Ben Carson finds 500 billion in errors during audit of Obama HUD

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development - Wikipedia

The Department of Housing and Urban Development was authorized a budget for Fiscal Year 2015 of $48.3 billion
You do realize that HUD has been around since 1965 ?
Why would Carson audit back to

Is he really that inept?
Get as much information as you possibly can about the problems facing your Department. That's what a good Department head does.
Now you are really reaching

If Carson ordered an audit of records going back to 1965 he should be jailed
HUD has a budget of $49 billion in 2017

Carson is claiming a $520 billion accounting error?

What is he smoking?

Try reading the article you moron. The errors include their assets, which would be a lot more than just a yearly budget. The audit is also consistent with three previous audits, which were likely during the Obama regime.
HUD has trillions in assets?

HUD has a budget of $49 billion in 2017

Carson is claiming a $520 billion accounting error?

What is he smoking?

Try reading the article you moron. The errors include their assets, which would be a lot more than just a yearly budget. The audit is also consistent with three previous audits, which were likely during the Obama regime.
HUD has trillions in assets?


They manage and oversee mortgages and property across the entire country. You don't think that adds up to trillions quickly? The "errors" don't necessarily mean cash was lost.

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again
You are not thinking. You are using a single year's budget when the accounting errors obviously occurred over a longer period of time.

This is why democrats fought so hard against Carson. He's an honest black man.

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again

Guess this is how much BS it really is aye :

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How do you make a $520 billion error in an agency that only has a $49 billion budget

The ENTIRE US budget is 4.5 trillion and stupid fuck Carson thinks he found a half trillion dollar error?
Probably on the FHA insurance fund
Let's not forget Obama was caught Ripping off Fannie Mae, Freddie Mack to fund his Obamacare pos healthcare too.
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development - Wikipedia

The Department of Housing and Urban Development was authorized a budget for Fiscal Year 2015 of $48.3 billion
You do realize that HUD has been around since 1965 ?
Why would Carson audit back to

Is he really that inept?
Get as much information as you possibly can about the problems facing your Department. That's what a good Department head does.
Now you are really reaching

If Carson ordered an audit of records going back to 1965 he should be jailed
Jailed ? Now you're reaching. Can't stand a Conservative Black man making his way without the Democratic Party dogma can you ?
Democrats are so stupid that the only thing you can do with them is throw up your hands and walk away.

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again
You are not thinking. You are using a single year's budget when the accounting errors obviously occurred over a longer period of time.

This is why democrats fought so hard against Carson. He's an honest black man.
Do you realize how big a half trillion dollars is to a department the size of HUD?

We are talking decades

Have you always been this gullible?
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development - Wikipedia

The Department of Housing and Urban Development was authorized a budget for Fiscal Year 2015 of $48.3 billion
You do realize that HUD has been around since 1965 ?
Why would Carson audit back to

Is he really that inept?
Get as much information as you possibly can about the problems facing your Department. That's what a good Department head does.
Now you are really reaching

If Carson ordered an audit of records going back to 1965 he should be jailed
Jailed ? Now you're reaching. Can't stand a Conservative Black man making his way without the Democratic Party dogma can you ?
Carson brought no qualifications to the job

Now we are seeing how incapable he is
A couple hundred billion there, a couple hundred billion here. Pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again
You are not thinking. You are using a single year's budget when the accounting errors obviously occurred over a longer period of time.

This is why democrats fought so hard against Carson. He's an honest black man.
Do you realize how big a half trillion dollars is to a department the size of HUD?

We are talking decades

Have you always been this gullible?

Do you realize that talk is about errors in accounting, not about cash stash?
The IG back in 2015 couldn't even get the HUD to cooperate:

HUD did not comply with IPERA for fiscal year 2014. HUD did not adequately report on its supplemental measures because it lacked documented procedures and its improper payments risk assessment was deficient because all relevant OIG audit reports were not considered. Additionally, HUD’s estimate of improper payments for the billing error component was based on out-of-date information, and the methodology for developing the estimate did not include an evaluation of all types of errors that could lead to significant improper payments. Finally, we noted 18 unimplemented recommendations from our prior year report.
HUD Did Not Comply With IPERA Due to Significant Deficiencies in Its Reporting and Risk Assessment Processes | Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development

They're gross incompetence was well documented during the Obama years.

You left wing hacks have a lot of spinning to do.
Obama and Clinton lovers just can't get it though your heads how this SOB lied to you, he screwed you over, Obamacare was engineered to break your backs!!! You were screwed out of tax money that you didn't even know this was going for this idiots loser healthcare plan
It's great anyone finding and addressing government waste and mismanagement, but as usual you're off the rails with this non sequitur on Obamacare.

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again

Read the article there genius- It's NOT about HUDS internal budget, it's about the loans they underwrite. They underwrote more than $200 billion in 2015 alone. Liberal sophistication is an oxymoron.

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again

Guess this is how much BS it really is aye :

View attachment 120571

View attachment 120572

View attachment 120573


How do you make a $520 billion error in an agency that only has a $49 billion budget

The ENTIRE US budget is 4.5 trillion and stupid fuck Carson thinks he found a half trillion dollar error?

STOP RIGHTDINGER! You are just embarrassing yourself. It's not about the HUD internal budget, it's about the loans they guarantee thru various departments/programs within HUD. Do you know anything about the mortgage business? Sorry, dumb question. You've already demonstrated you don't.
You guys REALLY think that Carson was able to settle in to his new job and within the first 60+ days audit all of HUD and come up with this stuff? REALLY?

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again
You are not thinking. You are using a single year's budget when the accounting errors obviously occurred over a longer period of time.

This is why democrats fought so hard against Carson. He's an honest black man.
Do you realize how big a half trillion dollars is to a department the size of HUD?

We are talking decades

Have you always been this gullible?

Do you realize that talk is about errors in accounting, not about cash stash?

Yea.....but accounting errors are pennies compared to half a trillion

Do you guys realize how much half a trillion is? You just don't misplace it in the margins of a spreadsheet
Claiming half a trillion in accounting errors in an agency with a 49 billion dollar budget is not possible

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again

Read the article there genius- It's NOT about HUDS internal budget, it's about the loans they underwrite. They underwrote more than $200 billion in 2015 alone. Liberal sophistication is an oxymoron.


Show the Trillions in loans that they are underwriting. $200 billion is still not half a trillion dollars. Are you claiming they lost EVERY dollar they underwrote?

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