Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

I am not referencing cardiac arrest or G-Forces, but I imagine you would still call if brain chemistry. Interesting that you want a dead body to do push-ups. What if it is simply the spirit returning, instructing a small boy on how to clean his room?
But qw know hypoxia induced hallucinations are a fact. We have observed them. We understand them and how they work.

Why would we need to invent some magical mystery to explain what we already have a simple, natural explanation for?

Easy answer: we don't.
I am not referencing cardiac arrest or G-Forces, but I imagine you would still call if brain chemistry. Interesting that you want a dead body to do push-ups. What if it is simply the spirit returning, instructing a small boy on how to clean his room?
Like I said, near death means nothing……dead and rotting, then jump out of the casket…now it’s relevant and worthy of comment. Now you’re just going down a diferent rabbit hole because near death explains little.
But qw know hypoxia induced hallucinations are a fact. We have observed them. We understand them and how they work.

Why would we need to invent some magical mystery to explain what we already have a simple, natural explanation for?

Easy answer: we don't.
Because it’s good fodder for fools.
Yes. And I expect your comment would be, "Who can believe a rotting brain?" ;)
Nope….Any kind of comment would be amazing. Geesus, the bar is low. Just sit up a drool. But see, believers can’t go there. Christ dead for three days…..really ? Thirty five days to a year max for believability.
Yes. And I expect your comment would be, "Who can believe a rotting brain?" ;)
Really, what’s more impressive a novel as a basis for an afterlife, then “Frankenstein‘s” monster. Really, several clinically dead people , all brought back to life in the same person……THATS A RELIGION WORTH BUILDING A STORY AROUND. If you’re going to make up shit to build a religion around, Fankenstein‘s monster gets my vote over Christ any day.
There you go again with the self-righteous, personal attacks, accusing me, hurting my feelings while masquerading as the Virgin Mary, when all I'm doing is asking you a pertinent question vis-a-vis your very own beliefs. It's almost as if you don't grasp the implications of your very own beliefs as you denigrate those of classical theism sans an objectively absolute standard of justification anywhere in sight.

That's weird.

Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the universe be the eternal existent?​

It's a fair and simple question.

why don't you relate to the desert religions the relevancy of your question ... as is obvious by your responses there is non.
Angels and Christians are quite different. Have you any experiences with fallen angels?
After my ccd classes decades ago, I remember little, except for the movie “fallen”, excellent flick and as good an insight of fallen angels as anything in the movie world. Denzel’s better movie.
“time is on my side, yes it is.”
I have no problem with anyone as long as they mind their own business. I'm an adult and I have no wish to live in the PG rated world the evangelicals are certain we all need to be living in.
Ah, so if we call you to repentance, you have a right to be angry go postal on people.
It's interesting as more and more people are straying from just the 10 Commandments how society is becoming more tribal and political. And, a lot more psychotic, angry and violent. I would rather have a G rated society.
Ah, so if we call you to repentance, you have a right to be angry go postal on people.
It's interesting as more and more people are straying from just the 10 Commandments how society is becoming more tribal and political. And, a lot more psychotic, angry and violent. I would rather have a G rated society.
No we just have the right to tell you to get off our lawns, or out of our schools.
And so you lied.
I suspected that even American churches wouldn't be charging admission.
Lied about what? See, you are a viscous angry person because you lost the Spirit of God and now are filled with the spirit of Satan. Please explain what I lied about? Churches are businesses as well. Ministers have to eat too. Good grief this anger is clouding your common sense. What did the Evangelists do to you that has your undies all wadded up in a bunch? :dunno:

You deny God's existence.

So who/what created the Universe?

Stop trolling the thread. It's a simple question.
I’ll say this slowly, now listen. I DON’T KNOW.
What ever that makes me, I wear the label proudly. Believers who can’t keep their beliefs to themselves, are pompous bores. You wear that label.
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No we just have the right to tell you to get off our lawns, or out of our schools.
But, you don't. You think you do but finally the SCOTUS is getting us back to the Bill of Rights being unalienable rights from our creator. You give us no rights and neither does the Democrat Party. Like I said, there's more mass shootings going on again because Democrats are in charge of our schools, mental departments and much of everything. Fortunately, we will be able to carry guns again and the nutty left and right won't be able to be safe when trying to commit mass shootings. Teachers and others will have guns to blow them away.
Of course, there would be no beginning or end to the eternal, but you're not asserting a timeless eternality. You're asserting that the Universewhich is a physical entity, an entity of nature, an entity of causality and temporality, an entity of space and time and matter and energy—is the eternal existent.

Hence, the question stands and stays!

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the universe be the eternal existent?

you seem to believe past and future are relevant measurements -
How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the universe be the eternal existent?

you use self negating examples to define - "your" universe ... a timelessness would be more applicable to an indefinable universes than the calculable creations of a creator.
Nope….Any kind of comment would be amazing.
My belief is that we have a physical life and a life in the spirit. When our physical bodies die, they return to dust, and our spirit to our Creator. Therefore, I am not expecting a physical body to sit up and speak.
We also have a right to live our religion. Seriously, which group has more that they must simply shrug off and try to move on?

its not your religion, christianity is what was denied when they crucified the exemplar - liberation theology, self determination.


and the false 4th century christianity, c bible has been crucifying ever since.

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