Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
I'm not prepared for this nonsense but I dont have "anxiety"? Why is that? Oh yeah, I dont have television

Welfare doesnt pay enough for you to get cable?

Its amazing how many ppl think welfare send ohters enough to live on meanwhile they send a family of 2 enough to live on for 2 weeks ....... 12,000 a yr isn't chit for 2 ppl.
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.

No, laugh is at those who find that Air Jordans, iPhone and X-Box are more important than have essential supplies at home.

Are you selling your 22" rims on eBay yet?
People like free market things until free markets start doing free market things.
Price gouging by hoarding needed products is not 'free market things'.

The dude was trying to sell it right back to the same area he bought it in and then on online.

Were he taking them to hardest hit places and selling there because the locals all ran out, that would still be inexcusable because he removed so much of the local supply simply to enrich himself via price gouging.
I'd LOVE to see the fucking creep set up a stall in a parking lot and try to sell the stuff for a hundred times more than he paid for it where I live. I'd give him about five minutes before the ambulance was called!
/---/ The moron has several options available. He can sell cases to local stores and wholesalers or he can repackage it and legitimately sell it as a high-end sanitizer. But the former would be his easiest way.
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now
Truly smart people dont feel smug about being smart. Only those that were teased as a child are so insecure that they delight in misfortunes of others.
whatever at least I'm not looking for what others don't have
I'm willing to bet you laughed at preppers
Turn around sucks for those who aren't prepared
Why would I laugh at preppers when I'm one myself?

You're preparing for what, move to Africa?
I'm completely baffled by all this fear. What do we need with all these cleaning supplies and toilet paper?

People are going crazy with fear over a mild form of the flu.
I've yet to understand why the toilet paper
Understandable. You still havent dealt with your childhood insecurities so you wouldnt understand that its a way of regaining control of their environment. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.


OK, let's say someone ask you, "Hey Asclepias, why are you banging your head on wall?"

Your answer would be... "Doing something is always better than doing nothing."

LOL, you sound like Barry.
Why did you remove the Bible quote? Feeling a bit non Christian are you?

You are right about mountain people. My neighbor has a five year old and needed a thermometer. I gave them one...mama bear is on health I have the babies..if my neighbors are in need we don't lawd over them about being more prepared..we share

This is the shit the men have talked about for a while...the danger of flatlanders...y'all really are a selfish bunch..too wrapped up in mine mine mine
Who are you posting to?
I didn't work and save so other lazy asses could eat
2 Thessalonians 3:10 ESV /

For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

Proverbs 19:15 ESV /
Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger.
And mountain people don't give a fuck about outsider's
Try reading for clarity.

Respirator masks are medical supplies.

YOU try reading for clarity!

Face masks are not respirator masks.

Dumbass. Try reading.

Mr. Colvin is one of probably thousands of sellers who have amassed stockpiles of hand sanitizer and crucial respirator masks that many hospitals are now rationing, according to interviews with eight Amazon sellers and posts in private Facebook and Telegram groups from dozens more.

Yeah, ok, Dumb@ss, try reading!

"The next day, Amazon pulled his items and thousands of other listings for sanitizer, wipes and face masks. The company suspended some of the sellers behind the listings and warned many others that if they kept running up prices, they’d lose their accounts."

He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Now tell me the difference between face masks and

respiratory masks

Obviously you can't.

Dumbfuck, the brothers are now giving away their stock in a desperate attempt to avoid legal prosecution...

Moment brothers donate hand sanitizer after they are accused of price gouging bottles sold onilne | Daily Mail Online

  • A spokesperson for the attorney general says that just because they are now making donations, doesn't mean the brothers are 'off the hook'
  • Both were sent a letter threatening legal action if they continued buying up medical supplies after they were accused of price gouging
But g'head, keep defending these assholes.
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
1.4% of the population. That means that 98.6% will recover.
So the thought of half a million deaths doesn't phase you?
In my humble opinion these men should give all that stuff to a local hospital for free.
Doing that they could save some lives.
In the future both brothers would be remembered as good honest men :)
Last edited:
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
1.4% of the population. That means that 98.6% will recover.
So the thought of half a million deaths doesn't phase you?
It is not very likely that it will be 500k.

But of course, this is the type of fearmongering that has been going on the past two weeks.
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
1.4% of the population. That means that 98.6% will recover.
There are 'experts' that claim only about 1500 will die. 99.98% of them will be over 80 with serious medical preconditions.
CNN/MSNBC are wetting their panties with delight every time another old sick person dies. FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!
The hilarious thing is by next Nov. the 'PANDEMIC'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will be a distant memory. The stock market will be over 30K and the fucking bastards at CNN/MSNBC will have invented a couple more hoaxes to try to remove Trump and lost!
The 'experts' on CNN will be claimed that it was only luck that saved the US from the Trumpvirus.
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
1.4% of the population. That means that 98.6% will recover.
There are 'experts' that claim only about 1500 will die. 99.98% of them will be over 80 with serious medical preconditions.
CNN/MSNBC are wetting their panties with delight every time another old sick person dies. FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!
The hilarious thing is by next Nov. the 'PANDEMIC'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will be a distant memory. The stock market will be over 30K and the fucking bastards at CNN/MSNBC will have invented a couple more hoaxes to try to remove Trump and lost!
The 'experts' on CNN will be claimed that it was only luck that saved the US from the Trumpvirus.
That's a whole lotta wishful thinking in one post.
Try reading for clarity.

Respirator masks are medical supplies.

YOU try reading for clarity!

Face masks are not respirator masks.

Dumbass. Try reading.

Mr. Colvin is one of probably thousands of sellers who have amassed stockpiles of hand sanitizer and crucial respirator masks that many hospitals are now rationing, according to interviews with eight Amazon sellers and posts in private Facebook and Telegram groups from dozens more.

Yeah, ok, Dumb@ss, try reading!

"The next day, Amazon pulled his items and thousands of other listings for sanitizer, wipes and face masks. The company suspended some of the sellers behind the listings and warned many others that if they kept running up prices, they’d lose their accounts."

He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Now tell me the difference between face masks and

respiratory masks

Obviously you can't.

Dumbfuck, the brothers are now giving away their stock in a desperate attempt to avoid legal prosecution...

Moment brothers donate hand sanitizer after they are accused of price gouging bottles sold onilne | Daily Mail Online

  • A spokesperson for the attorney general says that just because they are now making donations, doesn't mean the brothers are 'off the hook'
  • Both were sent a letter threatening legal action if they continued buying up medical supplies after they were accused of price gouging
But g'head, keep defending these assholes.
/----/ Who is defending them?
i dont think we as a country were prepared for this and one must admit trump did very little at first but mock this as a is not...i am one of the underlying condition people over 60 i would prefer to live a wee bit longer,...

Try reading for clarity.

Respirator masks are medical supplies.

YOU try reading for clarity!

Face masks are not respirator masks.

Dumbass. Try reading.

Mr. Colvin is one of probably thousands of sellers who have amassed stockpiles of hand sanitizer and crucial respirator masks that many hospitals are now rationing, according to interviews with eight Amazon sellers and posts in private Facebook and Telegram groups from dozens more.

Yeah, ok, Dumb@ss, try reading!

"The next day, Amazon pulled his items and thousands of other listings for sanitizer, wipes and face masks. The company suspended some of the sellers behind the listings and warned many others that if they kept running up prices, they’d lose their accounts."

He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Now tell me the difference between face masks and

respiratory masks

Obviously you can't.

Dumbfuck, the brothers are now giving away their stock in a desperate attempt to avoid legal prosecution...

Moment brothers donate hand sanitizer after they are accused of price gouging bottles sold onilne | Daily Mail Online

  • A spokesperson for the attorney general says that just because they are now making donations, doesn't mean the brothers are 'off the hook'
  • Both were sent a letter threatening legal action if they continued buying up medical supplies after they were accused of price gouging
But g'head, keep defending these assholes.
/----/ Who is defending them?
Try reading the thread next time for clarity.
he did say he would block international travel causing a mass panic airports.....and lack of planning has allowed a cruise ship to disembark with no testing and go into the general population...

o hell talking to you people is beyond logic at this continue to believe a ma who said this was all a fucking hoax well its not...and yes trump as caused a lot of panic.. and that is the truth be you like it or not

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