Because the vast amount of drugs being smuggled over the border come through legal points of entry, why is Biden being blamed for it?

Do you suppose any of this might have to do with foreigners who enter our country through legal points of entry being subject to search while those illegally crossing our borders are not searched or examined on their way in?

Of course you're going to catch more contraband being carried in by those who are subject to the attention of those in charge of catching such contraband, than that carried in by those who are not subject to any such attention.

I see no rational basis on which to assume that anything about how much contraband is caught at legal points of entry has any bearing on how much is smuggled in by other means.

Biden is facilitating the illegal invasion Of this country, the drug / human / child / sex trafficking, and importing of foreign thieves, sexual predators, pedophiles, murderers, violent gangs, the worst criminals in Maduro's and others' prisons, spies, and terrorists on the US terrorist watch list ... by intentionally violating the US Constitution and US law while sabotaging every effort to seal his criminal Open Border.

What truly amazes me, in this country where the govt is supposed to be based on a system of Checks and Balances to ensure 1 man / part of the US govt can NOT do what Biden is doing - destroying this nation / violating Constitution and law, our politicians / other branches of Govt sit idly by and do nothing - like we citizens are forced to do - except WATCH as he continues to do it.
Do you suppose any of this might have to do with foreigners who enter our country through legal points of entry being subject to search while those illegally crossing our borders are not searched or examined on their way in?

Of course you're going to catch more contraband being carried in by those who are subject to the attention of those in charge of catching such contraband, than that carried in by those who are not subject to any such attention.

I see no rational basis on which to assume that anything about how much contraband is caught at legal points of entry has any bearing on how much is smuggled in by other means.

The fact that most drugs are caught at the border has absolutely no connection with the percentage of those drugs that are smuggled in at those borders. I find it rather unlikely that most drugs are moved across legal borders.

Further, Billy wants to blame the boarder patrol. Sure, who is it that runs those agencies again? Who is at the vary top of setting the policies that are failing?

Do you need 3 guesses Billy?
Biden is facilitating the illegal invasion Of this country, the drug / human / child / sex trafficking, and importing of foreign thieves, sexual predators, pedophiles, murderers, violent gangs, the worst criminals in Maduro's and others' prisons, spies, and terrorists on the US terrorist watch list ...
Lying piece of poo.

The fact that most drugs are caught at the border has absolutely no connection with the percentage of those drugs that are smuggled in at those borders. I find it rather unlikely that most drugs are moved across legal borders.

If you seriously have no idea how much Fentynal has made it into the country illegally, how can anyone say 'the majority' of the drugs are being caught at the border?

Its like attempting to claim no terrorists have made it into the US by crossing the border illegally simply because you have caught a couple trying to do so.
Because he is President and all Presidents get blame for stuff they shouldn’t as well as credit for things they shouldn’t it comes with job there is no exception for Biden.
The problem with that is Biden has contributed to much of the Hell that has been unleashed on America since he took office.
Lying piece of poo.
I'm sure that Biden had alot of help from Democrats in the big cities they run, but Biden is the centerpiece of a massive drive to create chaos and crime that effects everyone.

You folks just figure we'll eventually get used to getting beat up for our lunch money and our Nikes and just accept it as normal.
The problem with that is Biden has contributed to much of the Hell that has been unleashed on America since he took office.
Those talking point are only good for the Neo-GOP.

Ya'll did the same to Carter when the bill for Vietnam, Nixon, Watergate, and Ford came due.........
Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically.

Not only Texas but other border states and governors are massively overwhelmed by the number of illegals coming through Biden's UN-CONSTITUTIONAL AND ILLEGAL OPEN BORDER.

Border Patrol reported being so busy processing and taknhg care of the kids in cages in cages / illegals they don't have enough agents to adequately.go out into the field along the border to try to catch all the illegals coming in.


Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically. Anything bad is Biden’s fault I guess lol

This also proves how useless of an idea a border wall would be.

“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.”

90% of heroin comes through crossing points?

Where to begin?

First of all, how do they know how much overall heroin comes into the country? To know, you would have to be counting it, and to count it you would have to knowingly allow it in.

Very strange.

But either way, the government is doing nothing about this.

Secondly, neither party wants to secure the border. Trump and the GOP had two long years to do it, yet nothing was done., and we all know how much the DNC is in love with open borders.

My guess is that state government is in the same boat with the Feds on this.
Secondly, neither party wants to secure the border. Trump and the GOP had two long years to do it, yet nothing was done...

You conveniently left out how Democrats desperately, rabidly fought the completion of the wall and the securing of the border.

For f*'s sake, Biden not long ago ordered the removal of 2 ship cargo containers being used to block illegals flooding through an open section of wall to be DECONSTRUCTED because it WAS WORKING.

(Abbot should have told Biden to F* off and used his National Guard to prevent the Biden administration from deconstructing their successful make-shift wall, citing tbe necessity to protect the state and citizens and the refusal of the Biden administration to do so.)
You conveniently left out how Democrats desperately, rabidly fought the completion of the wall and the securing of the border.

For f*'s sake, Biden not long ago ordered the removal of 2 ship cargo containers being used to block illegals flooding through an open section of wall to be DECONSTRUCTED because it WAS WORKING.

(Abbot should have told Biden to F* off and used his National Guard to prevent the Biden administration from deconstructing their successful make-shift wall, citing tbe necessity to protect the state and citizens and the refusal of the Biden administration to do so.)
Fair enough

But yea, the GOP, like Abbot, does not do all they can do like you say

Thus proving my point.

The drug cartels own the border, and both parties.
90% of heroin comes through crossing points?

Where to begin?

First of all, how do they know how much overall heroin comes into the country? To know, you would have to be counting it, and to count it you would have to knowingly allow it in.

Very strange.

But either way, the government is doing nothing about this.

Secondly, neither party wants to secure the border. Trump and the GOP had two long years to do it, yet nothing was done., and we all know how much the DNC is in love with open borders.

My guess is that state government is in the same boat with the Feds on this.
They are counting the drugs they intercept. They intercept the illegal and the legal points of entry and compare the numbers. They aren’t letting anything by when they intercept them.

A border wall just won’t do shit. Not only would the cost to MAINTAIN it til the end of time being astronomical, nothing is going to stop smugglers from climbing over or using the existing network of tunnels.
I called the ChiCom spy balloons about which Biden refuses to talk to Xi a DISTRACTION from a worse problem, China's war on the US by sending an ungodly amount of Fentynal into the US through Cartels, killing Americans, about which Biden also refuses to talk to Xi.

If it was that hard for you to keep up maybe you need to sit this one out. It seems over your head.
I’m not sure why you guys think the border alone is the reason we have a fentanyl crisis. Part of the issue is purely homegrown. You really need to put some blame on drug companies lobbying to make it easier for people to get these drugs legally. People are dying left and right by getting it legally.
Or they get it from drug dealers that didn’t get them from Mexican cartels.
They are counting the drugs they intercept. They intercept the illegal and the legal points of entry and compare the numbers. They aren’t letting anything by when they intercept them.

A border wall just won’t do shit. Not only would the cost to MAINTAIN it til the end of time being astronomical, nothing is going to stop smugglers from climbing over or using the existing network of tunnels.
So let me get this straight, you admit to them smuggling drugs via tunnels with no idea how much comes through the tunnels when they find the tunnels, but somehow we are suppose to believe most drugs come through check points?
If getting drugs through the legal check points are easier, why do they go through the trouble of the tunnels?

Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically. Anything bad is Biden’s fault I guess lol

This also proves how useless of an idea a border wall would be.

“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.”

If smuggling through checkpoints is so easy why do the drug gangs bother with using human mules across the desert?
If smuggling through checkpoints is so easy why do the drug gangs bother with using human mules across the desert?
Isn't it obvious?
They like to sing this tune along their journey

Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically. Anything bad is Biden’s fault I guess lol

This also proves how useless of an idea a border wall would be.

“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.”

Could be 20 tons a day coming in just not through the border and you would have no idea.
So let me get this straight, you admit to them smuggling drugs via tunnels with no idea how much comes through the tunnels when they find the tunnels, but somehow we are suppose to believe most drugs come through check points?
If getting drugs through the legal check points are easier, why do they go through the trouble of the tunnels?

Lol dude no one is pretending they count drugs they miss. It’s all about what they do find. You can still draw conclusions from those numbers. If we interpreted and counted ALL those drugs, the numbers wouldn’t really change all that much.

Going through the legal points makes the most sense if you think about it. It’s more practical. Like if you’re going to remote areas, it would be very difficult to walk to a town undetected carrying bags of drugs. If you get through with your vehicle at the legal port, it’s pretty simple to get it to the guys on the other side at that point.

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