Ben Carson Meltdown: "Can you turn her mic off?"

to claim that black people are going to vote for the orange clown

So YOU speak for ALL black people, and those who do not agree and support Trump are, what....

A) Uncle Toms
B) Oreos
C) Sell Outs
D) all of the above


You don't speak for anyone but yourself, bigot.

Reported for trolling.

Reported for abuse of reporting. Trolling <> saying things you disagree with.

This thread isn't about racism. Try READING an O/P before you open your pie hole and let the the flies out.
I saw the show. Carson melted down like butter in a hot skillet. He said morality was important, but only after the election. It's nothing more than a distraction for now.

Carson's an idiot savant. Talented in one craft, a fucking idiot in the rest of life.

Boy, you got that right. He was so out of his depth this morning that Scarborough had to just stop the conversation and ask, "Why don't you just answer the question?" And Carson just continued to sputter and talk about the economy of the U.S. in 1850, like it was something he had memorized.

Carson's answer is that nobody should care about this manufactured scandal when the country is a train about to go off the answer that obviously didn't sit well with Joe, Katy and the other MSNBC reporter because THEY went ballistic when Carson wouldn't play their game and focus on the Trump sex "scandal"!

Nope, Carson had opening comments about Trump's accusers that got the question posed in the first place.

So now you're claiming that it was Carson that brought up the sexual harassment? Really? LOL
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Rain Man Carson is loony tunes.
Did you see the interview where he suddenly shouted "My luggage" and went running off?
to claim that black people are going to vote for the orange clown

So YOU speak for ALL black people, and those who do not agree and support Trump are, what....

A) Uncle Toms
B) Oreos
C) Sell Outs
D) all of the above


You don't speak for anyone but yourself, bigot.

Reported for trolling.

Reported for abuse of reporting. Trolling <> saying things you disagree with.

This thread isn't about racism. Try READING an O/P before you open your pie hole and let the the flies out.

Sure it is.. it is about you people trashing minorities. That is racism.. you are a racist.
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Rain Man Carson is loony tunes.
Did you see the interview where he suddenly shouted "My luggage" and went running off?

What, so all black people are porters? Wow, that's not even remotely racist.

Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Jesus H. Carson is not very bright, doesn't matter what he did for a living this tool has no normal cognitive abilities. He can't answer a question so demands a journalist have her microphone turned off? He didn't want to answer the question because there is no defense of Trump. It's like trying to defend Bill Cosby.

Did you watch the interview? Carson jokingly asked if Katy Kat's microphone could be turned off because she was talking over his answer and wouldn't shut up.

I still have the entire segment on DVR, not edited nor condensed.
What's laughable is that anyone would portray Carson's performance as a "meltdown"! They tried to tag team him, repeatedly talking over his answers and he calmly kept making the same point.
What's laughable is that anyone would portray Carson's performance as a "meltdown"! They tried to tag team him, repeatedly talking over his answers and he calmly kept making the same point.

In their mind, he is just another "uppity black man".
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Jesus H. Carson is not very bright, doesn't matter what he did for a living this tool has no normal cognitive abilities. He can't answer a question so demands a journalist have her microphone turned off? He didn't want to answer the question because there is no defense of Trump. It's like trying to defend Bill Cosby.

Did you watch the interview? Carson jokingly asked if Katy Kat's microphone could be turned off because she was talking over his answer and wouldn't shut up.

I still have the entire segment on DVR, not edited nor condensed.

Then kindly show me where Carson "melted down", Waiting. Quite frankly...I think that claim borders on farce.
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Rain Man Carson is loony tunes.
Did you see the interview where he suddenly shouted "My luggage" and went running off?

He also asked Scarborough for a a plug to put in her mic. I bet Trump takes him off the surrogate tour.
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Jesus H. Carson is not very bright, doesn't matter what he did for a living this tool has no normal cognitive abilities. He can't answer a question so demands a journalist have her microphone turned off? He didn't want to answer the question because there is no defense of Trump. It's like trying to defend Bill Cosby.

Did you watch the interview? Carson jokingly asked if Katy Kat's microphone could be turned off because she was talking over his answer and wouldn't shut up.

I still have the entire segment on DVR, not edited nor condensed.

Then kindly show me where Carson "melted down", Waiting. Quite frankly...I think that claim borders on farce.

Kindly watch the entire interview with Carson. It's also in transcript now but that's lost on people like you who don't read much less research.
Reported for trolling.

s/b "reported for telling too much truth about the racial bigotry still in place in the Democratic Party, a party that has supported state sponsored DNA discrimination its entire existence.... slavery, segregation, affirmative action"
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Jesus H. Carson is not very bright, doesn't matter what he did for a living this tool has no normal cognitive abilities. He can't answer a question so demands a journalist have her microphone turned off? He didn't want to answer the question because there is no defense of Trump. It's like trying to defend Bill Cosby.

Did you watch the interview? Carson jokingly asked if Katy Kat's microphone could be turned off because she was talking over his answer and wouldn't shut up.

I still have the entire segment on DVR, not edited nor condensed.

Then kindly show me where Carson "melted down", Waiting. Quite frankly...I think that claim borders on farce.

Kindly watch the entire interview with Carson. It's also in transcript now but that's lost on people like you who don't read much less research.

I've watched what you provided. Once again...where did Carson "melt down"? You are the person not answering a question.
I'm a History major...who then went on to get an MBA. Which of those things means that I don't have the ability to "read"?

Your accusation that I can't read has about as much validity as your claim that Ben Carson "melted down"!
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Were the leftist hate sites OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA?


The day you Communists aren't shitting your pants over something will be galactic shift.
You must be racist talking about a black man like that

You just admitted you're a racist by your own standards and you don't even know it.
Do you honestly believe Democrats hold white people and black people to the same standards?

At best you literally think black people are children, and at worst you literally think black people cannot be wrong and are morally superior to white people.

What if Ben Carson treated black Hillary supporters the way Bill Clinton treated Trump supporters? Would you defend him?

Why don't you watch the segment instead of boring us with your false opinion that what happened on live television this morning had ANYTHING to do with racism? Calling the race card....So O.J. of you.
Funny how you dismiss any video that might prove you wrong offhand, but yet you expect right wingers bow to a shock jock television station solely devoted to getting Democrats elected.
And when Carson said "Can you turn her mic off?" he did so with a big smile on his face...obviously being tongue in cheek. His point however was well taken...if you have me here to speak...THEN LET ME SPEAK!

You're nuts. He wasn't smiling, he was seething. And pointing into the camera. Total meltdown.

You're lying now, Waiting. Would you like me to point out the time on that video where he made the comment and then gave the camera a big smile?

If you look at the video at around 4:40...Carson makes the turn off the mic comment and then gives the camera a big smile. Would you like to apologize?
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I'm a History major...who then went on to get an MBA. Which of those things means that I don't have the ability to "read"?

Your accusation that I can't read has about as much validity as your claim that Ben Carson "melted down"!

I'm an MBA who went on to get a Ph.D.

While perhaps not as impressive as the Ethnic Studies BA that NYcrabeater has, I do have a tad of education...

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