J6 Capitol Police caught in OathKeepers Lie. It's on Videotape

Let me speak for Mike.


Fuck yourself

There on videotape we have proof beyond all doubt that the Officers LIED to convict the OathKeepers.

It's coming up to Tree of Liberty time, nothing else will work
Who’s blood you gonna spill asshole?

Gonna kill your neighbors?

Shoot up a school or mall?

Up to me it would be extremely limited, like 1,000 or less.

But, unfortunately, it's not up to me

Oh and GFY and your Progressive School Shooters
Up to me it would be extremely limited, like 1,000 or less.

But, unfortunately, it's not up to me

Oh and GFY and your Progressive School Shooters
Someone ought to let the FBI know about this guy.

He sounds serious.

I wonder how the site feels about murder
It changes everything! It's a blockbuster! It proves that the Insurrection wasn't the Insurrection! It's over!

I saw it on the internet 'n stuff!
That has already been proven. The court of public opinion says it was a set up. You lose. J6 was a protest against obvious fraud. Period.
I did watch the video. I even read their articles on Glenn Beck's web site.

If you had a single critical thinking cell in your head, you'd see right through the hoax like others have.

I'll take pity on you and give you a clue: Why did one guy get 4 years in prison, one got 8 1/2 years, and another got 18 years?

If you are still stumped, I'll give you an even bigger clue.

Do what I did and watch the video AND read their articles on Blaze. Maybe then it will jump right out at you.

Are you denying that the two cops committed perjury?

Okay... Do you think the guys will be out of jail by Spring? A simple yes or no. So we can see just how "rock solid" this new "evidence" is.

Never said anyone would get out of jail, I said they'll likely be granted new trials. Minus the perjury of course.

Yes, sure. Tell me more about the "insurrection"
You are willfully blind, son. Nothing I can do about the fact you have decided to ignore the insurrection we all saw live, and all the recordings the terrorists made of themselves sacking the Capitol.

So go ahead and keep advertising your cult mindest.

Your skull is like a funnel into which no end of manufactured bullshit is poured which then comes streaming out of your mouth-breathing gob.


So very sad.
You are willfully blind, son. Nothing I can do about the fact you have decided to ignore the insurrection we all saw live, and all the recordings the terrorists made of themselves sacking the Capitol.

So go ahead and keep advertising your cult mindest.

Your skull is like a funnel into which no end of manufactured bullshit is poured which then comes streaming out of your mouth-breathing gob.


So very sad.

Did you actually watch the video that proves beyond all doubt the police lied about the OathKeepers?

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