Behind the scenes with the commander of Special Ops

JSOC ( Joint Special Operations Command ) is a great thing, but has become too political, and at times.....some politicians personal retaliation - Military personnel sent on missions that have no strategic, Military or logical political value.

In the article, it says that JSOC likes to avoid the limelight, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of media releases where someone ( Special Forces - SEALs - Rangers - Air Force Combat Control ) did a great thing. JSOC is political, first and always ; and it should not be. There are certain things that our civilian leadership needs to keep their hands off of, and JSOC is one of them.

One of JSOCs greatest assets is completing missions, that no one knows of - or where they have complete deniability. But no, there has to be a marketing program in place for young adults, especially those.....most especially those, with college degrees - hence JSOC publicizes events and incidents.

One thing that the article does not mention is that JSOC is hurting for personnel, and has been since the late 1980s and early 1990s. Retention is down, leadership takes a back seat in most units, screwed up missions, chasing tails due to bad....poor.....or no intelligence. People in Special Operations with no operational experience, lack of money for support ( Equipment & support personnel ).

Don't let the media hype get to you.

JSOC is well trained and highly specialized. Tested to mental and physical extremes, pushed to the upper most limits of human strength and ability ; hence they are awarded a career in Special Operations. Men deemed special in testing ; given the chance to serve their country in unique Military Units. Men whom can be lost or stranded behind enemy lines......or alone in enemy territory ; their Commander not worrying about them, and having confidence that they will make it out alive and well due to the testing they went through, and the superb training that they have received.

Special Men for Special jobs and tasks is JSOC.

But I still agree, that they could be better......much better in some ways. One of them is not letting a member...or members write a book about the most extreme exploits. Books are good in a reason that they clear any misconception and lies that have been previously told. But restraint needs to occur in a lot of incidents. Congress could fund them much more - JSOC does not need financial constraints. JSOC leadership could have better support of the Pentagon and respective Military branches. Communication needs to be much better among Military and Civilian leaders. JSOC is not a political tool, it is a surgical instrument ; finely tuned. The best Military Special Operations ( Next the British SAS in my opinion ) needs better retention to keep experienced and seasoned operators.

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