Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator”

This is the "Hey Mr Tally Mon, tally me banana" guy right?

He's an idiot. I don't know why anyone gives these people any kind of venue to spew their idiocy.

It's because we live in a FREE Country.Short of setting off bombs, or shooting people Belafonte, Sharpton and even Ed Schultz can say whatever they want. We don't have to listen, only agree to disagree.

True enough,but the funny thing,apparently those two don't believe the same.

Guess you haven't been reading some of the posts here. There are those that take the postings as personal and then attack the messenger rather than the post. They forget that others do have differences of opinion and how this country should be run. Some believe in Maobama and his Marxist ideology and others believe in the Constitution, and the American experiment.
The thread with the same exact title didn't attract your attention before posting this?

Edit: This was for Freewill before the thread merger.
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It's because we live in a FREE Country.Short of setting off bombs, or shooting people Belafonte, Sharpton and even Ed Schultz can say whatever they want. We don't have to listen, only agree to disagree.

True enough,but the funny thing,apparently those two don't believe the same.

Guess you haven't been reading some of the posts here. There are those that take the postings as personal and then attack the messenger rather than the post. They forget that others do have differences of opinion and how this country should be run. Some believe in Maobama and his Marxist ideology and others believe in the Constitution, and the American experiment.

You know who really forms my political beliefs?

Harry Belefonte.......

More serious question. Is that thing on Jim Hoft's head alive?
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You know who really forms my political beliefs?

Harry Belefonte.......

More serious question. Is that thing on Jim Hoft's head alive?

BBC News - Home

I agree with your sarcasm here. I don't think alot of people do look to Belefonte for political beliefs. But then I didn't think they looked at Roseanne Bar for them either. But there were still alot of people who voted for her. Not like and overwhelming number. But any is seriously messed up.
You know who really forms my political beliefs?

Harry Belefonte.......

More serious question. Is that thing on Jim Hoft's head alive?

BBC News - Home

I agree with your sarcasm here. I don't think alot of people do look to Belefonte for political beliefs. But then I didn't think they looked at Roseanne Bar for them either. But there were still alot of people who voted for her. Not like and overwhelming number. But any is seriously messed up.

I would take it seriously if the "shut up and sing" crowd treated Ted Nugent with the same scorn when he engages in active dipshittery.
You know who really forms my political beliefs?

Harry Belefonte.......

More serious question. Is that thing on Jim Hoft's head alive?

BBC News - Home

I agree with your sarcasm here. I don't think alot of people do look to Belefonte for political beliefs. But then I didn't think they looked at Roseanne Bar for them either. But there were still alot of people who voted for her. Not like and overwhelming number. But any is seriously messed up.

I would take it seriously if the "shut up and sing" crowd treated Ted Nugent with the same scorn when he engages in active dipshittery.

the only ones here who cares what Nugent has to say is THE LEFT..which is quite amusing
that damn thread ran for
Belafonte is 85 years old. At least he has the excuse of advancing senility.

Rand Paul does not:

See? Two can play at this guilt by association game.
Belafonte was giving advice to the President, Rand Paul was giving his own opinion so where's the association?

By the way, Obama has a Kill list, Rand Paul does not.

IF you can call spouting off on TV as "giving advice to the President," I suppose that might be so.

However, if YOU can take anything anybody says, anywhere, as "giving advice to the President," so can I.

Headline: "Rand Paul Advises President to Lock Up Travelers."
Hopefully that piece of shit ends up dying a slow death in a central america jungle when he is flying down to see his DICKtator friends.
This is the "Hey Mr Tally Mon, tally me banana" guy right?

He's an idiot. I don't know why anyone gives these people any kind of venue to spew their idiocy.

It's because we live in a FREE Country.Short of setting off bombs, or shooting people Belafonte, Sharpton and even Ed Schultz can say whatever they want. We don't have to listen, only agree to disagree.


No one gives the KKK a venue and have stopped giving those whack jobs at WBC any airtime.

You don't give whack jobs any airtime, you don't spread their crap for them and let them go about doing it themselves.
Sometimes we forget the most heinous progressive leaders in history had millions of faithful followers.

Would there be any doubt that posters such as Old Rocks, Wad Catcher, Deany, NYCarboneer would not have been rabid follower of, say, Stalin, for example?
Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator” (Video)​

Jim Hoft
December 12, 2012

Belafonte on GOP: Obama Needs To "Work Like A 3rd World Dictator & Just Put All These Guys In Jail" - YouTube

Enlightened Marxist Harry Belafonte was on with pal Al Sharpton this week. His advice for Obama was to imprison opposition like a “third world dictator.”

Belefonte, of course, is a big fan of third world dictators.

Senility, it's so ugly to watch happen...
Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator” (Video)​

Jim Hoft
December 12, 2012

Belafonte on GOP: Obama Needs To "Work Like A 3rd World Dictator & Just Put All These Guys In Jail" - YouTube

Enlightened Marxist Harry Belafonte was on with pal Al Sharpton this week. His advice for Obama was to imprison opposition like a “third world dictator.”

Belefonte, of course, is a big fan of third world dictators.

Belafonte needs a math lesson. He says the American People "overwhelmingly" voted for Obama and that a "thin corrupt minority" was obstructing Obama's "mandate". 3 percentage points separate what Belafonte is calling an overwhelming majority. 3 percentage points is also the margin of error in the best of sampling polls. The corrup minority not on board with Obama's mandate is 47%....hardly a minority and the amount of people Romney wrote off.

Question for did he get past the McCarthy Commi hunts?

Cut him some slack, obviously, he's suffering from massive Alzheimers...he's no longer in control of his mental processes...but he can still recognize another of his species...he's black...obama's black...that's all he needs...
Hopefully that piece of shit ends up dying a slow death in a central america jungle when he is flying down to see his DICKtator friends.

Why would that be something you hope for? Why would you want anyone to die? Just because he radically disagrees with you?

I don't want him to die. I want him to wake up and change his ways. Isn't that something better to hope for?

Interestingly I just read this about 2 minutes ago, which i think is oddly appropriate to this comment:

We ought always to be aware of those prejudices which sometimes so strangely present themselves, and are so congenial to human nature, against our friends, neighbors, and brethren of the world, who choose to differ from us in opinion and in matters of faith. Our religion is between us and our God. Their religion is between them and their God. - Joseph Smith Jr.

And while he was talking about religion. I think the principle applies to politics, business, and sports as well.

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