Belgium Grand Mosque of Brussels pushing violent jihad on followers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Attendees of the Grand Mosque of Brussels in Belgium are being indoctrinated in radical Islamic teachings, a government anti-terrorism body has discovered.
BELGIUM: Grand Mosque of Brussels Pushing Violent Jihad on Followers

Oh don't sweat it, we have sheep here too who are easily indoctrinated soon they'll be loving to bend over and sacrifice their wives, daughters and sisters to those who aren't even native to our Country. That's what bleeding heart suckers are good for " STUPIDITY"
The training of imams, delivered in Arabic, within the Islamic and Cultural Centre of Belgium (known as “the CICB”), which houses the Grand Mosque of Brussels, is currently inciting followers to enter into armed jihad.
They are also being encouraged to persecute homosexuals and to hold anti-Semitic views. The conclusions emerged in a report by the Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis (“OCAM”), exposed on Wednesday in La Libre, DH, the Sudpresse publications and De Standaard, as well as the RTL-TVI television channel.
Document exclusif sur la formation d'imams et profs de religion islamique: "Ce contenu s'appuie sur des idées et doctrines salafistes"
Our journalist Jean-Pierre Martin was able to obtain a confidential document from the Coordinating Body for Threat Analysis (OCAM) on the training of imams and teachers of the Islamic religion in Belgium. From this document, it appears that "the teaching of the Muslim religion of the Arab section of the Islamic and Cultural Center of Belgium (CICB) is in no way adapted to the Belgian or European reference framework. Salafist ideas and doctrines that encourage the rejection of any different ideas and fundamental constitutional rights and freedoms ". Moreover, the OCAM insists on the fact that "many mosques and Islamic centers in Belgium still have in their libraries and as part of their training activities textbooks and texts presenting a problematic content in terms of radicalism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism ". The OCAM specifies however "that a generation of young imams and theologians is born, although it is still limited in number, which intends to limit consciously and proactively the religion and the religious education in the contemporary thought".

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