J6 Capitol Police caught in OathKeepers Lie. It's on Videotape

The SEDITIONISTS (final clue) Beck won't name were convicted for a fuck of a lot more than blocking a stairwell, dipshits.

That's why he won't name them. He doesn't want you tards to maybe take some initiative and look up their convictions.

Goddam, you people are just too fucking easy to hoax!

You just never learn!

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
In Beck's video, there is a quick flash of three (not all four of the SEDITIONISTS) people he claims are innocent. The clip shows one guy gets 4 years, another gets 8 1/2 years, another gets 18 years.

And this flies right past you tards.


Beck must think you are the stupidest people on Earth.
Did you actually watch the video that proves beyond all doubt the police lied about the OathKeepers?
I obviously watched it a lot closer than you did! :lol:

And I read the articles online which also fail to name the SEDITIONISTS and why they were sentenced to such long periods.

Beck reads you creduloids like a map.
Beck is lying. Have you figured it out yet?

I guess not.

I guess you need another clue.

Why does Beck not name the convicts?


Why do you keep deflecting from the cops falsely testifying in 3 trials, you act like you're personally invested.

The barriers the FBI plants took down? Those barriers?
That is fake news.
The video record shows MAGAt domestic terrorists busting through police barricades.
Now that would be pretty fuckin' stupid wouldn't it?
Busting through barricades when in fact cops were letting you through them with no fuss.
Yeah....MAGAts are pretty dumb; but even they are not THAT dumb.
Bottom line is no, nobody "let" the Jan. 6th domestic terrorist insurgents into The Capitol that day.
Tucker is lying to you.

I obviously watched it a lot closer than you did! :lol:

And I read the articles online which also fail to name the SEDITIONISTS and why they were sentenced to such long periods.

Beck reads you creduloids like a map.

How many FBI assets were there J6? Did you read that? Was wasn't Ray "the Fed" Epps imprisoned and denied a trial date for 3 WHOLE FUCKING YEARS?
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Never said anyone would get out of jail, I said they'll likely be granted new trials. Minus the perjury of course.

So you’re saying there will be new trials by Spring...cool. For who specifically--need some names so we can compare notes in about 60 days.
So you’re saying there will be new trials by Spring...cool. For who specifically--need some names so we can compare notes in about 60 days.

Feel free to show me where I mentioned a time frame, ya lying commie bitch.

Translation: You don't expect it to happen either. Thanks for playing. Next!

When all you have is trying to put words in the mouths of others, when they said nothing close to your claims, ya know what that makes you? One of the most dishonest and intellectually lazy commie bitches on this board. People like you deserve to die of covid, very, very slowly.

Will link to a video from an INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST who was at the Capitol J6 - as a journalist. The FBI plans to arrest him!

The video PROVES that the Capitol Police LIED to jail the Oathkeepers. One of the Officer was not in the building where the incident occurred, yet he testified against the Oathkeepers.

Had the FBI done this to Progressives, there would be blood in the streets and the FBI HQ would be burned top the ground. Clear, unequivocal Fascism

So Pelosi expects the DC Cops to be part of her God-forsaken false narratives? I'm gonna faint! :rolleyes-41:
What video?

What does it show?

The video shows the OathKeepers should be released IMMEDIATELY and charges should be brought against Officer Dunn and Nancy Pelosi’s Special Agent David Lazarus with perjury
So Pelosi expects the DC Cops to be part of her God-forsaken false narratives? I'm gonna faint! :rolleyes-41:

A member of her security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus provided false testimony against the Oath Keepers. Lazarus corroborated the second, conflicting testimony of Officer Dunn who was likely ordered to lie and has been lauded as a "hero" and is running for Congress. Their testimony is what convicted the Oath Keepers to prison sentences as long as 18 years
A member of her security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus provided false testimony against the Oath Keepers. Lazarus corroborated the second, conflicting testimony of Officer Dunn who was likely ordered to lie and has been lauded as a "hero" and is running for Congress. Their testimony is what convicted the Oath Keepers to prison sentences as long as 18 years
What lie did they tell?

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