Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany

I think Glenn Beck has some wicked brains and a broad range of interests. He reports on some things that mainstream media overlooks and has been right from time to time. But this bombastic wandering over the reality threshold means I have to double check everything he reports before I can believe it.

Ultimately, Beck is just too much homework for me.
Alpha I'm not getting you. Why do I need to know the political affiliation of any American if they are patriots?
Alpha I'm not getting you. Why do I need to know the political affiliation of any American if they are patriots?

Maybe it would be helpful, maybe not....

Personally, in order for me to determine IF a person is a patriot, I find if useful to know what his/her party affiliation is now and was in the past....its a factor, not the only one, but an important one to me....
I think Glenn Beck has some wicked brains and a broad range of interests. He reports on some things that mainstream media overlooks and has been right from time to time. But this bombastic wandering over the reality threshold means I have to double check everything he reports before I can believe it.

Ultimately, Beck is just too much homework for me.

Beck actually encourages his viewers to do just that, sorry you're too lazy to inform yourself.
I'm too lazy to listen to 10 stories during a broadcast and guess which one might be true. But then, I kinda sorta liked the Walter Chronkite school of journalism better.

What pisses me off about most conservative commentators is that there actually ARE good reasons to be critical of the Obama Administration and they so rarely clue in to them. Too busy ranting about some idiotic nonsense so they can build up viewers among the hysterics and poorly-educated.
Well, it appears Sangha is 100% correct. My apologies for not following the hot links around.

It seems inconceivable that Beck could have read any portion of Dilling's book and not clued in to what a raving racist she was -- and Beck's comment that Joe "McCarthy was absolutely right" was nauseating.

The comments Beck makes about Dilling's book are at approximately 1:30 of the video linked below:

Beck: McCarthy "may have used bad tactics," but he was "absolutely right" | Media Matters for America
Joe McCarthy was a drunk, and a national disgrace. He died of peripheral hepatitis, caused by decades of heavy drinking.
Joe McCarthy was a drunk, and a national disgrace. He died of peripheral hepatitis, caused by decades of heavy drinking.

and you are a FAR-LEFT idiot....but Dean likes your cards right and maybe he will let you rub his feet.....just sayin....
yeah...that's about typical...choose a starting point that suits your needs. I guess you won't have to worry much longer...I expect the push to silence conservative radio / TV programming will begin soon enough. Who needs freedom of speech anyways. It's entirely over-rated.

I'm sure the whole of the nation would much rather listen to government controlled broadcasts.

idiots like you have condemned everyone for their affiliations with others.

get over yourself. everyone here who has read any of your posts knows what a moron you are.

carry on

hot damn....I'd love to see you back that my condemnation posts...PLEASE!!! I AM FUCKING BEGGING YOU!!!! And then you can prove how EVERYONE thinks I'm a moron. That list is short...and comprised ONLY of leftwing nutbags who can't stand an honest debate.

Apparently I touched a nerve with the freedom of speech's hard to defend that whole government controlled broadcasting thing isn't it?

You must be hanging out with Sangha...that's about the same response I get everytime I piss him off too. He jumps on the moron mobile and opens the throttle.

yeah, that whole Freedom of Speech thing has gotten to me. yep, you really do live in a world of your own creation.

I'm too lazy to listen to 10 stories during a broadcast and guess which one might be true. But then, I kinda sorta liked the Walter Chronkite school of journalism better.

What pisses me off about most conservative commentators is that there actually ARE good reasons to be critical of the Obama Administration and they so rarely clue in to them. Too busy ranting about some idiotic nonsense so they can build up viewers among the hysterics and poorly-educated.

How is being lied to better than someone sharing their actual viewpoint and encouraging you to educate yourself on it?
Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany | Media Matters for America

Last Friday, Glenn Beck promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling. During the 1930s, Professor Glen Jeansonne notes in Women of the Far Right, Dilling visited Germany and "attended Nazi party meetings." She also traveled to Palestine "where, she said, she filmed Jewish immigrants ruining the Holy Land."

He did it because his ratings are slipping. He truly is a circus clown.
Beck may be many things but an antisemite Nazi Socialist sympathizer is NOT one of them! He has shown without a doubt that he is a supporter and friend of the Jewish People and Israel.

Media Matters, the far leftist scum network, has only shown to be an enemy of Israel and a friend of Illegal immigrants and terrorist sympathizers.

I know liberals expected Beck and conservatives to know everyone and everything, but sometimes they don't. He fought a book that demonized labor unions as a haven for communist/socialist (not far from the truth)! I listened to the entire clip Beck stated and he praised the book for demonizing communist and labor unions and NOTHING ABOUT JEWS!

Beck's credentials as a friend of Israel is unquestionable. The far left, as media matters is, have no credentials or legitimate claims are being a friend of Israel!

Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany | Media Matters for America

Last Friday, Glenn Beck promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling. During the 1930s, Professor Glen Jeansonne notes in Women of the Far Right, Dilling visited Germany and "attended Nazi party meetings." She also traveled to Palestine "where, she said, she filmed Jewish immigrants ruining the Holy Land."
Joe McCarthy was a drunk, and a national disgrace. He died of peripheral hepatitis, caused by decades of heavy drinking.

and you are a FAR-LEFT idiot....but Dean likes your cards right and maybe he will let you rub his feet.....just sayin....

Attack before you dipute. If you dont, you are confirming what the other guy says is true.

Do you dispute politcal junky said about McCarthy? If not, you look like a fool.
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Well, it appears Sangha is 100% correct. My apologies for not following the hot links around.

It seems inconceivable that Beck could have read any portion of Dilling's book and not clued in to what a raving racist she was -- and Beck's comment that Joe "McCarthy was absolutely right" was nauseating.

The comments Beck makes about Dilling's book are at approximately 1:30 of the video linked below:

Beck: McCarthy "may have used bad tactics," but he was "absolutely right" | Media Matters for America

Really good link bump.
Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany | Media Matters for America

Last Friday, Glenn Beck promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling. During the 1930s, Professor Glen Jeansonne notes in Women of the Far Right, Dilling visited Germany and "attended Nazi party meetings." She also traveled to Palestine "where, she said, she filmed Jewish immigrants ruining the Holy Land."

Proof he is promoting the book?
Beck may be many things but an antisemite Nazi Socialist sympathizer is NOT one of them! He has shown without a doubt that he is a supporter and friend of the Jewish People and Israel.

Media Matters, the far leftist scum network, has only shown to be an enemy of Israel and a friend of Illegal immigrants and terrorist sympathizers.
I know liberals expected Beck and conservatives to know everyone and everything, but sometimes they don't. He fought a book that demonized labor unions as a haven for communist/socialist (not far from the truth)! I listened to the entire clip Beck stated and he praised the book for demonizing communist and labor unions and NOTHING ABOUT JEWS!

Beck's credentials as a friend of Israel is unquestionable. The far left, as media matters is, have no credentials or legitimate claims are being a friend of Israel!

Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany | Media Matters for America

Last Friday, Glenn Beck promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling. During the 1930s, Professor Glen Jeansonne notes in Women of the Far Right, Dilling visited Germany and "attended Nazi party meetings." She also traveled to Palestine "where, she said, she filmed Jewish immigrants ruining the Holy Land."

Link or are you talking out of your ass again? I love how much the right hates media matters becuase they use DIRECT QUOTES from righty wingers and there is nothing they can do but try to say negative things about the source. I love it.

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Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany | Media Matters for America

Last Friday, Glenn Beck promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling. During the 1930s, Professor Glen Jeansonne notes in Women of the Far Right, Dilling visited Germany and "attended Nazi party meetings." She also traveled to Palestine "where, she said, she filmed Jewish immigrants ruining the Holy Land."

He did it because his ratings are slipping.

For someone who likes to post links, could you post one showing this?
I'm too lazy to listen to 10 stories during a broadcast and guess which one might be true. But then, I kinda sorta liked the Walter Chronkite school of journalism better.

What pisses me off about most conservative commentators is that there actually ARE good reasons to be critical of the Obama Administration and they so rarely clue in to them. Too busy ranting about some idiotic nonsense so they can build up viewers among the hysterics and poorly-educated.

Are you saying the liberal commentators are clued into the things we should be critical of Obama? If so, could you point me that way? And, please, let me know which liberal commentators never stoop to ranting about some idiotic nonsense so they can build up up their poorly educated viewership.
When Dilling returned home to Illinois, she went on tour showing her movies and describing the "workers' paradise" as anything but. She wrote The Red Network—A Who's Who of Radicalism for Patriots (1934), a self-declared exposé of communist front activity in the U.S., which was widely circulated (100,000 copies are claimed). As an example of her technique, in the entry for Albert Einstein, which links him to various communist organizations, Dilling notes: "married to Russian; his much press-agented relativity theory is supposedly beyond the intelligence of almost everyone except himself." She offers an apologia for the Nazi confiscation of Einstein's property in Germany, saying it was because he was a Communist. The entry for Eleanor Roosevelt reads "Socialist sympathizer and associate, pacifist". A Protestant minister, Harry Emerson Fosdick, was listed because his books were "highly recommended by socialists and other radicals" [9]

She then wrote The Roosevelt Red Record and Its Background (1936), condemning the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and officials in his administration, claiming they had strong links to Communists. In The Octopus (1940), which she wrote under the pseudonym of Rev. Frank Woodruff Johnson, she attacked the Jewish Anti-Defamation League and linked Jews to communism. It was then that she shifted her emphasis to Jews as causing all the trouble in the world, partly based on her readings of the Talmud.
As debate raged about whether the U.S. should get involved in World War II, she became an activist in two organizations inspired by the antisemitic radio priest Father Charles Coughlin: Mothers' Peace Movement, which she co-founded with Lyrl Clark Van Hyning, and We the Mothers Mobilize for America, based in Chicago. She was also involved with the America First Committee, famously associated with Charles Lindbergh and other prominent isolationists and opponents of the war.

After the Pearl Harbor attack, Dilling was indicted, along with 28 others, which led to the Great Sedition Trial of 1944.[1] The case finally ended in a mistrial after the death of the presiding judge, Edward C. Eicher. The Chicago Tribune editorialized on the trial as "one of the blackest marks on the record of American jurisprudence".[1] The Smith Act under which the prosecution took place was later found to be unconstitutional in several rulings by the Supreme Court.

In the 1950s, she was a frequent contributor to Conde McGinley's paper Common Sense, and her name often joined his in joint-letters to congressmen.

On October 18, 1943 she and Albert were divorced after 25 years of rocky marriage.[10] Her second husband, Jeremiah Stokes (1877–1954), was a lawyer and author. He published the antisemitic The Plot Against Christianity in 1964, which included over 200 pages of photocopies from the Soncino edition of the Talmud, with his wife's underlines added.
Elizabeth Dilling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dilling's been dead since 1966 and has not published in 46 years. Why would Beck find a discredited anti-semite suddenly newsworthy?

Quantum Windbag: Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood) held some VERY disturbing views, but no one associated with Planned Parenthood today still does. IMO, you have been unfair to a fine organization that has done much good.

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words

Just like the OP was unfair to taint Beck the same way?

The OP doesn't taint Beck in the same way.
So, this woman was a rabid anti-Communist and Nazi sympathizer?

Geez, Beck stepped all over that brilliant rightwing myth about Nazis being liberals...


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