sometimes assholes like you have legitimate mental conditions that cause you to be an asshole. Degenerates and person of low moral character naturally occur in the human population. There is no reason you and others should or would not appear here at USMB.
The faux outrage over a few snarky comments is duly noted. The truth is nobody really gives a fuck about Joe Biden and his family except the people that are very close to him. Amongst the USMB population that amounts to ZERO people. Most folks just feel compelled to be polite. Good for them, but I don't feel that way.

We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

#1 - it's not 'faux'.

#2 - why do you think this is the appropriate time, and thread, to joke about this?

#3 - many people care about Joe Biden and his family. I supported him in 1988 and 2008, and think he's one of the best people in Washington. There is no one more genuine than Joe Biden in politics.

I'm very surprised at your posts in this thread. While I've always known you are just a money-oriented self-interested person, I also thought you had a bit of decency, but apparently not.
Just to add a few things:

Biden took the Amtrak every single night from Washington to Delaware, to be with his boys.

Biden has had a standing rule throughout his 40+ years in Washington: No matter what he was doing, or who he was speaking with, if one of his boys called he was to be interrupted immediately.

That's devotion.
Just to add a few things:

Biden took the Amtrak every single night from Washington to Delaware, to be with his boys.

Biden has had a standing rule throughout his 40+ years in Washington: No matter what he was doing, or who he was speaking with, if one of his boys called he was to be interrupted immediately.

That's devotion.

I don't care for Biden and his politics, I do respect the person.
Beau Biden was one of those rare Americans who at the age of over 30, joined the military after 9/11 and as troops were deployed in Afghanistan and deploying to Iraq. He joined in 2003 and deployed to Iraq in 2008.
The faux outrage over a few snarky comments is duly noted. The truth is nobody really gives a fuck about Joe Biden and his family except the people that are very close to him. Amongst the USMB population that amounts to ZERO people. Most folks just feel compelled to be polite. Good for them, but I don't feel that way.

We've all experienced grief and loss. Biden's pain is no worse than the pain I've had in my life or the pain you've had in yours. .I find humor to be an excellent anodyne.

So here's a great big FUCK YOU to everyone who can't take a joke.

#1 - it's not 'faux'.

#2 - why do you think this is the appropriate time, and thread, to joke about this?

#3 - many people care about Joe Biden and his family. I supported him in 1988 and 2008, and think he's one of the best people in Washington. There is no one more genuine than Joe Biden in politics.

I'm very surprised at your posts in this thread. While I've always known you are just a money-oriented self-interested person, I also thought you had a bit of decency, but apparently not.
1) Yet it is. You don't know him personally. you don't live in Delaware. you're only vaguely aware of him or his family.
2) Humor is always appropriate, especially after a death
3) Good for you. You are entitled to your opinion. I think he's a dullard.

Now, what part of my post if so offensive? Joking that Slow Joe might announce his candidacy at the funeral? that rises to the level of "no decency"? Have you heard some of the things this idiot has said?


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