J6 Capitol Police caught in OathKeepers Lie. It's on Videotape

That they witnessed the Oath Keepers threatening Officer Dunn who first testified that they actually protected him.
So that highly edited video will be used when they appeal their verdicts right?

By the way… was that six minute encounter IN THE FUCKING CAPITOL BUILDING the entirety of what transpired that day with those creeps?

How did they come to BE there dressed in tactical gear with helmets??

Ya just don’t see a lot of “tourists” dressed that way do ya?

By the way… they were ANTIFA weren’t they? Or BLM… or Feds… or … something
So that highly edited video will be used when they appeal their verdicts right?

By the way… was that six minute encounter IN THE FUCKING CAPITOL BUILDING the entirety of what transpired that day with those creeps?

How did they come to BE there dressed in tactical gear with helmets??

Ya just don’t see a lot of “tourists” dressed that way do ya?

By the way… they were ANTIFA weren’t they? Or BLM… or Feds… or … something

They protected Officer Dunn, they got between Dunn and Antifa and FBI Agents who wanted to attack an armed Dunn! That's what the video shows. Think about that.

The ones yelling at Dunn, what sentences did they receive? Instead the democrat Reich punishes the Oath Keepers for throwing their bodies between some violent agitators and Officer Dunn
They protected Officer Dunn, they got between Dunn and Antifa and FBI Agents who wanted to attack an armed Dunn! That's what the video shows. Think about that.

The ones yelling at Dunn, what sentences did they receive? Instead the democrat Reich punishes the Oath Keepers for throwing their bodies between some violent agitators and Officer Dunn
They CLAIMED they did that. And were convicted by a jury in spite of their claims
They CLAIMED they did that. And were convicted by a jury in spite of their claims

They videotape PROVES that Agent Lazarus could not possibly have witnessed the event that occurred while he was in another building. Do you get that?
They videotape PROVES that Agent Lazarus could not possibly have witnessed the event that occurred while he was in another building. Do you get that?
It proves nothing of the kind.
That highly edited video suggests that. I wonder why the lawyers for those creeps kissed that.

I’m sure they’ll use it in the appeal right?

Good luck
It proves nothing of the kind.
That highly edited video suggests that. I wonder why the lawyers for those creeps kissed that.

I’m sure they’ll is it in the appeal right?

Good luck

I'll say this, had a Republican DOJ done this to Progressives there would be blood in the streets and the FBI HQ would have been burned to the ground.

So yeah, wish us luck
I'll say this, had a Republican DOJ done this to Progressives there would be blood in the streets and the FBI HQ would have been burned to the ground.

So yeah, wish us luck
You never answered as to why those creeps were even in that area. Why they were dressed for war. What else transpired that day
Kelly Meggs … on of these “ innocent protectors “ of LE

Convicted of seditious conspiracy

Said he was going to go on a killing spree including the speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Plotted with the Proud Boys and Three Percenters in the attack on the Capitol
Glenn Beck... LOL

Not sure what we were supposed to see in that video. Does it change anything? Nope.
Glen Beck is the light of truth contrasted with the false narratives on the left who have no compunctions about jailing protesters, which is an anti-Constitutional disgrace. You go, Glenn Beck!
What lie did they tell?
It's not a lie when the DOJ is exercising its true color.
Glen Beck is the light of truth contrasted with the false narratives on the left who have no compunctions about jailing protesters, which is an anti-Constitutional disgrace. You go, Glenn Beck!

It's not a lie when the DOJ is exercising its true color.
Glen Beck is a conspiracy nut job.

Fired by FOX because he was too crazy
Kelly Meggs … on of these “ innocent protectors “ of LE

Convicted of seditious conspiracy

Said he was going to go on a killing spree including the speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Plotted with the Proud Boys and Three Percenters in the attack on the Capitol
Incarcerating peaceful protesters without reading the Constitution first that disallows such bull-only is bad for the Democrat Republic we used with a Constitution that allows for owning and carrying a gun in public, free speech regardless of its tone, and putting protesters in jail for gargantuan terms of incarceration for expressing their views and trying to protect their constitutional rights by exercisng them will spit this nation in half, with the righteous restoring order with a war the evil criminal users of ignoring the Bill of Rights will be the ultimate losers of all time.The Democrat judges who pulled this one off are gonna get pulled off themselves by exercising the Constitutional laws against what evil they are doing. Power misused, Americans abused.
You never answered as to why those creeps were even in that area. Why they were dressed for war. What else transpired that day
There’s pro Hamas creeps in the same area. And Americans have a right to protest AND Pelosi and the FBI entrapped them
Did you actually watch the video that proves beyond all doubt the police lied about the OathKeepers?
The video does no such thing.
You seem to think that this video somehow exonerates the domestic terrorists that attacked The Capitol that day.
It doesn't.
Glen Beck is a conspiracy nut job.

Fired by FOX because he was too crazy
You are mistaken about Glen Beck. He values telling the truth to the American people. Your marginalization of a man who tells the truth has nothing to do with reality.

Fox has been working on joining socialistic states, but they kept only one rightie. I no longer watch their push for false narratives. Sooner or later, they'll get rid of all on the right including Sean Hannity. Too bad. He is one of the best all time defenders of the Constitution.

^ Pelosi's head of security perjures himself to convict the OathKeepers

The entire process is flawed and CORRUPT.

Release the J6 Political Prisoners.

Hold Pelosi, Lazarus, Dunn, Wray, Michael Byrd and all the others in the J6 Reichstag Fire to account NOW!
I'll say this, had a Republican DOJ done this to Progressives there would be blood in the streets and the FBI HQ would have been burned to the ground.

So yeah, wish us luck
Well you're pussies and push overs. What else would you expect? So long as you can cosplay and fantasize in your own minds that could water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants if you really wanted to, that's good enough for you servile cuckolds. That safe space is comfy, ain't it? :lmao:

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