The Libertarian Party Is Losing It


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

I guess I'm going to have to go back to writing in Snoopy or Pat Paulsen for president. *sigh*
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

they lost it a long time ago,,
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

Oh no! The Libertarian party is losing it?

Who will we now elect to office?

I guess I'm going to have to go back to writing in Snoopy or Pat Paulsen for president. *sigh*
So, you make all of your decisions based on one tweet? But, you're right. The country would be better off with either Snoopy or PP as president instead of Biden. Even Trump would be better than Biden.
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

I just don't know why libertarians struggled so badly in previous elections

Does anyone have any explanations?

Then again, that performance was better than this one

At least Gary did not act like a groomer and a racist calling black children roaches.

Or we can vote for this

That is democracy? More like a circus
So, you make all of your decisions based on one tweet? But, you're right. The country would be better off with either Snoopy or PP as president instead of Biden. Even Trump would be better than Biden.
Pat Paulsen, even dead, would be a better president than Trump or Biden.

And no, I don't make all my decisions based on one tweet. The Libertarian Party has joined with communist organizations to support Putin's imperialist war in Ukraine.
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

The rhetoric of some lunatics is absolutely childish. The hyperbole quoted in the OP is an example.

I can wrap my head around the contention that Lincoln disregarded the Constitution. I get it. (But I still think he was in the top 2 of all of our Presidents ever.)

But his reasons for going to war were vastly superior to Osama pigfucker’s “reasons” to slaughter civilians.
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lol the 'Libertarian Party' went bankrupt and got bought out a long time ago.It's just another Koch Bros. media outlet now, like Cato and their other franchises. They have their shills touting stuff like 'The Fair Tax' scam favored by the likes of the IMF and World Bank, and recently dumped Trump; he is way too 'populist' for both the Kochs and the Left now. "Populists' is now a bad word for those who support Americans and oppose monopolies and globalists, those 'Deplorables' the Clintons and the Democratic party want to disarm and murder and replace with South America's criminal class and the GOP wants to raise taxes on by over 30%.
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

He is right :dunno:

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