Being Truthful: Putin's Right-Hand Man Compares Barack Obama To A Monkey

And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV
No wonder you love Putin and Russia more than you do America.
Hey Faun, do you have a death wish? Why would you vote for the vagina who wanted 550% more Radical Muslims brought into the US? No wonder you love ISIS and being a slave to stinky Muslim men. Deep down , you know you want to be subjugated by REAL men, not pussy liberal pansy ass hetrosexuals.
Another one that should visit Russia and kiss Putin's ass, before he fucks you for not being his kind of Russian.
And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV
I find it very insulting that Putin's right-hand man compares Barrack Obama to a monkey. Monkeys' have much more intelligence than any flaming Liberal. If you are offended by my comments, Cuba is open, and you can live your miserable lives there in the Socialist Utopian Paradise, and not been insulted by US any more...
You sound like you would prefer to live in Russia. Have you ever visited there?
Freedom of speech is a privilege for the Putin ass kissers, who are as primitive as can be.
Docs Reveal IRS Plan to Seek Criminal Charges of Obama Opponents

And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV
No wonder you love Putin and Russia more than you do America.
Hey Faun, do you have a death wish? Why would you vote for the vagina who wanted 550% more Radical Muslims brought into the US? No wonder you love ISIS and being a slave to stinky Muslim men. Deep down , you know you want to be subjugated by REAL men, not pussy liberal pansy ass hetrosexuals.
That means you love Trump because you're hoping he grabs you by your pussy and fucks you like he's going to do to America.
Oh, no, not the pussy grabber thing again. Seems that you had NO problem when a Cuban Cigar was put where it wasn't supposed to, or a woman was raped by the same guy while he was governor of Arkansas. Oops, forgot about that didn't you faun, must of made you damn mad that Bill didn't abuse you too?
Sounds like you're about 10 years old. No wonder Trump wants to fuck you. How lucky is he that you're so eager and willing?
Oh, you are hurting my feelings Faun, what happened to the liberal compassion that you lefties are supposed to show. How can you treat a 10 year old like that? Arent you "for the children". Bhwaaaahaaaahaaa... When you bring TRUTH to the liberals they go very primitive, proving the OP's point.

How come you pull up that old video?
You understand politics, don't you?
Like when Trump lies hundreds of times to convince stupid voters to support him. LOL!

Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her
Wow, at last you have come to a realization that your vagina candidate was Corrupt Hillary.

And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV

Those damm confederates in the South live in Russia too!

How come you pull up that old video?
You understand politics, don't you?
Like when Trump lies hundreds of times to convince stupid voters to support him. LOL!

Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her

No POTUS candidate has lied as much as Trump in the history of USA politics.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star

Rubbish! Obama, the proto-human, has ran a criminal administration since day one.
And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV
I find it very insulting that Putin's right-hand man compares Barrack Obama to a monkey. Monkeys' have much more intelligence than any flaming Liberal. If you are offended by my comments, Cuba is open, and you can live your miserable lives there in the Socialist Utopian Paradise, and not been insulted by US any more...
hey look steve you have like minded guys should start a breakfast club.....
When you don't have someone writing for the stutterer in Chief, he isn't as intelligent as you think. Boy he did pull the wool over your eyes with that Hope and Change. All Obama had to do was be just a little smarter than you, and you voted for him twice. Just makes you more stupid than he is.

He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school. Since you don't know what that means, I'll explain it to ya... it means he graduated among the roughly top 10% of his class after those graduating summa cum laude.


Yet no one has ever seen any law review articles the proto-human edited nor have seen it's grade transcripts and admissions.

No one's seen your grades because no one gives a shit. Remember when you used to whine about his birth certificate? Why did you stop?

Barack Obama's Lost Law Review Article
I find it very insulting that Putin's right-hand man compares Barrack Obama to a monkey. Monkeys' have much more intelligence than any flaming Liberal. If you are offended by my comments, Cuba is open, and you can live your miserable lives there in the Socialist Utopian Paradise, and not been insulted by US any more...
hey look steve you have like minded guys should start a breakfast club.....
When you don't have someone writing for the stutterer in Chief, he isn't as intelligent as you think. Boy he did pull the wool over your eyes with that Hope and Change. All Obama had to do was be just a little smarter than you, and you voted for him twice. Just makes you more stupid than he is.

He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school. Since you don't know what that means, I'll explain it to ya... it means he graduated among the roughly top 10% of his class after those graduating summa cum laude.


Yet no one has ever seen any law review articles the proto-human edited nor have seen it's grade transcripts and admissions.

No one's seen your grades because no one gives a shit. Remember when you used to whine about his birth certificate? Why did you stop?

Barack Obama's Lost Law Review Article

Wait, that's all he did, one article?

How come you pull up that old video?
You understand politics, don't you?
Like when Trump lies hundreds of times to convince stupid voters to support him. LOL!

Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her

No POTUS candidate has lied as much as Trump in the history of USA politics.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star

Rubbish! Obama, the proto-human, has ran a criminal administration since day one.

I noticed you don't back up your claim. LOL. You lie like Trump?
Now that Trump is the POTUS-elect, it will be interesting how he performs and lies to cover his political Putin kissing ass.
more people are ashamed of people like you steve....your mindset is as primitive as can be....
Oh one other thing, where you get this "more people" went out the door when "Make America Great again" became the president elect. More people reject the moron and his policies that he passed with his phone and pen.

View attachment 99638
so you are confirming that all those people who backed trump are racist like steve?...or are you struggling to say something else?...because i never said anything about trump...

How come you pull up that old video?
You understand politics, don't you?
Like when Trump lies hundreds of times to convince stupid voters to support him. LOL!

Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her

No POTUS candidate has lied as much as Trump in the history of USA politics.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star

Rubbish! Obama, the proto-human, has ran a criminal administration since day one.

I noticed you don't back up your claim. LOL. You lie like Trump?
Now that Trump is the POTUS-elect, it will be interesting how he performs and lies to cover his political Putin kissing ass.

Here is evidence. This is from 2013 so the lies and corruption have tripled the number since then.

252 Examples of Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking & Corruption
And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV
I find it very insulting that Putin's right-hand man compares Barrack Obama to a monkey. Monkeys' have much more intelligence than any flaming Liberal. If you are offended by my comments, Cuba is open, and you can live your miserable lives there in the Socialist Utopian Paradise, and not been insulted by US any more...
hey look steve you have like minded guys should start a breakfast club.....
When you don't have someone writing for the stutterer in Chief, he isn't as intelligent as you think. Boy he did pull the wool over your eyes with that Hope and Change. All Obama had to do was be just a little smarter than you, and you voted for him twice. Just makes you more stupid than he is.

you read a lot of posts around here dont you?....why dont you show me a post were i said i voted for obama or even me saying he is a good president....i have 50,000+ posts should be saying what you said kinda makes you look pretty stupid....

more people are ashamed of people like you steve....your mindset is as primitive as can be....
You saying what you said kinda makes you look pretty stupid. Also with your rhetoric confirms who you voted for. Deny all you like, but I know better.

so if you are not a racist you must have voted for obama?....there is no way a non-racist would vote for trump? that what you are trying to say?....
And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV
I find it very insulting that Putin's right-hand man compares Barrack Obama to a monkey. Monkeys' have much more intelligence than any flaming Liberal. If you are offended by my comments, Cuba is open, and you can live your miserable lives there in the Socialist Utopian Paradise, and not been insulted by US any more...
hey look steve you have like minded guys should start a breakfast club.....
When you don't have someone writing for the stutterer in Chief, he isn't as intelligent as you think. Boy he did pull the wool over your eyes with that Hope and Change. All Obama had to do was be just a little smarter than you, and you voted for him twice. Just makes you more stupid than he is.

He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school. Since you don't know what that means, I'll explain it to ya... it means he graduated among the roughly top 10% of his class after those graduating summa cum laude.


you will have to excuse andy....he aint to bright....

How come you pull up that old video?
You understand politics, don't you?
Like when Trump lies hundreds of times to convince stupid voters to support him. LOL!

Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her

No POTUS candidate has lied as much as Trump in the history of USA politics.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star

Rubbish! Obama, the proto-human, has ran a criminal administration since day one.

I noticed you don't back up your claim. LOL. You lie like Trump?
Now that Trump is the POTUS-elect, it will be interesting how he performs and lies to cover his political Putin kissing ass.

Here is evidence. This is from 2013 so the lies and corruption have tripled the number since then.

252 Examples of Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking & Corruption
No wonder you love Putin and Russia more than you do America.
Hey Faun, do you have a death wish? Why would you vote for the vagina who wanted 550% more Radical Muslims brought into the US? No wonder you love ISIS and being a slave to stinky Muslim men. Deep down , you know you want to be subjugated by REAL men, not pussy liberal pansy ass hetrosexuals.
That means you love Trump because you're hoping he grabs you by your pussy and fucks you like he's going to do to America.
Oh, no, not the pussy grabber thing again. Seems that you had NO problem when a Cuban Cigar was put where it wasn't supposed to, or a woman was raped by the same guy while he was governor of Arkansas. Oops, forgot about that didn't you faun, must of made you damn mad that Bill didn't abuse you too?
Sounds like you're about 10 years old. No wonder Trump wants to fuck you. How lucky is he that you're so eager and willing?
Oh, you are hurting my feelings Faun, what happened to the liberal compassion that you lefties are supposed to show. How can you treat a 10 year old like that? Arent you "for the children". Bhwaaaahaaaahaaa... When you bring TRUTH to the liberals they go very primitive, proving the OP's point.
The truth we've established is that Obama, a Harvard Law school graduate with honors, former president of the Harvard Law Review, two term president of the United States; is far superior to you. Insult him as you wish, but remember, you're still beneath him.
How come you pull up that old video?
You understand politics, don't you?
Like when Trump lies hundreds of times to convince stupid voters to support him. LOL!
Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her
No POTUS candidate has lied as much as Trump in the history of USA politics.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Rubbish! Obama, the proto-human, has ran a criminal administration since day one.
I noticed you don't back up your claim. LOL. You lie like Trump?
Now that Trump is the POTUS-elect, it will be interesting how he performs and lies to cover his political Putin kissing ass.
Here is evidence. This is from 2013 so the lies and corruption have tripled the number since then.

252 Examples of Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking & Corruption
We all know that politicians lie to try getting their way. No surprise.
Yes, Obama is a politician.

Trump is a politician now too, and he has become the KING of lying already! According to the Canadian reference, Trump has lied at the rate of 20 times a day during the latter part of his campaign.
Will he exceed Obama's lies as POTUS, even with a Repub Congress?
We'll see, but my bet is on Trump ... to continue his habitual top-of-head lies.
Like when Hillary lies 10 of thousands of times to convince stupid voters to support her
No POTUS candidate has lied as much as Trump in the history of USA politics.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Rubbish! Obama, the proto-human, has ran a criminal administration since day one.
I noticed you don't back up your claim. LOL. You lie like Trump?
Now that Trump is the POTUS-elect, it will be interesting how he performs and lies to cover his political Putin kissing ass.
Here is evidence. This is from 2013 so the lies and corruption have tripled the number since then.

252 Examples of Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking & Corruption
We all know that politicians lie to try getting their way. No surprise.
Yes, Obama is a politician.

Trump is a politician now too, and he has become the KING of lying already! According to the Canadian reference, Trump has lied at the rate of 20 times a day during the latter part of his campaign.
Will he exceed Obama's lies as POTUS, even with a Repub Congress?
We'll see, but my bet is on Trump ... to continue his habitual top-of-head lies.
The Canadian reference is wrong. They will do anything to smear our Holy Trumpenfuhrer.

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