Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator”

What's that got to do with either post you quoted?

Listen, I know you are a high school drop out, probably smoked a TON of dope during Vietnam and all, and now you're barely functioning as an independent adult, but even the dumbest of dumb know that you can't get any more left-wing that Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Benito Mussolini.

Please allow me to explain the political scale to you incompetent dumbocrats. If conservatives are the "right" and believe in small government, and maximum freedoms, then the further you go to the right, government gets smaller and smaller, less powerful and less powerful, until you finally reach the most fringe radical end, which would be ANARCHIST (ie NO government, NO rules at all). This is represented by the asshole "Sovereign Citizen" like mjollnir as well as many Ron Paul worshipper quack's.

Now, if liberals are the "left" and believe in large government controlling everything and making all decisions for everyone, then the further you go to the left, government gets larger and larger, more powerful and more powerful, until you finally reach the most fringe radical end of the left, which would be total control by NAZI's/Communists/Dictators/Current Day Dumbocrats/etc. Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein are vintage examples of extreme left-wing.

The fact that someone has to explain this to you is just sad....

Please don't reveal your ignorance publicly. It's embarrassing. Only a true Nutter would try to make the case that Fascism is leftist.

I know...I know. That's one of the new talking points in the right's bid to revise history to either fit what they're doing, or to hide it, but that still doesn't make it true.

It would be comical if it weren't such a tragedy that American's know so little of history.

'Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography:

The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill. (p. 280)

Before his foray into imperialism in 1935, Mussolini was often praised by prominent Americans and Britons, including Winston Churchill, for his economic program.

Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said:

The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property. (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)'

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Fascist were just another flavor of progressive totalitarianism.
Please don't reveal your ignorance publicly. It's embarrassing. Only a true Nutter would try to make the case that Fascism is leftist.

I know...I know. That's one of the new talking points in the right's bid to revise history to either fit what they're doing, or to hide it, but that still doesn't make it true.

It would be comical if it weren't such a tragedy that American's know so little of history.

What exactly is nuts about pointing out that facism has absolutely nothing to do with limited government, which is what the right pursues?
What's that got to do with either post you quoted?

The right advocates limited government. You cited a bunch of totalitarians saying they were from the right. When did they advocate limited government?

So..being right leaning is defined ONLY by a position advocating limited government?

Wow. That's the most incomplete definition of "conservative" I've heard in awhile.

It's the central principle. Limited government, liberty, free market. They are all intertwined, but it's the limited government/self government aspect that defines the right.

There are other things, like believing in merit, the rule of law, character, etc. but the overarching principle is liberty through limited government. We on the right want the government to be as minimal as it can so we can govern ourselves and determine our futures. We believe that empowered people can do much more good for themselves and society than those being ruled by a totalitarian government.

If we were freer, we would be much stronger than we are economically and militarily. Right now, our society is incredibly corrupt. Alot of that is because we are not as free as we used to be.

We want to be free so we can choose between good and evil. Because good cannot be forced upon people. Charity cannot be forced. It's actually a cyclical issue, the more we do good in our lives, the freer we can become to do more good. The more we do evil, the more we become oppressed and the more evil occurs.

This is a foreign concept it all the governments you cited.
The Nazi's were in direct competition for hearts and minds of the Communists.

Hell, they even stole each others marketing campaigns.

Just two slight variations of a Leftist theme.

Good God. The ignorance in this thread is overwhelming.

I dare you to go read "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and keep that ridiculous notion.

How does that change the fact that the communists and the nazis were fighting over the same revolutionaries?

Nazism may be to the right of communism, but it's still far to the left of limited government.
Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator” (Video)​

Jim Hoft
December 12, 2012

Belafonte on GOP: Obama Needs To "Work Like A 3rd World Dictator & Just Put All These Guys In Jail" - YouTube

Enlightened Marxist Harry Belafonte was on with pal Al Sharpton this week. His advice for Obama was to imprison opposition like a “third world dictator.”

Belefonte, of course, is a big fan of third world dictators.

What a fucking dumb ass. The American people do not want to go in the direction obama wants to take America. 61 million people voted for obama that is a small minority of 300+ million Americans.

NIH-uh...that's a landslide victory, a mandate. Did you miss the gloating?
Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator” (Video)​

Jim Hoft
December 12, 2012

Belafonte on GOP: Obama Needs To "Work Like A 3rd World Dictator & Just Put All These Guys In Jail" - YouTube

Enlightened Marxist Harry Belafonte was on with pal Al Sharpton this week. His advice for Obama was to imprison opposition like a “third world dictator.”

Belefonte, of course, is a big fan of third world dictators.

What a fucking dumb ass. The American people do not want to go in the direction obama wants to take America. 61 million people voted for obama that is a small minority of 300+ million Americans.

NIH-uh...that's a landslide victory, a mandate. Did you miss the gloating?

oh I forgot about that gloating thingy.
(shakes head) Unbelievable. And from supposedly educated adults!

But, that's alright. I see what's happening with this redefinition, even if you don't. Accusing the other side of doing what you're doing yourself is an old, established trick of propaganda machines. Hitler got great mileage of out it. So have many other tyrants and movements.

It's a bit shocking, though, to see how many American's so easily fall for it.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Sharpton, Belafonte and the list goes on, why does anyone pay any attention to them?

It's the opposition that are the only ones that take any of it seriously, I doubt Obama cares what Belafonte says, but he is quick to comment on what Limbaugh says. Why is that?
(shakes head) Unbelievable. And from supposedly educated adults!

But, that's alright. I see what's happening with this redefinition, even if you don't. Accusing the other side of doing what you're doing yourself is an old, established trick of propaganda machines. Hitler got great mileage of out it. So have many other tyrants and movements.

It's a bit shocking, though, to see how many American's so easily fall for it.

If you voted for obama you fell for it.
(shakes head) Unbelievable. And from supposedly educated adults!

But, that's alright. I see what's happening with this redefinition, even if you don't. Accusing the other side of doing what you're doing yourself is an old, established trick of propaganda machines. Hitler got great mileage of out it. So have many other tyrants and movements.

It's a bit shocking, though, to see how many American's so easily fall for it.

You are a fucking idiot.

Nazi and Communists had the same statist message and collectivist appeal.

Doubt me?

Belafonte should apply for a position with the N. Korean government.

He would be a perfect fit............ :cool:
Limbaugh, Hannity, Sharpton, Belafonte and the list goes on, why does anyone pay any attention to them?

It's the opposition that are the only ones that take any of it seriously, I doubt Obama cares what Belafonte says, but he is quick to comment on what Limbaugh says. Why is that?

Limbaugh is right, and white.
(shakes head) Unbelievable. And from supposedly educated adults!

But, that's alright. I see what's happening with this redefinition, even if you don't. Accusing the other side of doing what you're doing yourself is an old, established trick of propaganda machines. Hitler got great mileage of out it. So have many other tyrants and movements.

It's a bit shocking, though, to see how many American's so easily fall for it.

Yeah it is unbelievable. Rather thank actually thinking about the issue or addressing anything we've mentioned, you insist you're right and think you are educated.

How are you educated you don't even know how to think about it and have a conversation on the topic? You think you are right. But education isnt about being right. It's about being able to think and discuss. You don't have that ability. All you can do is insult people while continuing to pretend you are right.

You have given absolutely no reasoning to think any of those people you've mentioned believe in any limited government or liberty. You havent shown how they even gave deference to a free market. All of them are totalitarians, yet you insist that they are on the right despite the fact that they want none of the core principles those on the right want. If you're correct, it wouldnt be difficult to argue. If you are educated, you can look at something analyze it and provide reasons for your position. Instead, you throw around insults.

Im sure your someone who probably things a educated person has to have a degree or they arent educated. Aren't you?

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