Before you vote in November...think about this!

I believe it-----I never liked that bitch-----and even I have
run into lawyers like that (disclaimer----I wasn't raped)
was it a jury verdict or a Hillary Clinton verdict ... ?
It's less than three minutes long. Watch and read the subtitles. Listen to the audio. This is the epitome of a liar!

"I thought you should know" - YouTube
Donald Trump should run this video by itself on major networks across the USA. The truth is the best way to defeat Clinton. This is the truth about who she is. She isn't an advocate of women. She is an abuser of women and children. This testimony is the evidence of that truth.

There have been reports about Mrs. Clinton being a paedophile who had very young girls sent to her for her to sexually molest decades ago. At least one victim has come forward and given an interview (audio) about how Hilary molested her as a child. Her testimony was chilling.

So what do we really know about Clinton other than that one FBI agent who worked for Clinton Admin identified behavior (in his book) that she is involved in the occult?

We know Clinton is a lesbian - and we know there have been ongoing rumors for years that the Clinton's have had people murdered in order to silence them.
If she is a paedophile then it would explain her not thinking there was anything wrong with defending one and accusing the victim instead (even while laughing about it). If she or her husband have had people murdered before it would explain while these victims are afraid to come forward or go to media. That we have such questions about a candidate for the highest office in the land is truly disturbing.

Should America be revolted by the thought of such a person being the DNC Nominee? I would think so.
It's less than three minutes long. Watch and read the subtitles. Listen to the audio. This is the epitome of a liar!

"I thought you should know" - YouTube

Liberals see nothing wrong with the sexual abuse and rape of minor children.
Do you daydream about that with the butt plug in and inflated?

I'm not the one defending Hillary. You are.
Where did I do dat?
It's less than three minutes long. Watch and read the subtitles. Listen to the audio. This is the epitome of a liar!

"I thought you should know" - YouTube

Liberals see nothing wrong with the sexual abuse and rape of minor children.
Do you daydream about that with the butt plug in and inflated?

I'm not the one defending Hillary. You are.

Here is another matter to consider. Those who know these things about Hillary Clinton and still defend her are either completely void of any conscience or beyond conscience to the point of they just do not care. In either case, it is a very sad state to be in and we should pray for such people.
  • Dead Broke – In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Something even the left-leaning Politifact found to be false.
  • Sniper Fire – During the 2008 campaign, Clinton said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia during the ’90s. She went so far as to claim her group ran “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” Video of her actual arrival surfaced showing a very calm scene instead, and the Democrat would quickly say she simply misspoke.
  • Immigrant Grandparents – When discussing immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.” It was another story Politifact said was false, as only one of her grandparents was an immigrant.
  • Sir Edmund Hillary – Seems Clinton can’t even bring herself to tell the truth about her own name. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest. One small problem though, the explorer didn’t climb Everest until Clinton was 6 years old.
  • The Few, The Proud, The Marines – Very recently, Clinton claimed to have been turned down by the Marines when she applied in 1975. Washington Post fact-checkers quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines. They gave her a couple of Pinocchios for her tall tale.
  • Secret E-Mails – Former Secretary of State Clinton claimed her infamous private e-mail server was set up in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.” A federal judge disagreed, saying Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.
  • Benghazi – Clearly the most reprehensible lie of them all – Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She claimed for weeks, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances. But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power.

Read more: The 7 Wildest Lies From Hillary Clinton - The Political Insider

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