Because the political spectrum is so fluid, how can anyone agree on where the center is?

Yeah, the right prefers to blow up federal buildings with fertilizer bombs
No one ever defended McVeigh or made excuses for him like the Dems and media excused all the ones I mentioned.
plow into crowds with cars,
No Republicans or conservatives defended his actions and no Republicans or conservatives agree with his views. Can't say the same in your case with violence from the left.
gun down doctors at church
Who? When? Link?
Yeah, the right prefers to blow up federal buildings with fertilizer bombs
No one ever defended McVeigh or made excuses for him like the Dems and media excused all the ones I mentioned.
plow into crowds with cars,
No Republicans or conservatives defended his actions and no Republicans or conservatives agree with his views. Can't say the same in your case with violence from the left.
gun down doctors at church
Who? When? Link?

I will not walk into any Church because the roof will cave in.
Obviously, I am a clear-cut leftie, but I think the rightwing misunderstands what that means. I think many services should be strictly socialized (i.e healthcare, higher education), but that doesn't mean I embrace Marxism. I believe capitalism works - I just think it should have strict limitations. It's still a no-brainer to suggest our economy should have a free-enterprise backbone. The profit motive definitely works to an extent. This nuance is something I think the rightwing doesn't understand about the leftwing. Moreover, lefties on this forum disagree with me on socializing certain institutions which puts them closer to the "center"

On the other side of it, finding this sense of nuance post-Tea Party/Trump on the rightwing is a lot more murky. Do republicans even remember what it was like to be closer to the center during Bush's era? Are there any center-right conservatives left to identify?

My overall point is this: for both the left and the right, no one can agree where the center of the spectrum is.

It's pretty simple, if you support a government that is ran by the Constitution as written, you are pretty much in the center. Damn shame that is a minority view in the country now. Our Constitution isn't perfect, but it's better than what we have now.

Then, what exactly, does it mean to be rightwinger if you think being centrist means following the constitution word for word?

Ya know, that's a damned good question. In my book there are the ones that respect the founding documents and the intent of the founders and those who don't. I guess this left/right paradigm is BS, you have those that shit on the Constitution and the ones that only pee on it. Neither is worth much in my book, it's just a matter of picking the lesser evil, but even the lesser evil, is still evil.

Obviously, I am a clear-cut leftie, but I think the rightwing misunderstands what that means. I think many services should be strictly socialized (i.e healthcare, higher education), but that doesn't mean I embrace Marxism. I believe capitalism works - I just think it should have strict limitations. It's still a no-brainer to suggest our economy should have a free-enterprise backbone. The profit motive definitely works to an extent. This nuance is something I think the rightwing doesn't understand about the leftwing. Moreover, lefties on this forum disagree with me on socializing certain institutions which puts them closer to the "center"

On the other side of it, finding this sense of nuance post-Tea Party/Trump on the rightwing is a lot more murky. Do republicans even remember what it was like to be closer to the center during Bush's era? Are there any center-right conservatives left to identify?

My overall point is this: for both the left and the right, no one can agree where the center of the spectrum is.

What about basic equal human rights for ALL human beings?
Obviously, I am a clear-cut leftie, but I think the rightwing misunderstands what that means. I think many services should be strictly socialized (i.e healthcare, higher education), but that doesn't mean I embrace Marxism. I believe capitalism works - I just think it should have strict limitations. It's still a no-brainer to suggest our economy should have a free-enterprise backbone. The profit motive definitely works to an extent. This nuance is something I think the rightwing doesn't understand about the leftwing. Moreover, lefties on this forum disagree with me on socializing certain institutions which puts them closer to the "center"

On the other side of it, finding this sense of nuance post-Tea Party/Trump on the rightwing is a lot more murky. Do republicans even remember what it was like to be closer to the center during Bush's era? Are there any center-right conservatives left to identify?

My overall point is this: for both the left and the right, no one can agree where the center of the spectrum is.
You are just as confused as any right winger. You can't even identify your own ass, much less the center of the political spectrum. A self professed democratic socialist that embraces capitalism. :rolleyes-41: Give me a break. You're no leftist dude, you support the ruling hierarchy and the economic system it protects which makes you every bit the detriment to solving our societal ills as any right winger.
Obviously, I am a clear-cut leftie, but I think the rightwing misunderstands what that means. I think many services should be strictly socialized (i.e healthcare, higher education), but that doesn't mean I embrace Marxism. I believe capitalism works - I just think it should have strict limitations. It's still a no-brainer to suggest our economy should have a free-enterprise backbone. The profit motive definitely works to an extent. This nuance is something I think the rightwing doesn't understand about the leftwing. Moreover, lefties on this forum disagree with me on socializing certain institutions which puts them closer to the "center"

On the other side of it, finding this sense of nuance post-Tea Party/Trump on the rightwing is a lot more murky. Do republicans even remember what it was like to be closer to the center during Bush's era? Are there any center-right conservatives left to identify?

My overall point is this: for both the left and the right, no one can agree where the center of the spectrum is.

The center is where the Founders, in the memorializing documents, placed the creation of this nation.

It is epitomized by individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Based on this,
a. there is not 'Far Right,' only a 'Right'....but certainly is a 'Far Left'

b. None of these can be considered as any thing but Far Left:
Nazis, Communists, Liberals, Socialists, Progressives, or Fascists.
There is no center, its time to pick a side the left must be destroyed once and for all.
There is no center, its time to pick a side the left must be destroyed once and for all.

Au contraire.
The Declaration and the Constitution clearly define the center.

The traditions, values, and views of the writers of those documents inform the center.

1. For example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman is one of those positions.
2. As well as " a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children."
3. Let's take another example,..... 'prayer' in the public arena, Judeo-Christian beliefs are of that 'center.'
4. The first amendment outlines the center:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
5. Equal rights.....not separation of people into classes based on skin color, e.g., 'affirmative action,' is of the center.
6. Restricting the authority of the federal government to the enumerated powers is centrist.
7.A free market economy is a centrist position.

See if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
As the political spectrum is a meaningless construct it doesn't matter where the center is. It's a fake construct. Almost everyone no matter how unreasonable thinks they are the center.
As the political spectrum is a meaningless construct it doesn't matter where the center is. It's a fake construct. Almost everyone no matter how unreasonable thinks they are the center.

Of course, that's false.

It has great meaning as long as the anti-America radicals attempt to claim that there is a 'Far Right.'

America is defined in post #29....
The traditions, values, and views of the writers of those documents inform the center.

1. For example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman is one of those positions.
2. As well as " a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children."
3. Let's take another example,..... 'prayer' in the public arena, Judeo-Christian beliefs are of that 'center.'
4. The first amendment outlines the center:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
5. Equal rights.....not separation of people into classes based on skin color, e.g., 'affirmative action,' is of the center.
6. Restricting the authority of the federal government to the enumerated powers is centrist.
7.A free market economy is a centrist position.

See if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
There is no center, its time to pick a side the left must be destroyed once and for all.


On the left they ran an admitted Socialist who might have gotten the nomination if not for rigging the election. Their last three presidential candidates were supported by the US Communist Party.

On the right there is inner fighting between establishment and Tea Party types. Tea Party people are constitutionalists who believe in the letter of the law when it comes to the Constitution.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. They are total opposites.
Firebombing churches and women's clinics and government buildings
Shooting up prayer groups and political rallies
Assassinating OB/GYNs at their breakfast table or talk show hosts in their driveways?
Denial, ignorance or obfuscation? You want links to common knowledge and history?
If it's common knowledge and history you shouldn't have a problem finding links to back up what you're claiming.
Firebombing churches and women's clinics and government buildings
Shooting up prayer groups and political rallies
Assassinating OB/GYNs at their breakfast table or talk show hosts in their driveways?
Denial, ignorance or obfuscation? You want links to common knowledge and history?
If it's common knowledge and history you shouldn't have a problem finding links to back up what you're claiming.
Chew on these names.

Alan Berg.

Gabriel Giffords.

Bernard Slepian

Dylan Roof

Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston

Timothy McVeigh

Play ignorant or be regarded as ignorant. The ball is I need your court.
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