The Libertarian Party Is Losing It

OP, as I've always said, since the Bush II Regime, self-professed "Libertarians" are simply Republicans who are embarrassed by Bush and/or insert-Republican-here.

They're no different, and certainly no better, than the typical rightwing Republican zealot.

And like them, they are frauds.
There are some big differences between the LP and the GOP.

The LP actually believes in small government and balanced budgets, while the GOP pretends to as they run up massive deficits and enlarge the government's reach and power.

The LP believes in legalizing all drugs while the GOP pretends to be against drugs as they snort cocaine off their hookers' asses.

There are some LP principles which align with the Green Party.

The LP believes our military shouldn't be much larger than a cub scout troop and that we should close down all our overseas military bases.
We have a binary system.
There is a big difference between the L and R party.
The R party are fascists and spend like drunken democrats.
The L party actually believes in small government and budgets. They just nominate the worst candidates.
Because as mentioned before, it all but guarantees the Communist Democrat wins every time. Sorry no, but winner take all is the best way.

That's not an explanation you know that right? I've read the pro's and con's of the system. I've heard that argument before but no explanation as to how it does that.
you might want to look at the constitution party,,
they havent lied cheated or stolen from us and seem to want to get back to a constitutional limited fed government
I was a contributing member of our Libertarian party USA from 1983 through 2014. In 83' they had their act together pretty well for sure. By 2014 the statist left had so infiltrated our L/p USA that I could no longer support their lefty dominated agenda. Now a days I support the candidate & say screw the political parties.
I was a contributing member of our Libertarian party USA from 1983 through 2014. In 83' they had their act together pretty well for sure. By 2014 the statist left had so infiltrated our L/p USA that I could no longer support their lefty dominated agenda. Now a days I support the candidate & say screw the political parties.
to support the candidate is supporting the party,,
The LP believes there should be no government regulations. No FDA. No FAA. No USDA. No OSHA. No SEC. No DOT.

They believe all roads should be privately owned.

They believe businesses which create toxic chemicals will behave themselves. They believe insider trading should be legal. They believe banks won't steal from their customers.

They believe children should be allowed to work in factories.
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

Hot tamales, g5000, my history book said the Democrat Confederacy fired the first shot at Fort Sumpter. I guess in your alternate universe, you think the North had it coming for freeing the slaves uber alles. Abraham Lincoln was a man educated to be a lawyer, so he was well-interred to do the right thing when the people elected him President.

The Bluecoats were fired upon by the southern malcontents whose workers suffered cheap labor issues, like nothing per hour for room and board of the leaky roof kind. :cranky:
Hot tamales, g5000, my history book said the Democrat Confederacy fired the first shot at Fort Sumpter. I guess in your alternate universe, you think the North had it coming for freeing the slaves uber alles. Abraham Lincoln was a man educated to be a lawyer, so he was well-interred to do the right thing when the people elected him President.

The Bluecoats were fired upon by the southern malcontents whose workers suffered cheap labor issues, like nothing per hour for room and board of the leaky roof kind. :cranky:

You're hitting the booze a little early, aren't you?
The LP believes there should be no government regulations. No FDA. No FAA. No USDA. No OSHA. No SEC. No DOT.

They believe all roads should be privately owned.

They believe businesses which create toxic chemicals will behave themselves. They believe insider trading should be legal. They believe banks won't steal from their customers.

They believe children should be allowed to work in factories.
Thats the most simplistic version of them out there. Not surprised you bought into it.
Can you explain why you say that?
See that? Unlike our dopey buddies MalcolmExLax and gigi, YOU at least have the sense to just ask a simple (and politely asked) relevant question.

The answer is yes. I can explain why I say that. And I will.

The longer answer will have to wait a bit.

But the shorter answer is that it serves only to magnify a particular bias. It also undercuts the prospect that the candidate ultimately most desired actually wins.

I’ll dig up a piece I read a while ago. I think I saved it. But even so, I acknowledge the pros and cons.
G-d Himself calls it an abomination.
He calls eating pork an abomination, too.

And masturbation.

He put adultery in the Top Ten sins! And stealing! And bearing false witness!

Have any of you condemned Trump to hell?

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