MSM SILENT: Ben Carson Finds $500 BILLION in Fraud-Mismanagement in HUD Audit

When will Dems admit they were wrong about Dr Ben Carson?

  • When the proverbial cows come home.

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • When Hillary picks the next USSC Justice.

    Votes: 2 20.0%

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Sounds like an argument over accounting methods . Not that he "found" billions .

How about an example ?

He found that the Obama administration had STOLEN half a TRILLION dollars. What he found was fraud by the most corrupt administration in history.

Please. According to the "gateway pundit ".

There should warnings on threads linked to well know fake news sites .

You have "the real news" a link.

500 Billion is more than our yearly deficit....well, it was before Obama came on board....might be again.

So the number seems very high.

If it is a cumulative error....that is one big error....the balance sheet would have to be massive to have this kind of "error".
$500B and a 2016 budget of $41B?

How many years does this include? From the beginning? And under what accounting method?

The report says the last two fiscal years ?

Are you saying the brain surgeon ain't the best accountant?
Sounds like an argument over accounting methods . Not that he "found" billions .

How about an example ?

He found that the Obama administration had STOLEN half a TRILLION dollars. What he found was fraud by the most corrupt administration in history.

Stop lying. There is no evidence of anything other than accounting errors.

Conservatives. - always with accusations never with evidence.

From snopes:

The audit was initiated before Ben Carson assumed his position at HUD, and it reckons an aggregate figure of accounting errors and not an actual recovery of $500 billion in funds.

FACT CHECK: Did Ben Carson Discover $500 Billion in Accounting Errors at HUD?
Stop lying. There is no evidence of anything other than accounting errors.

Conservatives. - always with accusations never with evidence.

"Accounting errors" is a euphemism for embezzlement. HUD was the Obama slush fund.

This has been going on a LONG time, probably back to the Clinton years. What Carson did was blow the whistle on the institutional embezzlement of federal funds.

The gravest danger you fascists face from a Trump presidency is the exposure of the massive corruption of the Obama regime. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can't lie your way out of it, because the revelations will just keep coming.
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Dang, 500 Billion found in a Deprtment with ~45 billion budget?

That's awesome, because I just happen to have a Brooklyn bridge to sell you.


Are you honestly claiming that a $500 billion accounting discrepancy was not found? :lmao:

Brown Shirt Retard.....
Stop lying. There is no evidence of anything other than accounting errors.

Conservatives. - always with accusations never with evidence.

"Accounting errors" is a euphemism for embezzlement. HUS was the Obama slush fund.

This has been going on a LONG time, probably back to the Clinton years. What Carson did was blow the whistle on the institutional embezzlement of federal funds.

The gravest danger you fascists face from a Trump presidency is the exposure of the massive corruption of the Obama regime. This is just the tip of the ice berg. You can't lie your way out of it, because the revelations will just keep coming.

I really hope he runs the US government like a business and cuts waste and expects measureable and sustainable results.
Sounds like typical government financial management to me. Which is sad but not surprising.
Sounds like an argument over accounting methods . Not that he "found" billions .

How about an example ?

He found that the Obama administration had STOLEN half a TRILLION dollars. What he found was fraud by the most corrupt administration in history.

Please. According to the "gateway pundit ".

There should warnings on threads linked to well know fake news sites .

You have "the real news" a link.

500 Billion is more than our yearly deficit....well, it was before Obama came on board....might be again.

So the number seems very high.

If it is a cumulative error....that is one big error....the balance sheet would have to be massive to have this kind of "error".

It would seem highly unlikely that Ben Carson could have performed any sort of audit on a Secretariat this large, in the short amount of time he's been in office. And then there's an assumption that he knew what he was looking at (unlikely).

There are lots of "information not available" on various figures he presents, which makes me wonder why this information isn't available.
Sounds like an argument over accounting methods . Not that he "found" billions .

How about an example ?

He found that the Obama administration had STOLEN half a TRILLION dollars. What he found was fraud by the most corrupt administration in history.

Stop lying. There is no evidence of anything other than accounting errors.

Conservatives. - always with accusations never with evidence.

From snopes:

The audit was initiated before Ben Carson assumed his position at HUD, and it reckons an aggregate figure of accounting errors and not an actual recovery of $500 billion in funds.

FACT CHECK: Did Ben Carson Discover $500 Billion in Accounting Errors at HUD?

So even radical left Snopes acknowledged that the $500 billion error was found.
The Obama asslickers will mindlessly defend anything improper coming out of the Obama admin.
Sounds like an argument over accounting methods . Not that he "found" billions .

How about an example ?

He found that the Obama administration had STOLEN half a TRILLION dollars. What he found was fraud by the most corrupt administration in history.

Please. According to the "gateway pundit ".

There should warnings on threads linked to well know fake news sites .

You have "the real news" a link.

500 Billion is more than our yearly deficit....well, it was before Obama came on board....might be again.

So the number seems very high.

If it is a cumulative error....that is one big error....the balance sheet would have to be massive to have this kind of "error".

It would seem highly unlikely that Ben Carson could have performed any sort of audit on a Secretariat this large, in the short amount of time he's been in office. And then there's an assumption that he knew what he was looking at (unlikely).

There are lots of "information not available" on various figures he presents, which makes me wonder why this information isn't available.

Carson did not personally audit the agency, that would be absurd. What Carson did was make the audit results PUBLIC, sweeping away the cloud of secrecy that defined the corrupt Obama regime.
'Liberals believe since it was not 'found' until Trump took over that it 'happened under Trump'; therefore, it is the Trump administration's fault. :p
HUD Director Dr. Ben Carson found a big economic pitfall by the Obama administration.

The mainstream media has neglected to report on a BIG find by Dr. Ben Carson. The Trump cabinet is a winning cabinet.

Dr. Carson dug into the agencies records in a sweeping audit wherein he found substantial bookkeeping “errors”, which only prove either the incompetence or the corrupt nature of the previous administration led by former-president, Barack Obama.

The HUD report found $500 billion in fraud and mismanagement in the government agency.

What We Found

The total amounts of errors corrected in HUD’s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively. There were several other unresolved audit matters, which restricted our ability to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to express an opinion. These unresolved audit matters relate to (1) the Office of General Counsel’s refusal to sign the management representation letter, (2) HUD’s improper use of cumulative and first-in, first-out budgetary accounting methods of disbursing community planning and development program funds, (3) the $4.2 billion in nonpooled loan assets from Ginnie Mae’s stand-alone financial statements that we could not audit due to inadequate support, (4) the improper accounting for certain HUD assets and liabilities, and (5) material differences between HUD’s subledger and general ledger accounts. This audit report contains 11 material weaknesses, 7 significant deficiencies, and 5 instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.

MSM SILENT: Ben Carson Finds $500 BILLION in Fraud-Mismanagement in HUD Audit
The federal government has been getting record revenue from the taxpayer and still coming up short on paying its bills but a long ways. Of course there's fraud, that is what the federal government is all about.
The federal government needs to be cut until it hurts then cut some more…
Sounds like an argument over accounting methods . Not that he "found" billions .

How about an example ?
Quit falling down the well.

Quit trusting the federal government it looks bad on you…
'Liberals believe since it was not 'found' until Trump took over that it 'happened under Trump'; therefore, it is the Trump administration's fault. :p

The audit was started before trump and Carson came in. So enough fake news that Ben and Don magically did this .
'Liberals believe since it was not 'found' until Trump took over that it 'happened under Trump'; therefore, it is the Trump administration's fault. :p

The audit was started before trump and Carson came in. So enough fake news that Ben and Don magically did this .

Carson released the report, something the Obama regime never did.

CONGRESS instituted the audit, not Obama.
'Liberals believe since it was not 'found' until Trump took over that it 'happened under Trump'; therefore, it is the Trump administration's fault. :p

The audit was started before trump and Carson came in. So enough fake news that Ben and Don magically did this .
Sorry - it was sarcasm. Of course Trump had no part in all of this.

Gotta love Barry's 'Big Gubmint'. :p

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