Because of no right to own firearms...

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people
Americanism isn't about race but a set of ideas, such as the right to own guns.

In some races, these ideas are abundant. In other races, they fall for socialism and shitholes. Which is why the democrats want them in. And which is why America should take such people at most proportionately.

You already hinted that you lean heavily in favor of Whites. You already blew it.

And I support ALL of the Constitution, not just the parts that I like and discount the rest. People like me have defended the Constitution in Blood and more for the last 300 years. I took an oath 5 times to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic. No one has ever relieve me of that oath. You talk about Patriots? I see very few patriots around me and you ain't one of them. You would try and use force to overthrow our legally elected government because it suits you. That makes you an enemy of any real patriot. If you want to be a real patriot, do it the right way and support making the changes at that ballot boxes and primaries. I don't have to agree with your ideas there but I will defend your right to express them as a true patriot. But if you continue to even suggest that there is an armed solution, I will condemn you and be one of the first to take up arms against you by joining the Organized Militia to stop you in your tracks. And, unlike you, I have the training to accomplish the task.
So you would defend a tyrannical government, if that was the case?
You do realize that people are not talking about taking up arms against their country for willy nilly reasons, right? It's when a government becomes tyrannical, and begins to operate against the constitution, in an aggressive manner, is when people are talking about use of force against the government.

It is the declaration of independence and the constitution together that say that we are supposed to do just that.

It does irk me when people will just bow down to their elected leaders, as if they were a ruling party or something. I guess government loves that you think this way,

I wish people would wake up and realize that our government is supposed to only have the power that we grant to it, and they are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. The times we are living in, however, government has gotten so big and gained so much power, that, they pretty much are our rulers, and nobody along the way did anything to stop it. People just played along and let government take control, and now any last bastion of the proper order of things is dead.

Truthfully? Most people dont realize that we are already in a soft dictatorship. Our government has no limits on what it can do, and when they do step out of line, nobody holds them in check, because were all afraid of the big powerful machine that has been created. Instead of us focusing our attention on the government, we are all here bickering back and forth in partisan debates, and our government is loving it.

Liberty is truly dead. The only liberty we have left is what our government allows us to have....

We have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. It's called Elections. That is the only revolution I will accept. And that is the only Revolution that the Constitution that you keep touting will also accept. To not accept it is not accepting our Constitution. And to take up arms against the Constitution is called Treason. You want your Revolution, take it up with the Ballots and Primaries. You want change, do it there and you will have my total support even when I disagree with your ideas. Do it any other way and you not only will not have my support but you will have me as an adversary. I am a Patriot. And with that title comes responsibilities. And the first responsibility is to support the Constitution of the United States. All of it, not just the parts that I agree with.

I am sorry, I can't help but to laugh when you say you are a patriot, yet support unlimited immigration to America, which will destroy all the values and the constitution.

But you can tell yourself what you want. Just don't expect anyone to buy it.

Did I say that I support unlimited immigration to America? Stop lying. Just because you say I did doesn't make it the truth. I guess you believe if you say it enough it will become the truth. Nope, it's still a lie.

You keep spouting the Constitution yet you don't know what it really says. You only go by what other biased people tell you it says. How you take the time to really read it. And read not only the major Amendments but the sections under each one. The Constitution is a lot larger than you believe it is and a lot clearer for the most part. The One part that you believe in the most is one of the most ambiguous amendments of all and that is the 2nd amendment. If you knew more you would see that the first half is no longer possible and half of the second half is impossible. Only the last few words make any sense these days. We don't need to do away with the 2nd amendment but we surely do need to make a few updates to it. We outgrew most of it starting in 1850 when we our weapons started outgrowing the human being. By 1917, the 2nd amendment was pretty well trashed and in bad need up updating. You want to have a mission? Work on getting it up to todays standards where it actually works. But an armed revolution won't be the answer other than to get rid of a bunch of unsavory traitors very quickly and cost a bunch of Patriots preserving the nation their lives. Again, do it the right way. Do it by presenting your own Representatives who will present YOUR views and you will have my support. Do the Revolution the right way.

BTW, agree with some of what you have to say about the powers and size of the Government. But if you spent your energy in working inside changing the people that you send to the Government then we might see a change to the good. Otherwise, it's just business as usual. I see Soros and the Koch Brothers as equal evils and want both out of politics.

Irrelevant distinction. You support so much immigration into the America that it won't be America anymore in a few decades.

The rest is all your opinion with nothing to back up the claims.

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Or you could allocate more money to law enforcement and clean out the criminals. But you wont' because that would be a Democrats solution. Criminals avoid areas that are well patrolled. If an area has a large criminal activity, put in more cops and patrol it. Or use Private Highly Trained Security Personnel. It it requires guns, arm the Cops and Security with whatever weapons they need. And work WITH the community. Meanwhile, work to get employment back to the poor neighborhoods. Working People don't need crime to live if they are working in legit jobs. This drives criminals nuts.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.
You already hinted that you lean heavily in favor of Whites. You already blew it.

And I support ALL of the Constitution, not just the parts that I like and discount the rest. People like me have defended the Constitution in Blood and more for the last 300 years. I took an oath 5 times to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic. No one has ever relieve me of that oath. You talk about Patriots? I see very few patriots around me and you ain't one of them. You would try and use force to overthrow our legally elected government because it suits you. That makes you an enemy of any real patriot. If you want to be a real patriot, do it the right way and support making the changes at that ballot boxes and primaries. I don't have to agree with your ideas there but I will defend your right to express them as a true patriot. But if you continue to even suggest that there is an armed solution, I will condemn you and be one of the first to take up arms against you by joining the Organized Militia to stop you in your tracks. And, unlike you, I have the training to accomplish the task.
So you would defend a tyrannical government, if that was the case?
You do realize that people are not talking about taking up arms against their country for willy nilly reasons, right? It's when a government becomes tyrannical, and begins to operate against the constitution, in an aggressive manner, is when people are talking about use of force against the government.

It is the declaration of independence and the constitution together that say that we are supposed to do just that.

It does irk me when people will just bow down to their elected leaders, as if they were a ruling party or something. I guess government loves that you think this way,

I wish people would wake up and realize that our government is supposed to only have the power that we grant to it, and they are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. The times we are living in, however, government has gotten so big and gained so much power, that, they pretty much are our rulers, and nobody along the way did anything to stop it. People just played along and let government take control, and now any last bastion of the proper order of things is dead.

Truthfully? Most people dont realize that we are already in a soft dictatorship. Our government has no limits on what it can do, and when they do step out of line, nobody holds them in check, because were all afraid of the big powerful machine that has been created. Instead of us focusing our attention on the government, we are all here bickering back and forth in partisan debates, and our government is loving it.

Liberty is truly dead. The only liberty we have left is what our government allows us to have....

We have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. It's called Elections. That is the only revolution I will accept. And that is the only Revolution that the Constitution that you keep touting will also accept. To not accept it is not accepting our Constitution. And to take up arms against the Constitution is called Treason. You want your Revolution, take it up with the Ballots and Primaries. You want change, do it there and you will have my total support even when I disagree with your ideas. Do it any other way and you not only will not have my support but you will have me as an adversary. I am a Patriot. And with that title comes responsibilities. And the first responsibility is to support the Constitution of the United States. All of it, not just the parts that I agree with.

I am sorry, I can't help but to laugh when you say you are a patriot, yet support unlimited immigration to America, which will destroy all the values and the constitution.

But you can tell yourself what you want. Just don't expect anyone to buy it.

Did I say that I support unlimited immigration to America? Stop lying. Just because you say I did doesn't make it the truth. I guess you believe if you say it enough it will become the truth. Nope, it's still a lie.

You keep spouting the Constitution yet you don't know what it really says. You only go by what other biased people tell you it says. How you take the time to really read it. And read not only the major Amendments but the sections under each one. The Constitution is a lot larger than you believe it is and a lot clearer for the most part. The One part that you believe in the most is one of the most ambiguous amendments of all and that is the 2nd amendment. If you knew more you would see that the first half is no longer possible and half of the second half is impossible. Only the last few words make any sense these days. We don't need to do away with the 2nd amendment but we surely do need to make a few updates to it. We outgrew most of it starting in 1850 when we our weapons started outgrowing the human being. By 1917, the 2nd amendment was pretty well trashed and in bad need up updating. You want to have a mission? Work on getting it up to todays standards where it actually works. But an armed revolution won't be the answer other than to get rid of a bunch of unsavory traitors very quickly and cost a bunch of Patriots preserving the nation their lives. Again, do it the right way. Do it by presenting your own Representatives who will present YOUR views and you will have my support. Do the Revolution the right way.

BTW, agree with some of what you have to say about the powers and size of the Government. But if you spent your energy in working inside changing the people that you send to the Government then we might see a change to the good. Otherwise, it's just business as usual. I see Soros and the Koch Brothers as equal evils and want both out of politics.

Irrelevant distinction. You support so much immigration into the America that it won't be America anymore in a few decades.

The rest is all your opinion with nothing to back up the claims.

Because you said so. No matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. You have been blown out of the sky, there cupcake. Enjoy.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.

People with firearms also defend themselves better.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.

People with firearms also defend themselves better.

People with Firearms also accidentally shoot each other better.
So you would defend a tyrannical government, if that was the case?
You do realize that people are not talking about taking up arms against their country for willy nilly reasons, right? It's when a government becomes tyrannical, and begins to operate against the constitution, in an aggressive manner, is when people are talking about use of force against the government.

It is the declaration of independence and the constitution together that say that we are supposed to do just that.

It does irk me when people will just bow down to their elected leaders, as if they were a ruling party or something. I guess government loves that you think this way,

I wish people would wake up and realize that our government is supposed to only have the power that we grant to it, and they are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. The times we are living in, however, government has gotten so big and gained so much power, that, they pretty much are our rulers, and nobody along the way did anything to stop it. People just played along and let government take control, and now any last bastion of the proper order of things is dead.

Truthfully? Most people dont realize that we are already in a soft dictatorship. Our government has no limits on what it can do, and when they do step out of line, nobody holds them in check, because were all afraid of the big powerful machine that has been created. Instead of us focusing our attention on the government, we are all here bickering back and forth in partisan debates, and our government is loving it.

Liberty is truly dead. The only liberty we have left is what our government allows us to have....

We have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. It's called Elections. That is the only revolution I will accept. And that is the only Revolution that the Constitution that you keep touting will also accept. To not accept it is not accepting our Constitution. And to take up arms against the Constitution is called Treason. You want your Revolution, take it up with the Ballots and Primaries. You want change, do it there and you will have my total support even when I disagree with your ideas. Do it any other way and you not only will not have my support but you will have me as an adversary. I am a Patriot. And with that title comes responsibilities. And the first responsibility is to support the Constitution of the United States. All of it, not just the parts that I agree with.

I am sorry, I can't help but to laugh when you say you are a patriot, yet support unlimited immigration to America, which will destroy all the values and the constitution.

But you can tell yourself what you want. Just don't expect anyone to buy it.

Did I say that I support unlimited immigration to America? Stop lying. Just because you say I did doesn't make it the truth. I guess you believe if you say it enough it will become the truth. Nope, it's still a lie.

You keep spouting the Constitution yet you don't know what it really says. You only go by what other biased people tell you it says. How you take the time to really read it. And read not only the major Amendments but the sections under each one. The Constitution is a lot larger than you believe it is and a lot clearer for the most part. The One part that you believe in the most is one of the most ambiguous amendments of all and that is the 2nd amendment. If you knew more you would see that the first half is no longer possible and half of the second half is impossible. Only the last few words make any sense these days. We don't need to do away with the 2nd amendment but we surely do need to make a few updates to it. We outgrew most of it starting in 1850 when we our weapons started outgrowing the human being. By 1917, the 2nd amendment was pretty well trashed and in bad need up updating. You want to have a mission? Work on getting it up to todays standards where it actually works. But an armed revolution won't be the answer other than to get rid of a bunch of unsavory traitors very quickly and cost a bunch of Patriots preserving the nation their lives. Again, do it the right way. Do it by presenting your own Representatives who will present YOUR views and you will have my support. Do the Revolution the right way.

BTW, agree with some of what you have to say about the powers and size of the Government. But if you spent your energy in working inside changing the people that you send to the Government then we might see a change to the good. Otherwise, it's just business as usual. I see Soros and the Koch Brothers as equal evils and want both out of politics.

Irrelevant distinction. You support so much immigration into the America that it won't be America anymore in a few decades.

The rest is all your opinion with nothing to back up the claims.

Because you said so. No matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. You have been blown out of the sky, there cupcake. Enjoy.

So I take it that you are for building that wall then... since we are even currently well on our way to becoming minority white country. According to voter records minorities do not vote in general, for American values.

Unless of course, you are expecting this to change in a few decades of breeding even more people out of the dumb poor classes, while highly intelligent are paying taxes to fund such activities and aren't procreating. Under this reality things are for sure going to change in few decades...

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.

People with firearms also defend themselves better.

People with Firearms also accidentally shoot each other better.

They also on purpose shoot criminals better.

And they have made the determination that the pros outweigh the cons, which they do.
Once you control for race, USA has same statistics as Europe. You can check them out yourself on the FBI site.

Seems like the bad statistics have a lot more to do with abundance of Mexicans and other minorities than with abundance of guns.

I asked you what Race and I think you pretty well answered that one.

Americanism isn't about race but a set of ideas, such as the right to own guns.

In some races, these ideas are abundant. In other races, they fall for socialism and shitholes. Which is why the democrats want them in. And which is why America should take such people at most proportionately.

You already hinted that you lean heavily in favor of Whites. You already blew it.

And I support ALL of the Constitution, not just the parts that I like and discount the rest. People like me have defended the Constitution in Blood and more for the last 300 years. I took an oath 5 times to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic. No one has ever relieve me of that oath. You talk about Patriots? I see very few patriots around me and you ain't one of them. You would try and use force to overthrow our legally elected government because it suits you. That makes you an enemy of any real patriot. If you want to be a real patriot, do it the right way and support making the changes at that ballot boxes and primaries. I don't have to agree with your ideas there but I will defend your right to express them as a true patriot. But if you continue to even suggest that there is an armed solution, I will condemn you and be one of the first to take up arms against you by joining the Organized Militia to stop you in your tracks. And, unlike you, I have the training to accomplish the task.
So you would defend a tyrannical government, if that was the case?
You do realize that people are not talking about taking up arms against their country for willy nilly reasons, right? It's when a government becomes tyrannical, and begins to operate against the constitution, in an aggressive manner, is when people are talking about use of force against the government.

It is the declaration of independence and the constitution together that say that we are supposed to do just that.

It does irk me when people will just bow down to their elected leaders, as if they were a ruling party or something. I guess government loves that you think this way,

I wish people would wake up and realize that our government is supposed to only have the power that we grant to it, and they are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. The times we are living in, however, government has gotten so big and gained so much power, that, they pretty much are our rulers, and nobody along the way did anything to stop it. People just played along and let government take control, and now any last bastion of the proper order of things is dead.

Truthfully? Most people dont realize that we are already in a soft dictatorship. Our government has no limits on what it can do, and when they do step out of line, nobody holds them in check, because were all afraid of the big powerful machine that has been created. Instead of us focusing our attention on the government, we are all here bickering back and forth in partisan debates, and our government is loving it.

Liberty is truly dead. The only liberty we have left is what our government allows us to have....

We have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. It's called Elections. That is the only revolution I will accept. And that is the only Revolution that the Constitution that you keep touting will also accept. To not accept it is not accepting our Constitution. And to take up arms against the Constitution is called Treason. You want your Revolution, take it up with the Ballots and Primaries. You want change, do it there and you will have my total support even when I disagree with your ideas. Do it any other way and you not only will not have my support but you will have me as an adversary. I am a Patriot. And with that title comes responsibilities. And the first responsibility is to support the Constitution of the United States. All of it, not just the parts that I agree with.
You’re a gun grabbing progressive who can’t tolerate anybody disagreeing with you...

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Or you could allocate more money to law enforcement and clean out the criminals. But you wont' because that would be a Democrats solution. Criminals avoid areas that are well patrolled. If an area has a large criminal activity, put in more cops and patrol it. Or use Private Highly Trained Security Personnel. It it requires guns, arm the Cops and Security with whatever weapons they need. And work WITH the community. Meanwhile, work to get employment back to the poor neighborhoods. Working People don't need crime to live if they are working in legit jobs. This drives criminals nuts.
Rural America is awash with legally owned firearms, And violent crime is basically nonexistent.
So it’s not the firearms.
Urban America is awash with criminals, and no criminal control.
The breakdown of the traditional American family Is the norm in urban America...

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.
Na, Crazy Muslims in the Middle East much prefer bombs and vehicles over firearms and they have access to anything they want...

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.

People with firearms also defend themselves better.

People with Firearms also accidentally shoot each other better.
Only gun grabbers like yourself
It’s a funny thing Western Europe make sure that their citizens have no right to firearms, or even the freedom of speech.
And we are progressives over here of that constantly envy Europe but never move there… Fucking cowardly hypocrites

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Take the unconstitutional "gun free zones" like Chicago and LA and NYC out of that, and America would be dead last.

Now tell us again how GUN CONTROL works, Einstein...
OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Firearms don’t kill people people kill people

People with Firearms just do it better.

People with firearms also defend themselves better.

People with Firearms also accidentally shoot each other better.
Only gun grabbers like yourself

Okay, let me grab my guns. And first, let me make sure it's in a locked cabinet with the safety on, away from children and where you can't get at it. Now, I feel secure.

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Or you could allocate more money to law enforcement and clean out the criminals. But you wont' because that would be a Democrats solution. Criminals avoid areas that are well patrolled. If an area has a large criminal activity, put in more cops and patrol it. Or use Private Highly Trained Security Personnel. It it requires guns, arm the Cops and Security with whatever weapons they need. And work WITH the community. Meanwhile, work to get employment back to the poor neighborhoods. Working People don't need crime to live if they are working in legit jobs. This drives criminals nuts.
Rural America is awash with legally owned firearms, And violent crime is basically nonexistent.
So it’s not the firearms.
Urban America is awash with criminals, and no criminal control.
The breakdown of the traditional American family Is the norm in urban America...
Rural America is also short on population as well. But don't let that get you the way of a good rant.

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Seig Heil indeed.

Fucking democrats.

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Or you could allocate more money to law enforcement and clean out the criminals. But you wont' because that would be a Democrats solution. Criminals avoid areas that are well patrolled. If an area has a large criminal activity, put in more cops and patrol it. Or use Private Highly Trained Security Personnel. It it requires guns, arm the Cops and Security with whatever weapons they need. And work WITH the community. Meanwhile, work to get employment back to the poor neighborhoods. Working People don't need crime to live if they are working in legit jobs. This drives criminals nuts.
Rural America is awash with legally owned firearms, And violent crime is basically nonexistent.
So it’s not the firearms.
Urban America is awash with criminals, and no criminal control.
The breakdown of the traditional American family Is the norm in urban America...
Rural America is also short on population as well. But don't let that get you the way of a good rant.
But they are awash in firearms... so it’s not the firearms. dip shit

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