Being White Means I am Privileged

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I can get pulled over by highway patrol in Alabama for speeding and not get tasered. My credit score is awesome. I can live in the best part of town. I am in a higher tax bracket, but I claim enough itemized deductions that I effectively pay no income tax. I can afford to drive something other than a Dodge charger. I can own firearms and vote. I don’t have diabetes. I have Jewish friends.

Why the hell should I feel guilty over my white privilege like the woke brigade want? That is just asinine. If I could, I would have even MORE white privilege. Even if you accept the false premise that we are all equal, and where you end depends on where you start in life, who gives a fuck?!?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a minority person cannot ascend to the level of success enjoyed by white people. Let me point out that there are many, many poor whites. Second, blacks today hold positions of power. There has even been a half-negro who managed to get himself elected president. You just cannot legitimately use that “systemic racism” nonsense in order to try to build yourself an advantage. It is not real. If anything is holding blacks back today it is their culture.

Finally, let’s assume it is possible for whites to give up a little bit of our white privilege and give it to the blacks as a subside in order to help them out. Would that fix their problems? No. Therein lies the crux of their issue. You could give them each a million bucks in reparations and they would blow every bit of it on Colt45 and weed. This is because their culture does not value saving and planning (I.e., fiscal conservatism). It could, but they would have to make the effort to assimilate, which they won’t. Why is that?

Until black culture addresses and effectively corrects its own shortcomings, they will never be fully at liberty to be free. It does not help that the Democrat Party and neo-Marxists have a vested interest in keeping blacks unassimilated and broke. Blacks have the power to live their lives as free Americans and attain whatever goals they set for themselves. But goals like being an NBA star, dope dealer, or entitlements fraud kingpin are not going to cut it.

Meanwhile, I intend to continue spending my disposable income on high-end cigars, motorcycles, and guns. I enjoy throwing cash into my brokerage account and watching it grow. I earned it and I am going to enjoy it. I love being privileged. It means I did not have to crawl out of the abyss and learn to live like a modern person. My culture instilled in me the things I needed to survive and prosper. It is truly a shame that other cultures fail to do the same.
TL;DR version.....

good to be white.jpg
My biggest privilege was to be able to work every summer as a kid to put myself through college, develop my skills further after graduating, finally ending up with a business of my own and now having the ability to work 50 hours a week doing what I love.

I am now 69, and I sure hope my privilege doesn't run out any time soon.
I can get pulled over by highway patrol in Alabama for speeding and not get tasered. My credit score is awesome. I can live in the best part of town. I am in a higher tax bracket, but I claim enough itemized deductions that I effectively pay no income tax. I can afford to drive something other than a Dodge charger. I can own firearms and vote. I don’t have diabetes. I have Jewish friends.

Why the hell should I feel guilty over my white privilege like the woke brigade want? That is just asinine. If I could, I would have even MORE white privilege. Even if you accept the false premise that we are all equal, and where you end depends on where you start in life, who gives a fuck?!?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a minority person cannot ascend to the level of success enjoyed by white people. Let me point out that there are many, many poor whites. Second, blacks today hold positions of power. There has even been a half-negro who managed to get himself elected president. You just cannot legitimately use that “systemic racism” nonsense in order to try to build yourself an advantage. It is not real. If anything is holding blacks back today it is their culture.

Finally, let’s assume it is possible for whites to give up a little bit of our white privilege and give it to the blacks as a subside in order to help them out. Would that fix their problems? No. Therein lies the crux of their issue. You could give them each a million bucks in reparations and they would blow every bit of it on Colt45 and weed. This is because their culture does not value saving and planning (I.e., fiscal conservatism). It could, but they would have to make the effort to assimilate, which they won’t. Why is that?

Until black culture addresses and effectively corrects its own shortcomings, they will never be fully at liberty to be free. It does not help that the Democrat Party and neo-Marxists have a vested interest in keeping blacks unassimilated and broke. Blacks have the power to live their lives as free Americans and attain whatever goals they set for themselves. But goals like being an NBA star, dope dealer, or entitlements fraud kingpin are not going to cut it.

Meanwhile, I intend to continue spending my disposable income on high-end cigars, motorcycles, and guns. I enjoy throwing cash into my brokerage account and watching it grow. I earned it and I am going to enjoy it. I love being privileged. It means I did not have to crawl out of the abyss and learn to live like a modern person. My culture instilled in me the things I needed to survive and prosper. It is truly a shame that other cultures fail to do the same.
What exactly it is that you`re whining about, I have no idea. Whine away, if it makes you feel good.
I can get pulled over by highway patrol in Alabama for speeding and not get tasered. My credit score is awesome. I can live in the best part of town. I am in a higher tax bracket, but I claim enough itemized deductions that I effectively pay no income tax. I can afford to drive something other than a Dodge charger. I can own firearms and vote. I don’t have diabetes. I have Jewish friends.

Why the hell should I feel guilty over my white privilege like the woke brigade want? That is just asinine. If I could, I would have even MORE white privilege. Even if you accept the false premise that we are all equal, and where you end depends on where you start in life, who gives a fuck?!?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a minority person cannot ascend to the level of success enjoyed by white people. Let me point out that there are many, many poor whites. Second, blacks today hold positions of power. There has even been a half-negro who managed to get himself elected president. You just cannot legitimately use that “systemic racism” nonsense in order to try to build yourself an advantage. It is not real. If anything is holding blacks back today it is their culture.

Finally, let’s assume it is possible for whites to give up a little bit of our white privilege and give it to the blacks as a subside in order to help them out. Would that fix their problems? No. Therein lies the crux of their issue. You could give them each a million bucks in reparations and they would blow every bit of it on Colt45 and weed. This is because their culture does not value saving and planning (I.e., fiscal conservatism). It could, but they would have to make the effort to assimilate, which they won’t. Why is that?

Until black culture addresses and effectively corrects its own shortcomings, they will never be fully at liberty to be free. It does not help that the Democrat Party and neo-Marxists have a vested interest in keeping blacks unassimilated and broke. Blacks have the power to live their lives as free Americans and attain whatever goals they set for themselves. But goals like being an NBA star, dope dealer, or entitlements fraud kingpin are not going to cut it.

Meanwhile, I intend to continue spending my disposable income on high-end cigars, motorcycles, and guns. I enjoy throwing cash into my brokerage account and watching it grow. I earned it and I am going to enjoy it. I love being privileged. It means I did not have to crawl out of the abyss and learn to live like a modern person. My culture instilled in me the things I needed to survive and prosper. It is truly a shame that other cultures fail to do the same.
People who happen to be black and choose those things that help people obtain reasonable success, prosperity, status, and enjoy the American life generally do very well on a par with other racial/ethnic groups. It isn't privilege so much as it is the choices people make.

People who happen to be black and choose the victim status the woke left demands they adopt in order to be politically correct generally don't do as well.

In my opinion the number one thing that disadvantages black people are those who say they are helping them. Their 'help' has held back more black people than any other factor in modern day America.
I can get pulled over by highway patrol in Alabama for speeding and not get tasered. My credit score is awesome. I can live in the best part of town. I am in a higher tax bracket, but I claim enough itemized deductions that I effectively pay no income tax. I can afford to drive something other than a Dodge charger. I can own firearms and vote. I don’t have diabetes. I have Jewish friends.

Why the hell should I feel guilty over my white privilege like the woke brigade want? That is just asinine. If I could, I would have even MORE white privilege. Even if you accept the false premise that we are all equal, and where you end depends on where you start in life, who gives a fuck?!?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a minority person cannot ascend to the level of success enjoyed by white people. Let me point out that there are many, many poor whites. Second, blacks today hold positions of power. There has even been a half-negro who managed to get himself elected president. You just cannot legitimately use that “systemic racism” nonsense in order to try to build yourself an advantage. It is not real. If anything is holding blacks back today it is their culture.

Finally, let’s assume it is possible for whites to give up a little bit of our white privilege and give it to the blacks as a subside in order to help them out. Would that fix their problems? No. Therein lies the crux of their issue. You could give them each a million bucks in reparations and they would blow every bit of it on Colt45 and weed. This is because their culture does not value saving and planning (I.e., fiscal conservatism). It could, but they would have to make the effort to assimilate, which they won’t. Why is that?

Until black culture addresses and effectively corrects its own shortcomings, they will never be fully at liberty to be free. It does not help that the Democrat Party and neo-Marxists have a vested interest in keeping blacks unassimilated and broke. Blacks have the power to live their lives as free Americans and attain whatever goals they set for themselves. But goals like being an NBA star, dope dealer, or entitlements fraud kingpin are not going to cut it.

Meanwhile, I intend to continue spending my disposable income on high-end cigars, motorcycles, and guns. I enjoy throwing cash into my brokerage account and watching it grow. I earned it and I am going to enjoy it. I love being privileged. It means I did not have to crawl out of the abyss and learn to live like a modern person. My culture instilled in me the things I needed to survive and prosper. It is truly a shame that other cultures fail to do the same.
You're white?
I am white and me, my relatives and most I grew up around missed out on that white privilege thing if it does exist.
Herman Cain was not white but became part of the 1%.
Those who are well-educated and wealthy are privileged but that is because they are well-educated and wealthy.

What exactly it is that you`re whining about, I have no idea. Whine away, if it makes you feel good.
“Whine”? I don’t think so. But good try (I am lying to be nice; it was a terrible try. LOL!).
I can get pulled over by highway patrol in Alabama for speeding and not get tasered. My credit score is awesome. I can live in the best part of town. I am in a higher tax bracket, but I claim enough itemized deductions that I effectively pay no income tax. I can afford to drive something other than a Dodge charger. I can own firearms and vote. I don’t have diabetes. I have Jewish friends.

Why the hell should I feel guilty over my white privilege like the woke brigade want? That is just asinine. If I could, I would have even MORE white privilege. Even if you accept the false premise that we are all equal, and where you end depends on where you start in life, who gives a fuck?!?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a minority person cannot ascend to the level of success enjoyed by white people. Let me point out that there are many, many poor whites. Second, blacks today hold positions of power. There has even been a half-negro who managed to get himself elected president. You just cannot legitimately use that “systemic racism” nonsense in order to try to build yourself an advantage. It is not real. If anything is holding blacks back today it is their culture.

Finally, let’s assume it is possible for whites to give up a little bit of our white privilege and give it to the blacks as a subside in order to help them out. Would that fix their problems? No. Therein lies the crux of their issue. You could give them each a million bucks in reparations and they would blow every bit of it on Colt45 and weed. This is because their culture does not value saving and planning (I.e., fiscal conservatism). It could, but they would have to make the effort to assimilate, which they won’t. Why is that?

Until black culture addresses and effectively corrects its own shortcomings, they will never be fully at liberty to be free. It does not help that the Democrat Party and neo-Marxists have a vested interest in keeping blacks unassimilated and broke. Blacks have the power to live their lives as free Americans and attain whatever goals they set for themselves. But goals like being an NBA star, dope dealer, or entitlements fraud kingpin are not going to cut it.

Meanwhile, I intend to continue spending my disposable income on high-end cigars, motorcycles, and guns. I enjoy throwing cash into my brokerage account and watching it grow. I earned it and I am going to enjoy it. I love being privileged. It means I did not have to crawl out of the abyss and learn to live like a modern person. My culture instilled in me the things I needed to survive and prosper. It is truly a shame that other cultures fail to do the same.

I am white and me, my relatives and most I grew up around missed out on that white privilege thing if it does exist.
Herman Cain was not white but became part of the 1%.
Those who are well-educated and wealthy are privileged but that is because they are well-educated and wealthy.

It is the woke progressive mentality that tries to define privilege.

Telling children that they shouldn't 'act or dress white' holds them back when 'acting or dressing white' is simply belonging to the mainstream culture.

Giving black children 'black' names instead of ordinary American names can hold them back. It isn't because employers won't call somebody who is likely black for an interview, but because those with 'black' names are seen as more likely to be activists, less likely to 'act white', i.e. fit in with the mainstream. Nobody hire somebody they figure is likely a trouble maker.

Telling children that all white people are innately racist and they are by virtue of their skin color automatically victims and entitled has held back generations of black people.

Perpetuating policy that encourages poor choices and discourages good choices is another huge factor. Black people who stay in school and educate themselves, stay away from illegal substances and activities, are willing to work Mcjobs or whatever to establish references and work ethic, and who get married before having kids, will pretty much always be on a par with all of American society.

It isn't privilege. It is the stupid rules/concept/culture do gooders force on certain people that is the problem.
I can get pulled over by highway patrol in Alabama for speeding and not get tasered. My credit score is awesome. I can live in the best part of town. I am in a higher tax bracket, but I claim enough itemized deductions that I effectively pay no income tax. I can afford to drive something other than a Dodge charger. I can own firearms and vote. I don’t have diabetes. I have Jewish friends.

Why the hell should I feel guilty over my white privilege like the woke brigade want? That is just asinine. If I could, I would have even MORE white privilege. Even if you accept the false premise that we are all equal, and where you end depends on where you start in life, who gives a fuck?!?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a minority person cannot ascend to the level of success enjoyed by white people. Let me point out that there are many, many poor whites. Second, blacks today hold positions of power. There has even been a half-negro who managed to get himself elected president. You just cannot legitimately use that “systemic racism” nonsense in order to try to build yourself an advantage. It is not real. If anything is holding blacks back today it is their culture.

Finally, let’s assume it is possible for whites to give up a little bit of our white privilege and give it to the blacks as a subside in order to help them out. Would that fix their problems? No. Therein lies the crux of their issue. You could give them each a million bucks in reparations and they would blow every bit of it on Colt45 and weed. This is because their culture does not value saving and planning (I.e., fiscal conservatism). It could, but they would have to make the effort to assimilate, which they won’t. Why is that?

Until black culture addresses and effectively corrects its own shortcomings, they will never be fully at liberty to be free. It does not help that the Democrat Party and neo-Marxists have a vested interest in keeping blacks unassimilated and broke. Blacks have the power to live their lives as free Americans and attain whatever goals they set for themselves. But goals like being an NBA star, dope dealer, or entitlements fraud kingpin are not going to cut it.

Meanwhile, I intend to continue spending my disposable income on high-end cigars, motorcycles, and guns. I enjoy throwing cash into my brokerage account and watching it grow. I earned it and I am going to enjoy it. I love being privileged. It means I did not have to crawl out of the abyss and learn to live like a modern person. My culture instilled in me the things I needed to survive and prosper. It is truly a shame that other cultures fail to do the same.
Rod may only be a fool , but he is more than a nuisance to decent White people due to his Racism and fascist outlook .
A big supporter of Ethnic Cleansing
Actually, it is YOU who is the supporter of ethnic cleansing; i.e., the Jews.

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