Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent


The notion that the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old IS NOT based on a literal reading of the biblical text. That notion is strictly based on Ussher's extrabiblical, hermeneutical presupposition.
"..The poor world is almost 6,000 years old."

Shakespeare, As You Like it, written in 1599.

Ussher's work was published in 1650.

Ussher merely refined earlier work.
Do you wish to point out where Jesus said one has to believe in the young earth to follow him? Who first said--or has anyone ever said--that one has to believe in young earth to be a Christian?

Study with someone who knows the original Hebrew, and then there might be a meaningful conversation about the English translation.

More to the point, Meriweather, where does the Bible or any English translation of the Bible literally say or even imply that the Earth is only 6,000 to 10, 000 years old? You seem to think that Ussher's notion of a young Earth is based on a literal reading of the biblical text too.

No, it's not!

You're not thinking clearly when you suggest that a reading of the original Hebrew tells us something different in this wise.

No, it doesn't!

You only confound the matter by suggesting that, essentially creating a problem regarding a literal reading of the text that doesn't exist in the first place.

Donald H's question remains unanswered by you.

As usual, you couldn't answer my question and give the SAF/POS reply. The six days of creation gives the clear truthful answer and takes care of FLOT and SLOT.
You’re way over my head with this god thing and your abbreviations. You’ll have to talk normally. I got the Piece of shit reference which is not nearly as much as religious zealots deserve. Formal religion has a place, I never said it didn’t. Millions of older people who have lost their friends and family and live alone do need the comfort and companionship that formal religion provides. But let’s get real, it’s a social organization as everyone approaches death to let them know, they are not alone…….everyone dies.
But it is much more than that.
Ah, what could be more important than providing comfort, safety and companionship as one nears death….that and the charities are exceptional areas formal religion can celebrate in. But factual ? “One” is not enough of a sample of dead people who have returned tell everyone, everything about after life. Really, you’d think if Christianity was absolute, we’d all be enabled. It isn’t and we aren’t
“One” is not enough of a sample of dead people who have returned tell everyone, everything about after life.
Then you give no credence to near death experiences other than attributing it to brain chemistry?
you seem to believe past and future are relevant measurements -

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as the loop indicated there is no beginning or end to eternal ...
Let’s not get carried away. It represents a concept used in math to deal with limits. It seems you need infinite descriptors in math to deal with finite values.
Like, if you cut the distance between you and the person you are chasing in half every minute, would you ever catch him ?
By taking the limit of an infinitely defined expressions, you do. There is your lesson for today. You’re now ready for differential calculus.
The unanswered question implied by his observation that you seem to be "weasling [sic] your way around" a literal reading of the biblical text.
Then apparently both you and he misjudge me. There is no weaseling. I don't read every word in the Bible through a literal lens. Period.
Then you give no credence to near death experiences other than attributing it to brain chemistry?
Ah nope. We can duplicate or observe them during cardiac arrest. They are pretty standard And explainable. Move on. You‘re reaching for something that isn’t there. .We need clinically dead people whose bodies have begun to rot and decay…..come back to life. Dig up a ten year old grave, exhume the body, then count the number of push ups he/she performs. Then I’ll be a believer….in something.
Ah nope. We can duplicate or observe them during cardiac arrest. They are pretty standard And explainable. Move on. You‘re reaching for something that isn’t there. .,
Pilots describe similar experiences when passing out from G forces.
Really. If Christianity was the cats meow, why are there so many fallen angles in one sect. Geesus, you’d think priesthood would save more souls not create monsters that destroyed them. Sorry, it’s not a panacea, but an albatross.
Ah nope. We can duplicate or observe them during cardiac arrest. They are pretty standard And explainable. Move on. You‘re reaching for something that isn’t there. .We need clinically dead people whose bodies have begun to rot and decay…..come back to life. Dig up a ten year old grave, exhume the body, then count the number of push ups he/she performs. Then I’ll be a believer….in something.
I am not referencing cardiac arrest or G-Forces, but I imagine you would still call if brain chemistry. Interesting that you want a dead body to do push-ups. What if it is simply the spirit returning, instructing a small boy on how to clean his room?
I don't understand the question, or the point you wish to make.

Haven't a clue. Are you trying to relate this to the Law of Gravity--i.e., there is no proof of it, gravity simply is. We can relate that to God--there is no proof of God, He simply is.

Or, some scientists argue that just as gravity simply is, the universe can operate under a similar premise. Gravity (even though we don't know how/where it originates) can and will collect matter. Therefore, in like fashion the universe can and will create something from nothing.

Sorry, can't do any better. I often teach middle and high school science, but if students study this in more depth, I haven't been there to guide them through it.
Actually, all this stuff you're saying about gravity and matter, about the universe creating things from nothing and the like is not scientific or sensible. Sorry, just saying.

You seem to be saying that the Universe has always existed. I'm asking you how could that possibly be the case, given that the Universe is an entity of space, time, matter, and energy that is always moving forward, not backward. In order for the Universe to be the eternal existent, time would have to extend into the past forever.

Are you with me so far?
Living life in all the years before death...
Life…..It‘s all relative and variable. Like my mother at 94 once said to me, ” son, as I get older it gets harder and harder to get out of bed and get around. I felt so much better when I was 90.” Funniest thing an old person could say, and it emphasizes how relative life is. Religion can’t account for that. A woman can be abused in her marriage 5 times a week and be happy it was seven because she knows no differently. Religion has no response for relativity. It’s absolute and often wrong.
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Really. If Christianity was the cats meow, why are there so many fallen angles in one sect. Geesus, you’d think priesthood would save more souls not create monsters that destroyed them. Sorry, it’s not a panacea, but an albatross.
Angels and Christians are quite different. Have you any experiences with fallen angels?

As far as creating "monsters" Does 19,833,333,333 monsters sound about right? That number represents one-twelfth of all Christians around the world. One-twelfth of the Apostles Jesus selected proved disappointing. Not one Christian is going to claim s/he can do better than Jesus in that regard.

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