Because of no right to own firearms...

If a straw buyer does this and the weapon is used in a felony, the straw buyer needs to be tried and convicted for the crime that the gun was used for. You get a twofer on that conviction.

And when you can figure out a way to have Firearms protected under the 1st amendment under religious protection then, and only then, Murdock V Penn may apply. Murdock V has absolutely nothing to do with Firearms. It has to do with Religious Pamphlets and books. You might bow down and pray to your AR and print NRA scripture on it and accept it as a religion but outside of your little nutcase cult, no one else does including the Constitution of the United States.

Less than 3% of the population owns over 50% of all the guns in the US. If you do the math, that means there are more households without guns than with by a very wide margin. And you are trying to make us believe that there were 4.7 million people carrying guns on the street legally in 1993. Not hardly. There isn't even a fraction of that number even today. You present figures and the scuew them to your own ends. It's a lie.

Gun violence is down due to better trained, manned and equipped police forces and public awareness. Simple as that. More Guns in the hands of the untrained would only add to the accidental deaths and injuries that have also gone down due to the same reasons that violent crime has gone down. More Guns just adds to the problems. But it does add to the bank accounts to the Gun industry so I guess you find that it's a good thing. You deserve to be tried along with the violent criminals when they use the same guns you helped to make available to them.
Legal Firearm ownership is very low in urban America, and very high in rural America

Population is very high in Urban America and very low in rural America. And then, not all rural people own firearms as well. I will admit that most do but some don't. Meanwhile, MOST Urban households don't own firearms.

I was wondering where you and your little buddy was getting your data from. I finally found it. Lott and Mustards book that was largely discredited that made all the same claims you do. In fact, almost all pro gun writing since then have largely been based on that flawed book although none of them gives reference to it. Hate to break it to you but you have been sold a huge bill of goods based on a book that lied and whose main purpose was to sell a book, not stick with facts and real data.

You guys keep lying about Lott....and yet his research still stands the test of time.....

And it was Pew, not Lott, that showed that as more Americans own and carry guns the gun murder rate, the gun crime rate and the violent crime rate went down....supporting Lott's argument...

I just read the Pew report. it doesn't take a side one way or another. It just states who supports and doesn't support and who supports a little gun regulation. Really, nothing more. It doesn't go into who is right or who is wrong. It's non political. You are reading into what they are saying once again. Aren't you worried that many of us will research it? Well, we will.

As for lott, not one qualified person in the 90s and early 2000s found his book to be factual. it was debunked. I wondered where you get all your goofy ideas from. You aren't even aware of the source. Well, cupcake, now you are. It should make some really good reading for you. I read it and found it was entertaining and book selling. But when I researched his data I found his conclusions were flawed just like the other qualified people. But since you aren't qualified you might read it and actually believe it. Of course, it really needs a rewrite where it starts with "Once upon a time".

Yes....anti gunners said Lott was wrong...they couldn't prove that he was wrong...but they said he was wrong...a lot......

If you researched his data the way you researched D.C. v Heller, then Lott's finding are obviously dead on...

I already provided the Cites to show Lott was wrong. You can't get around that this easy. And the only thing Heller did was to prevent DC from messing with the handguns in the homes, nothing more. You are trying to do what Lott did and make people think it says something it doesn't. The more you do this, the fewer people will believe you and the fewer people will buy into the fears you are trying to spread. Since gun sales are way down, I guess people, as a whole, aren't buying into the "More Guns" routine anymore. They know it's a lie.
It doesn't matter if guns in the hands of law abiding citizens reduce crime.

The fact is guns in the hands of law abiding citizens does not increase crime and is therefore a neutral entity.

You all should be worrying about how to keep piece of shit criminals from getting and using guns in crimes.

But as I have shown you, gun control freaks do not care one whit about the crime or murder rate as much as they do keeping law abiding citizens from owning and carrying firearms because they know where most crime and murder occurs and ignore it completely.
It doesn't matter if guns in the hands of law abiding citizens reduce crime.

The fact is guns in the hands of law abiding citizens does not increase crime and is therefore a neutral entity.

You all should be worrying about how to keep piece of shit criminals from getting and using guns in crimes.

But as I have shown you, gun control freaks do not care one whit about the crime or murder rate as much as they do keeping law abiding citizens from owning and carrying firearms because they know where most crime and murder occurs and ignore it completely.

Actually, you have shown us nothing. Everything you have shown has been explainable by other things. The reduction, etc. by other means without the "More Guns" routine.

What I have shown you is the other factors that have actually worked and we need to do more of them. And yes, cupcake, they are very effective against criminals. But you seem to get all glassy eyed when you come to that part so I won't go into it. I think I've kill too many of your brain cells already.

Your assumption that there has been an increase in the number of guns in the general populance is correct but the breakdown is incorrect. Over 50% of all the guns owned are owned by less than 3% of the population. The general public gun ownership has actually gone down. But you gun nutters buy more than enough to keep the overall percentage quite high. Since the actual gun owners have gone down in the past 10 years or so, one would think that the last 10 years, the number of accidental shooting would have also gone down. No, they have stayed about the same. That means that people like you are having more than your fair share of gun accidents. But as long as you are just shooting each other that might be okay. But the problem is, a bullet know no friends nor knows no direction and innocents get harmed. At some point, we just might have to do something about you belligerent children. As the joke goes, the first kid on the block to be the last kid on the block, buy more guns.
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Rural and urban firearm ownership is like night and day, putting your fucked up frivolous laws on rural firearm owners makes no sense and will never happen.
The decrease is with urban areas, where all of the violent crime and criminals are.
Rural firearm ownership is always increasing, it is an right.
And there is nothing wrong with owning as many firearms as an individual wants.
It’s none of your or my business and certainly none of the federal governments business.
US homicide rate is 4x that of the UK. The OP couldn’t be more stupid.
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Rural and urban firearm ownership is like night and day, putting your fucked up frivolous laws on rural firearm owners makes no sense and will never happen.
The decrease is with urban areas, where all of the violent crime and criminals are.
Rural firearm ownership is always increasing, it is an right.
And there is nothing wrong with owning as many firearms as an individual wants.
It’s none of your or my business and certainly none of the federal governments business.

Rural has almost no population. And it has almost no wealth. I know a number of Farmers and Ranchers that don't have two nickles to rub together. They go season to season in hock up to their kiesters to the Bank. Yes, they have a nice truck but need that truck for their farm or ranch's daily operation. Yes, they have a nice house but that's been in the family for generations. If you were to try and rob them, you would be lucky to get 50 bucks. And forget about high dollar jewelry. It's a lot more advantageous to go after the nice house in the suburbs with the two nice cars, the nice clothes and lots of credit cards than wasting your time going after someone that pretty much is in debt like most Farmers and Ranchers. Your "Whatabout" is nonsense.
US homicide rate is 4x that of the UK. The OP couldn’t be more stupid.
Only in progressive controlled urban areas...
rural America is where violence is almost nonexistent.
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Rural and urban firearm ownership is like night and day, putting your fucked up frivolous laws on rural firearm owners makes no sense and will never happen.
The decrease is with urban areas, where all of the violent crime and criminals are.
Rural firearm ownership is always increasing, it is an right.
And there is nothing wrong with owning as many firearms as an individual wants.
It’s none of your or my business and certainly none of the federal governments business.

Rural has almost no population. And it has almost no wealth. I know a number of Farmers and Ranchers that don't have two nickles to rub together. They go season to season in hock up to their kiesters to the Bank. Yes, they have a nice truck but need that truck for their farm or ranch's daily operation. Yes, they have a nice house but that's been in the family for generations. If you were to try and rob them, you would be lucky to get 50 bucks. And forget about high dollar jewelry. It's a lot more advantageous to go after the nice house in the suburbs with the two nice cars, the nice clothes and lots of credit cards than wasting your time going after someone that pretty much is in debt like most Farmers and Ranchers. Your "Whatabout" is nonsense.
...and lots legally held firearms.

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Yeah, Americans who want America to remain American. That would be 90% of Americans... you may be surprised about the blue drought.

And what Race would that be again?

Did anyone mention race? Oh yeah, you did.

Surprise! Patriotic Americans come in all races.
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Except that the Government says 49 Percent of households have a firearm numbnuts.

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.
Info wars?
The idiots who don't believe we landed on the moon?
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Except that the Government says 49 Percent of households have a firearm numbnuts.
Thank god for home killings and suicides.
Raising the IQ of the nation?
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Except that the Government says 49 Percent of households have a firearm numbnuts.
Thank god for home killings and suicides.
Raising the IQ of the nation?
Suicides will happen with or without firearms as evidenced by Countries with no firearms high rate of suicide. You wanna kill yourself you will pretty simple concept. As for home kills across the board murder is done shootings are down violent crime is DOWN.
And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Except that the Government says 49 Percent of households have a firearm numbnuts.
Thank god for home killings and suicides.
Raising the IQ of the nation?
Suicides will happen with or without firearms as evidenced by Countries with no firearms high rate of suicide. You wanna kill yourself you will pretty simple concept. As for home kills across the board murder is done shootings are down violent crime is DOWN.

Down from a huge number.
We are still way ahead as % of population.
And be careful to compare violent.
Here it's death.
In the uk its bashing someone with a pint glass at closing time
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.
A total falsehood.

Murder by firearm in the UK: one per MILLION

Murder by firearm in the US: four per 100,000

We are FORTY TIMES better at murdering people with guns.

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Murder by gun: We're 40 times better at it than the UK

Murder overall: We're more than 4 times better at it than the UK.

Simple facts.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.

We don't have more firearms per person. We have more firearms per capita. but over 50% of all firearms are owned by less than 3% of the population. The real increase in firearms ownership was inside that 3% not the other 97%. As usual, you are just messing with the data misquoting it to your own ends. In reality, there has been a decrease in gun ownership in the 97% which would explain the lower accident rate.
Except that the Government says 49 Percent of households have a firearm numbnuts.
Thank god for home killings and suicides.
Raising the IQ of the nation?
Suicides will happen with or without firearms as evidenced by Countries with no firearms high rate of suicide. You wanna kill yourself you will pretty simple concept. As for home kills across the board murder is done shootings are down violent crime is DOWN.

Down from a huge number.
We are still way ahead as % of population.
And be careful to compare violent.
Here it's death.
In the uk its bashing someone with a pint glass at closing time

No we aren't. Looking at the stats whites are killing themselves the same rate as in Europe, and blacks the same as in Africa. Comparing whites to blacks is very stupid, since blacks are inherently more violent.
It doesn't matter if guns in the hands of law abiding citizens reduce crime.

The fact is guns in the hands of law abiding citizens does not increase crime and is therefore a neutral entity.

You all should be worrying about how to keep piece of shit criminals from getting and using guns in crimes.

But as I have shown you, gun control freaks do not care one whit about the crime or murder rate as much as they do keeping law abiding citizens from owning and carrying firearms because they know where most crime and murder occurs and ignore it completely.

Actually, you have shown us nothing. Everything you have shown has been explainable by other things. The reduction, etc. by other means without the "More Guns" routine.

What I have shown you is the other factors that have actually worked and we need to do more of them. And yes, cupcake, they are very effective against criminals. But you seem to get all glassy eyed when you come to that part so I won't go into it. I think I've kill too many of your brain cells already.

Your assumption that there has been an increase in the number of guns in the general populance is correct but the breakdown is incorrect. Over 50% of all the guns owned are owned by less than 3% of the population. The general public gun ownership has actually gone down. But you gun nutters buy more than enough to keep the overall percentage quite high. Since the actual gun owners have gone down in the past 10 years or so, one would think that the last 10 years, the number of accidental shooting would have also gone down. No, they have stayed about the same. That means that people like you are having more than your fair share of gun accidents. But as long as you are just shooting each other that might be okay. But the problem is, a bullet know no friends nor knows no direction and innocents get harmed. At some point, we just might have to do something about you belligerent children. As the joke goes, the first kid on the block to be the last kid on the block, buy more guns.

You don't pay attention

70% of all murders take place in very small very distinct areas in just 5% of all the counties in the country.
Everyone knows where they are but since these murder islands are located in neighborhoods historically plagued by high poverty, high crime and high violence and are predominantly populated by minorities no one cares.

Young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities accounts for 70% of all murder.

You have not once addressed this in any of your gun control rants and since you ignore it you demonstrate that you don't care about lowering the murder rate as much as you do gun control
United Kingdom homicide rate: 1.2 per 100,000

United States homicide rate: 5.35 per 100,000

We're more than four times better at it because we have more guns.

And yet the gun nutters want us to have more guns in inexperienced hands. Talk about the Darwin Affect.
And yet FACTS are with more firearms we have less accidental shootings less death by accidental shootings and less murder by firearms, go figure.
A total falsehood.

Murder by firearm in the UK: one per MILLION

Murder by firearm in the US: four per 100,000

We are FORTY TIMES better at murdering people with guns.

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

The British criminals have never been big on committing murder, and you know have to pretend that is the issue because the fact is, gun control in Britain is not working...gun crime is up 43% in London, homicide rates are up 44%....violent crime is going through the roof......

The British people turned in their guns on the promise from the British government it would make them increase of 44% in homicides and a 42% increase in gun crime...after they banned and confiscated guns is not being safer...; the United States, as more Americans own and carry guns....we are safer....

gun murder, down 49%

gun crime down 75%

violent crime down 72%

Please...explain how everything you say about guns is so wrong
Murder by gun: We're 40 times better at it than the UK

Murder overall: We're more than 4 times better at it than the UK.

Simple facts.

No...democrats in America are 40 times better at gun murder than in keep leaving that fact out...the majority....let's just be honest, almost all gun murder takes place in areas controlled by the democrat party......and you don't care...

Maybe if we ban democrats we could end gun violence in this country.

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

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