J6 Capitol Police caught in OathKeepers Lie. It's on Videotape

Videos don't lie. I'm sure the attorneys of those who were convicted based on this liar's testimony will definitely be looking to have it verified. The truth will come out eventually. I bet you didn't even watch the video in the op. 🤡
i knew it was a hoax 3 hrs in....so obvious
Glenn Beck... LOL

Not sure what we were supposed to see in that video. Does it change anything? Nope.

Why don't you address the content, like the commie cop claiming to be in two places at the same time, and the video that proves he perjured himself?

All of the people who were wrongfully convicted for protesting should have their record expunged,
How many would that be?
And what were they wrongfully convicted of?
How do you know it was 'wrongful'?
What's your source?

There were Feds dressed as Trump supporters in the Capitol on J6. The Extreme Biden Cult Fucks know it.

Well, good reliable Angus has said grace over many on this forum.
He has absolved them.

Absolved them from being, in his words not mine, but as "Biden Cult F*cks".
After all, if they don't know there "were Feds dressed as Trump supporters" on J6, then, per Angus.....they are ruled out of that 'BCF' demographic.

Many will be relieved, Angus.
What content?

As always, you guys think there is some grand conspiracy against you. Its never the case.

Wash; rinse, repeat.

Didn't even bother to watch the video did ya, you'd just rather troll. Time stamped video shows a commie cop in one place, when he swore under oath, in a criminal prosecution, that he witnessed something he couldn't have see elsewhere, at the exact time. But hey, keep trolling, it will catch up to ya.

Didn't even bother to watch the video did ya, you'd just rather troll. Time stamped video shows a commie cop in one place, when he swore under oath, in a criminal prosecution, that he witnessed something he couldn't have see elsewhere, at the exact time. But hey, keep trolling, it will catch up to ya.

And the video wasn't edited at all...was it? You saw the whole thing; not just a presentation by someone; right?
^ Still hasn't watched the video in the OP, still commenting
I watched it; lots of folks were obscured in most of the clips; didn't see any time stamping on the part where folks said there was.

The whole "ah-ha!!!!" comes down to some guy who nobody has ever heard of being off by 3 or 4 minutes.


Did Trump supporters riot at the capitol: Yes.
Did Trump supporters injure 140 cops and cause the death of another one. Yes.
Did Trump supporters try to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yes.

Are you completely out of your mind if you think this latest "gotcha" ploy will go anywhere? Yes.
Will link to a video from an INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST who was at the Capitol J6 - as a journalist. The FBI plans to arrest him!

The video PROVES that the Capitol Police LIED to jail the Oathkeepers. One of the Officer was not in the building where the incident occurred, yet he testified against the Oathkeepers.

Had the FBI done this to Progressives, there would be blood in the streets and the FBI HQ would be burned top the ground. Clear, unequivocal Fascism

I bet you really believe all these videos you post will be that "gotcha" moment.
The time stamps and locations weren't edited, of course you'd know that if you bothered to watch the fucking video, ya commie bitch.

I watched it; lots of folks were obscured in most of the clips; didn't see any time stamping on the part where folks said there was.

The whole "ah-ha!!!!" comes down to some guy who nobody has ever heard of being off by 3 or 4 minutes.


Did Trump supporters riot at the capitol: Yes.
Did Trump supporters injure 140 cops and cause the death of another one. Yes.
Did Trump supporters try to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yes.

Are you completely out of your mind if you think this latest "gotcha" ploy will go anywhere? Yes.
I watched it; lots of folks were obscured in most of the clips; didn't see any time stamping on the part where folks said there was.

The whole "ah-ha!!!!" comes down to some guy who nobody has ever heard of being off by 3 or 4 minutes.


Did Trump supporters riot at the capitol: Yes.
Did Trump supporters injure 140 cops and cause the death of another one. Yes.
Did Trump supporters try to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yes.

Are you completely out of your mind if you think this latest "gotcha" ploy will go anywhere? Yes.

Wow you managed to get the first on reasonably correct. The rest, not so much.

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