Beck promoted author who "attended Nazi party meetings" in Germany

Great point, we should abolish everyone who was a Nazi sympathizer and everything they stand for. Can we start with Planned Parenthood?

naw. we'll just shun them, starting with Beck.

yeah...that's about typical...choose a starting point that suits your needs. I guess you won't have to worry much longer...I expect the push to silence conservative radio / TV programming will begin soon enough. Who needs freedom of speech anyways. It's entirely over-rated.

I'm sure the whole of the nation would much rather listen to government controlled broadcasts.

Some conservatives are so weak that they think criticism is censorship. They're so dumb, they think criticism infringes on their free speech rights
yeah...that's about typical...choose a starting point that suits your needs. I guess you won't have to worry much longer...I expect the push to silence conservative radio / TV programming will begin soon enough. Who needs freedom of speech anyways. It's entirely over-rated.

I'm sure the whole of the nation would much rather listen to government controlled broadcasts.

idiots like you have condemned everyone for their affiliations with others.

get over yourself. everyone here who has read any of your posts knows what a moron you are.

carry on

hot damn....I'd love to see you back that my condemnation posts...PLEASE!!! I AM FUCKING BEGGING YOU!!!! And then you can prove how EVERYONE thinks I'm a moron. That list is short...and comprised ONLY of leftwing nutbags who can't stand an honest debate.

You have criticized Obama for his affiliation with ACORN. Funny how you forget that when we were discussing it just last night.
naw. we'll just shun them, starting with Beck.

yeah...that's about typical...choose a starting point that suits your needs. I guess you won't have to worry much longer...I expect the push to silence conservative radio / TV programming will begin soon enough. Who needs freedom of speech anyways. It's entirely over-rated.

I'm sure the whole of the nation would much rather listen to government controlled broadcasts.

Some conservatives are so weak that they think criticism is censorship. They're so dumb, they think criticism infringes on their free speech rights

You're seriously calling conservatives dumb? You're so ignorant you have those who you claim to align yourself with politically calling you ignorant and suggesting abortion would have been the better choice in at least 4 threads currently.

As for Beck, anyone that has watched at least one episode of his show and calls him a racist in any sense of the word is a liar and/or a retard. I of course am not surprised to see you putting that hat on.
I searched and there are no references to Dilling, nor is any book written by her among the recommended texts. Either Glenn Beck has stepped back from a bad choice or this never happened. can bet if Robert Gibbs was his press agent, he'd go with the latter.....

And then again, it's also possible that it only appeared on his broadcast and not something he posted on line....just sayin.

Beck: McCarthy "may have used bad tactics," but he was "absolutely right" | Media Matters for America

Link to video of Beck praising "The Red Network" which was written by Dilling
Well, it appears Sangha is 100% correct. My apologies for not following the hot links around.

It seems inconceivable that Beck could have read any portion of Dilling's book and not clued in to what a raving racist she was -- and Beck's comment that Joe "McCarthy was absolutely right" was nauseating.

The comments Beck makes about Dilling's book are at approximately 1:30 of the video linked below:
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naw. we'll just shun them, starting with Beck.

yeah...that's about typical...choose a starting point that suits your needs. I guess you won't have to worry much longer...I expect the push to silence conservative radio / TV programming will begin soon enough. Who needs freedom of speech anyways. It's entirely over-rated.

I'm sure the whole of the nation would much rather listen to government controlled broadcasts.

Some conservatives are so weak that they think criticism is censorship. They're so dumb, they think criticism infringes on their free speech rights

Where the hell did you get that from? Tell me, when you wipe your ass, do you erase thoughts??? Censorship and criticism are as far apart as you and a high IQ...

Please explain how you came to the conclusion that I think criticism infringes on free speech.
I searched and there are no references to Dilling, nor is any book written by her among the recommended texts. Either Glenn Beck has stepped back from a bad choice or this never happened. can bet if Robert Gibbs was his press agent, he'd go with the latter.....

And then again, it's also possible that it only appeared on his broadcast and not something he posted on line....just sayin.

Beck: McCarthy "may have used bad tactics," but he was "absolutely right" | Media Matters for America

Link to video of Beck praising "The Red Network" which was written by Dilling

Oh...Media Matters posted it on line...well, there ya go. can bet if Robert Gibbs was his press agent, he'd go with the latter.....

And then again, it's also possible that it only appeared on his broadcast and not something he posted on line....just sayin.

Beck: McCarthy "may have used bad tactics," but he was "absolutely right" | Media Matters for America

Link to video of Beck praising "The Red Network" which was written by Dilling

Oh...Media Matters posted it on line...well, there ya go.

Yep, let's execute Beck

idiots like you have condemned everyone for their affiliations with others.

get over yourself. everyone here who has read any of your posts knows what a moron you are.

carry on

hot damn....I'd love to see you back that my condemnation posts...PLEASE!!! I AM FUCKING BEGGING YOU!!!! And then you can prove how EVERYONE thinks I'm a moron. That list is short...and comprised ONLY of leftwing nutbags who can't stand an honest debate.

You have criticized Obama for his affiliation with ACORN. Funny how you forget that when we were discussing it just last night.

You're saying I criticized Obama for his affiliation with ACORN last night? Can you show me the post?

Oh, by the way, according to Sangha, if I criticized Obama, then I cencored him. I's kinda stupid right? I am still waiting for him to show me exactly how that works...because as soon as I figure it out, I'm gonna criticize the hell out of a lot of people so I don't have to hear their shit anymore. hmmmm...i think I just criticized people without identifying them...I wonder who I cencored???
yeah...that's about typical...choose a starting point that suits your needs. I guess you won't have to worry much longer...I expect the push to silence conservative radio / TV programming will begin soon enough. Who needs freedom of speech anyways. It's entirely over-rated.

I'm sure the whole of the nation would much rather listen to government controlled broadcasts.

Some conservatives are so weak that they think criticism is censorship. They're so dumb, they think criticism infringes on their free speech rights

You're seriously calling conservatives dumb? You're so ignorant you have those who you claim to align yourself with politically calling you ignorant and suggesting abortion would have been the better choice in at least 4 threads currently.

As for Beck, anyone that has watched at least one episode of his show and calls him a racist in any sense of the word is a liar and/or a retard. I of course am not surprised to see you putting that hat on.

Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

Who are you talking to Madeline? If you're responding to another post, you need to hit the quote button dear...otherwise we don't know who your asking the questions to.

I'm poking a bit of fun at you, because I am pretty sure you're asking me that question.

I didn't say that he did or didn't...I don't watch Beck, so I wouldn't know except for the FINE detective work that Sangha did finding the clip on Media Matters dot com. I would have loved to see the whole segment so that the context could be established. But like I said, I rarely get to watch Beck. I'm usually at work when he's on.
Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

Who are you talking to Madeline? If you're responding to another post, you need to hit the quote button dear...otherwise we don't know who your asking the questions to.

I'm poking a bit of fun at you, because I am pretty sure you're asking me that question.

I didn't say that he did or didn't...I don't watch Beck, so I wouldn't know except for the FINE detective work that Sangha did finding the clip on Media Matters dot com. I would have loved to see the whole segment so that the context could be established. But like I said, I rarely get to watch Beck. I'm usually at work when he's on.

Jesus, join the 21st century and get a DVR, or just tune in at 11 pm.

As for Beck, why is that libbies hold conservatives to a higher standard? OMG he made a mistake? Move the fuck on.
Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

What is it YOU mean ?

Beck said McCarthy was right...about what?

Its obvious he means McCarthy was right about there being Communists in the US government and in Hollywood....was he not right?

Are you claiming there were no Communists in the Government or in Hollywood?

What are you reading into Becks comment, that McCarthy was right?
Many Communists were in labor unions?
Of course, thats correct...they were ... they started the labor movement.
He commented that NEA was mentioned in 1936 as a movement to be concerned what?
Thats a far cry from endorsing the entire book, "The Red Menace"....

Get a freakin' grip, already
Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

What is it YOU mean ?

Beck said McCarthy was right...about what?

Its obvious he means McCarthy was right about there being Communists in the US government and in Hollywood....was he not right?

Are you claiming there were no Communists in the Government or in Hollywood?

What are you reading into Becks comment, that McCarthy was right?
Many Communists were in labor unions?
Of course, thats correct...they were ... they started the labor movement.
He commented that NEA was mentioned in 1936 as a movement to be concerned what?
Thats a far cry from endorsing the entire book, "The Red Menace"....

Get a freakin' grip, already

Oh come on isn't it obvious? Agreeing that someone was right about anything = saying they were right in their every action. at least according to little libbies when they are on the attack.
Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

Who are you talking to Madeline? If you're responding to another post, you need to hit the quote button dear...otherwise we don't know who your asking the questions to.

I'm poking a bit of fun at you, because I am pretty sure you're asking me that question.

I didn't say that he did or didn't...I don't watch Beck, so I wouldn't know except for the FINE detective work that Sangha did finding the clip on Media Matters dot com. I would have loved to see the whole segment so that the context could be established. But like I said, I rarely get to watch Beck. I'm usually at work when he's on.

Ya sorry. There were no posts between yours and mine when I began writing that.

I still have the same question for the others defending Beck: WTF? The web site sangha pointed us to has a video of Beck's radio program and seems authentic enough to me. Is there any reason to believe Beck didn't say these things?

As for Joe McCarthy: if you think his work in ferreting out Commies in government had value for America, you obviously don't know SHIT about the era. Read a bit and learn; there was not so much as one scintilla of evidence that any American he labeled as a Commie or Commie sympathizer had committed any treasonous act. Many Americans in the 1930's and later believed that organized labor and the American Communist Party had value, but to my knowledge none sought to subjugate the US to Stalin. Most people labeled as Commies by McCarthy never had any such affiliation; it was a pure witch hunt undertaken for the self-aggrandizement of one man: McCarthy.
Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

What is it YOU mean ?

Beck said McCarthy was right...about what?

Its obvious he means McCarthy was right about there being Communists in the US government and in Hollywood....was he not right?

Are you claiming there were no Communists in the Government or in Hollywood?

What are you reading into Becks comment, that McCarthy was right?
Many Communists were in labor unions?
Of course, thats correct...they were ... they started the labor movement.
He commented that NEA was mentioned in 1936 as a movement to be concerned what?
Thats a far cry from endorsing the entire book, "The Red Menace"....

Get a freakin' grip, already

Oh come on isn't it obvious? Agreeing that someone was right about anything = saying they were right in their every action. at least according to little libbies when they are on the attack.

Yeah, I know....Reading comprehension isn't a lefty strong point....

They can extrapolate quite a far fetched scenario from what everyone else sees as simple innocent statement about ONE fact.
I think Glenn Beck is kinda nuts. Just sayin.
Meaning what? Are you suggesting Beck did not say these things?

Who are you talking to Madeline? If you're responding to another post, you need to hit the quote button dear...otherwise we don't know who your asking the questions to.

I'm poking a bit of fun at you, because I am pretty sure you're asking me that question.

I didn't say that he did or didn't...I don't watch Beck, so I wouldn't know except for the FINE detective work that Sangha did finding the clip on Media Matters dot com. I would have loved to see the whole segment so that the context could be established. But like I said, I rarely get to watch Beck. I'm usually at work when he's on.

Ya sorry. There were no posts between yours and mine when I began writing that.

I still have the same question for the others defending Beck: WTF? The web site sangha pointed us to has a video of Beck's radio program and seems authentic enough to me. Is there any reason to believe Beck didn't say these things?

I watched the video...obviously he did say what he said

As for Joe McCarthy: if you think his work in ferreting out Commies in government had value for America, you obviously don't know SHIT about the era.

I made no claim that McCarthys work had value...BS1
Beck claimed McCarthy was right in claiming there were Communists in government and Hollywood...and he is correct....BS2

Read a bit and learn; there was not so much as one scintilla of evidence that any American he labeled as a Commie or Commie sympathizer had committed any treasonous act.

Neither Beck nor me said any such thing........BS3

Many Americans in the 1930's and later believed that organized labor and the American Communist Party had value, but to my knowledge none sought to subjugate the US to Stalin.

And neither Beck nor myself made any such claim.. BS4

Most people labeled as Commies by McCarthy never had any such affiliation; it was a pure witch hunt undertaken for the self-aggrandizement of one man: McCarthy

Thats probably true, but quite irrelevant.....BS5

Now....learn to read and understand what you are reading

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