Begging For Global Warming; As Global Cooling Becomes Obvious...

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Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
The planet cools, the planet warms. That's the way it's been for 4.5 billion years. Why are so many so willing to give up their freedom & liberty and hand absolute power & control over to Government? I just don't understand the hysterical panic.

As each day passes the evidence climbs, as predicted by scientists (not politicians and Popes), that a steep drop of temperatures would ensue—first dropping temperatures to where they were in the very cold late 1800s and then going down from there to ice age conditions that will threaten a great part of the northern latitudes over the next 10 years.

We are not ready for any of this mentally or in any other way thanks to people like former president Obama, the Pope, and let’s never forget Al Gore. Some of the most unscrupulous people have been championing the cause of man-made global warming even though the science and actual conditions on the ground have been showing for ten years that there is no such thing as man-made warming.

It has been a big snow job, pure propaganda and now the gig is up as it starts snowing in Florida of all places. Now we have temperatures crashing, almost the entire continental United States frozen over,...

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Begging for Global Warming - LewRockwell
All it takes is one question

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Try this for a hint...

Earth is like a room with two air conditioning units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with settings 0=off and 10=maxCOOL.

The Antarctic is currently set at 9 and the Arctic is set at 1. Air that passes over the Antarctic cools 50F more than air that passes over the Arctic. The Antarctic puts 9 times the ice into the oceans vs. the Arctic, some 46 times the H2O the Mississippi dumps into the Gulf.


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All it takes is one question

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Try this for a hint...

Earth is like a room with two air conditioning units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with setting 0=off and 10=maxCOOL.

The Antarctic is currently set at 9 and the Arctic is set at 1. Air that passes over the Antarctic cools 50F more than air that passes over the Arctic. The Antarctic puts 9 times the ice into the oceans vs. the Arctic, some 46 times the H2O the Mississippi dumps into the Gulf.



I believe it's all about the sun. But regardless, the planet cools, the planet warms. That's the way it's always been. Personally, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't surrender my freedom & liberty to NWO Globalists.
I believe it's all about the sun.

No, you PARROTED some BS about that without the slightest clue about actual evidence, which there is NONE.

We need a serious climate education here.

First of all, what is an ICE AGE?

Is an ICE AGE when all the planet cools at once, or are ICE AGES continent specific?

Here's a good place to start...

One million years ago, Greenland was fully green, while North America was covered with ice down to Indiana.

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, so what did Co2 have to do with either event???

A: nothing

Greenland's plate moved NW, and NA's plate moved SW... and THAT is what caused it.

ICE AGES are CONTINENT SPECIFIC, and one right next to the other can do 180 degrees the opposite AT THE SAME TIME.
I believe it's all about the sun.

No, you PARROTED some BS about that without the slightest clue about actual evidence, which there is NONE.

We need a serious climate education here.

First of all, what is an ICE AGE?

Is an ICE AGE when all the planet cools at once, or are ICE AGES continent specific?

Here's a good place to start...

One million years ago, Greenland was fully green, while North America was covered with ice down to Indiana.

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, so what did Co2 have to do with either event???

A: nothing

Greenland's plate moved NW, and NA's plate moved SW... and THAT is what caused it.

Regardless, i won't surrender my freedom & liberty to NWO Globalists. I won't panic over 'Global Warming' or 'Global Cooling.' I'll survive because i'm prepared. I don't depend solely on Government to take care of me. I would advise folks to get prepared. Don't rely on Government solely for survival. Because Government can't and won't save everyone. Best to become self-sufficient. That's how i feel anyway.
Try to be careful about what you know and what you do not.

Simply grasping the Solar Cycle theory peddled by Fox News is walking into a trap, as the liar who came up with Solar Cycle did so from a government contract - he is part of the FRAUD, giving "skeptics" a phony and easily debunked "theory."

Here's another great clue. The "warmers" have three sinking island chains, the Marshalls, the Solomons, and one by New Guinea, and all three are sinking.... except NOTHING ELSE is....

Could that be from rising ocean levels.... or the fact that all three are....

right on the "lip" of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, on the subduction side.

In 3 million years, the Marshall Islands will not be just under water, they will be under the Earth's crust....

and that is the "evidence" the warmers have of "rising oceans..."
Try to be careful about what you know and what you do not.

Simply grasping the Solar Cycle theory peddled by Fox News is walking into a trap, as the liar who came up with Solar Cycle did so from a government contract - he is part of the FRAUD, giving "skeptics" a phony and easily debunked "theory."

Here's another great clue. The "warmers" have three sinking island chains, the Marshalls, the Solomons, and one by New Guinea, and all three are sinking.... except NOTHING ELSE is....

Could that be from rising ocean levels.... or the fact that all three are....

right on the "lip" of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, on the subduction side.

In 3 million years, the Marshall Islands will not be just under water, they will be under the Earth's crust....

and that is the "evidence" the warmers have of "rising oceans..."

Still, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear the 'Global Warming' or 'Global Cooling' Boogeyman. The planet cools, the planet warms. Humans will either adapt to a changing climate, or they won't. It is what it is.
The amount of current "climate change" on Earth is pathetically small....

We'll "survive" that.

The main enviro problem is human overpopulation, and if we don't do something about that, that will be the biggest problem our species has ever faced....
The amount of current "climate change" on Earth is pathetically small....

We'll "survive" that.

The main enviro problem is human overpopulation, and if we don't do something about that, that will be the biggest problem our species has ever faced....

I agree. The NWO Globalist Elites will not tolerate all those poor folks sucking up valuable resources. A 'Great Culling' will happen. Bet on that.
One segment in particular is overpopulating..


A 'Great Culling' is coming. The NWO Globalist Elites will not tolerate poor folks sucking up all those valuable resources for survival. Many will have to go. And it will happen.
We will be engaged in mass killing... to save the human race.... all because too many sub humans produced too many kids so that their religious leaders could get more $$$ in the pot on Sundays...
The planet cools, the planet warms. That's the way it's been for 4.5 billion years. Why are so many so willing to give up their freedom & liberty and hand absolute power & control over to Government? I just don't understand the hysterical panic.

As each day passes the evidence climbs, as predicted by scientists (not politicians and Popes), that a steep drop of temperatures would ensue—first dropping temperatures to where they were in the very cold late 1800s and then going down from there to ice age conditions that will threaten a great part of the northern latitudes over the next 10 years.

We are not ready for any of this mentally or in any other way thanks to people like former president Obama, the Pope, and let’s never forget Al Gore. Some of the most unscrupulous people have been championing the cause of man-made global warming even though the science and actual conditions on the ground have been showing for ten years that there is no such thing as man-made warming.

It has been a big snow job, pure propaganda and now the gig is up as it starts snowing in Florida of all places. Now we have temperatures crashing, almost the entire continental United States frozen over,...

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Begging for Global Warming - LewRockwell
You do realize that extreme cooling is part of the "global warming" theory, right? Thats why most are now calling it climate change. Its about changes in our ecosystem that effect weather patterns and the condition of our habitat.

I understand being critical of needless regulation, but fighting to ignore initiatives to keep a clean and healthy environment makes no sense to me.
We will be engaged in mass killing... to save the human race.... all because too many sub humans produced too many kids so that their religious leaders could get more $$$ in the pot on Sundays...

Well i don't agree with your premise entirely, but a 'Great Culling' is gonna happen regardless. The Elites will survive at all costs. They will kill all who get in the way of their own survival. Obviously that means the poor & unfortunate will have to be eliminated. Folks are only kidding themselves if they still believe that a 'Culling' isn't gonna happen. I just hope & pray i'm not around to see it. But it is gonna happen.
You do realize that extreme cooling is part of the "global warming" theory, right?

Any and every weather event is "because of Global Warming."

Problem - Earth is not warming, and we just got a serious re-fresher course on that last week...

RECORD LOWS do not happen on a planet that has been warming for 150+ years...
You do realize that extreme cooling is part of the "global warming" theory, right?

Any and every weather event is "because of Global Warming."

Problem - Earth is not warming, and we just got a serious re-fresher course on that last week...

RECORD LOWS do not happen on a planet that has been warming for 150+ years...
2016 and 2017 were to two hottest years on record. Not sure if you got the memo but it is now winter time and one of the problems with a changing climate are extreme weather events. That includes freezes and hurricanes etc. Please tell me you aren't so dense that you thought global warming meant we were just going to keep heating up till we melted.
The planet cools, the planet warms. That's the way it's been for 4.5 billion years. Why are so many so willing to give up their freedom & liberty and hand absolute power & control over to Government? I just don't understand the hysterical panic.

As each day passes the evidence climbs, as predicted by scientists (not politicians and Popes), that a steep drop of temperatures would ensue—first dropping temperatures to where they were in the very cold late 1800s and then going down from there to ice age conditions that will threaten a great part of the northern latitudes over the next 10 years.

We are not ready for any of this mentally or in any other way thanks to people like former president Obama, the Pope, and let’s never forget Al Gore. Some of the most unscrupulous people have been championing the cause of man-made global warming even though the science and actual conditions on the ground have been showing for ten years that there is no such thing as man-made warming.

It has been a big snow job, pure propaganda and now the gig is up as it starts snowing in Florida of all places. Now we have temperatures crashing, almost the entire continental United States frozen over,...

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Begging for Global Warming - LewRockwell
You do realize that extreme cooling is part of the "global warming" theory, right? Thats why most are now calling it climate change. Its about changes in our ecosystem that effect weather patterns and the condition of our habitat.

I understand being critical of needless regulation, but fighting to ignore initiatives to keep a clean and healthy environment makes no sense to me.

I will admit, 'Global Cooling' is much more concerning than 'Global Warming.' Human beings don't do well in harsh cold climates. But still, i value my freedom & liberty much more than i fear the 'Global Warming' and 'Global Cooling' Boogeyman. I won't panic either way. The planet cools, the planet warms. It is what it is.
The planet cools, the planet warms. That's the way it's been for 4.5 billion years. Why are so many so willing to give up their freedom & liberty and hand absolute power & control over to Government? I just don't understand the hysterical panic.

As each day passes the evidence climbs, as predicted by scientists (not politicians and Popes), that a steep drop of temperatures would ensue—first dropping temperatures to where they were in the very cold late 1800s and then going down from there to ice age conditions that will threaten a great part of the northern latitudes over the next 10 years.

We are not ready for any of this mentally or in any other way thanks to people like former president Obama, the Pope, and let’s never forget Al Gore. Some of the most unscrupulous people have been championing the cause of man-made global warming even though the science and actual conditions on the ground have been showing for ten years that there is no such thing as man-made warming.

It has been a big snow job, pure propaganda and now the gig is up as it starts snowing in Florida of all places. Now we have temperatures crashing, almost the entire continental United States frozen over,...

Read More:
Begging for Global Warming - LewRockwell
You do realize that extreme cooling is part of the "global warming" theory, right? Thats why most are now calling it climate change. Its about changes in our ecosystem that effect weather patterns and the condition of our habitat.

I understand being critical of needless regulation, but fighting to ignore initiatives to keep a clean and healthy environment makes no sense to me.

I will admit, 'Global Cooling' is much more concerning than 'Global Warming.' Human beings don't do well in harsh cold climates. But still, i value my freedom & liberty much more than i fear the 'Global Warming' and 'Global Cooling' Boogeyman. I won't panic either way. The planet cools, the planet warms. It is what it is.
Which of your freedoms are being taken away by environmental efforts? Be specific

BTW. I have a few in my local community that involve building permits and development restrictions that I take issue with and I speak out against. However as a whole, the movement is beneficial to our world and for future generations.
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