J6 Capitol Police caught in OathKeepers Lie. It's on Videotape

Well skippy we'll see if the seditious conspirators are released. Hold your breath....It won't help you but it will help us.

Nah, I'll wait to see your sweet commie tears when they are ordered new trials and the two commie cops are indicted for perjury.

Will link to a video from an INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST who was at the Capitol J6 - as a journalist. The FBI plans to arrest him!

The video PROVES that the Capitol Police LIED to jail the Oathkeepers. One of the Officer was not in the building where the incident occurred, yet he testified against the Oathkeepers.

Had the FBI done this to Progressives, there would be blood in the streets and the FBI HQ would be burned top the ground. Clear, unequivocal Fascism

Okay, I've watched the video, and just as I suspected Jeff Beck and the other asshole are lying, like they always do.

Not only did I watch the video, I went on the Blaze's web site and read their print stories.

If you had any critical thinking skills, you would have noticed a huge glaring omission. And you would have asked yourself why one guy got four years, another guy got 8 1/2 years, and another got 18 years.

Now let's see if you can figure out the hoax from here. I challenge all the tards who've jumped on Glenn Beck's bandwagon to figure it out and post here.
Who got locked away because of a lying cop?
Why don't you list the actual charges these insurrectionists were convicted on....instead of trying to rewrite history with fake news?
The problem is, this is full reality in their world. They don't realize that they spread fake news. Or partial news. If they see it, if they like it, it's real. It's The Truth.

They don't bother questioning it, or wonder what the other side of the story might be, because their normal human curiosity has been stripped away.

I went a couple of years before I would call this a cult. But it is. They operate and exist within their own separate reality. This country is in real trouble.
Who got locked away because of a lying cop?
Why don't you list the actual charges these insurrectionists were convicted on....instead of trying to rewrite history with fake news?
Ahhhhh, you've caught on to Glenn Beck's hoax.

Well done!
It is just too easy to hoax MAGA tards.

Trump and the MAGA media must have the utmost contempt for his bleevers. They have to in order to hoax them so consistently and often.
Ahhhhh, you've caught on to Glenn Beck's hoax.

Well done!
In all seriousness, there is a part of me that WANTS to be proven wrong about these people, and this... thing. This alternate universe is now so pervasive and so influential that it might actually be better if it were real.

But I continue to assume they live in a fantasy world, and for the most part that assumption hasn't failed me. I swear, at his point I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Ahhhhh, you've caught on to Glenn Beck's hoax.

Well done!

A journalist presented the evidence of perjury, Beck just asked a few questions. I guess you didn't watch the video either.

A journalist presented the evidence of perjury, Beck just asked a few questions. I guess you didn't watch the video either.

I did watch the video. I even read their articles on Glenn Beck's web site.

If you had a single critical thinking cell in your head, you'd see right through the hoax like others have.

I'll take pity on you and give you a clue: Why did one guy get 4 years in prison, one got 8 1/2 years, and another got 18 years?

If you are still stumped, I'll give you an even bigger clue.

Do what I did and watch the video AND read their articles on Blaze. Maybe then it will jump right out at you.
Why would anyone want to interfere with your normal state? Do you seriously think there won't be lawyers kicking and scratching to file appeals?

Based on that film in the OP?

I'm sure someone will take a flyer on it. Prepare to be disappointed and pissed off though...your normal state.


Rock solid.
Why would anyone want to interfere with your normal state? Do you seriously think there won't be lawyers kicking and scratching to file appeals?

Okay... Do you think the guys will be out of jail by Spring? A simple yes or no. So we can see just how "rock solid" this new "evidence" is.
Okay... Do you think the guys will be out of jail by Spring? A simple yes or no. So we can see just how "rock solid" this new "evidence" is.
"The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

And then there's candy, mac, and the rest of the demented LEFT twisting into pretzels to defend The Narrative.

How many would that be?
And what were they wrongfully convicted of?
How do you know it was 'wrongful'?
What's your source?

Well, good reliable Angus has said grace over many on this forum.
He has absolved them.

Absolved them from being, in his words not mine, but as "Biden Cult F*cks".
After all, if they don't know there "were Feds dressed as Trump supporters" on J6, then, per Angus.....they are ruled out of that 'BCF' demographic.

Many will be relieved, Angus.

Most were protesting and doing no harm. They were wrongfully convicted on bogus charges. I've got no sympathy for the ones who were involved in violence.

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