Ben Carson Meltdown: "Can you turn her mic off?"

I'm a History major...who then went on to get an MBA. Which of those things means that I don't have the ability to "read"?

Your accusation that I can't read has about as much validity as your claim that Ben Carson "melted down"!

I'm an MBA who went on to get a Ph.D.

While perhaps not as impressive as the Ethnic Studies BA that NYcrabeater has, I do have a tad of education...

I found Waiting's comment on my inability to read rather amusing, Uncensored. I read two newspapers on pretty much a daily basis and have boxes of books stacked up in my garage because I don't have enough space for them on my bookshelves in the house.
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Typical fucking regressive sycophant, won't STFU and give a person a chance to answer, constantly interrupting when they don't get the answer they want. I don't know why the waste their time going on these shows, Richard Fowler on Fox is another who tries to constantly filibusterer a conversation. Regressives have no basic manners.
I said they were wrong to be conservative


Why can't minorities decide for themselves if they are or are not part of a given ideology?

What gives you the right to think for them and dictate?

What makes you believe that we don't think for ourselves?

It is Ironically funny to watch the Alt-Right Deplorables cry "racist".

You are racists and the blacks are getting it loud and clear. They're all done with the Rats keeping them in poverty, in the projects jails with no jobs, no hope. Every four years they're bused down to vote for you stalinist creeps and then sent home with a bottle of Boones Farm and a free packet of heroin. Nothing changes, you want to keep them right where they're at.

Let's be clear .. your racist ass doesn't speak for black people .. and you'd have to be an absolute dimwit who knows nothing about politics to claim that black people are going to vote for the orange clown.

What fucking sissies you knuckleheads are. You spend all day on this board denigrating black people .. just as you're doing now .. then you're stupid enough to believe that we're going to vote for your all-white party to save your wrinkled asses from another defeat. Essentially begging black people to vote for your racist candidate to save you. :0)

Ain't going to happen Jethro.

Go right ahead .. say all the fucked-up nasty shit you can muster about black people because it doesn't mean shit to anybody but you insecure morons.

Sheeeeit...I'm blacker than you are, boy. I grew up in Detroit on Hubbard between 5 Mile and Lyndon...played ball all day with the brothas downtown and over at River Rouge...boxed at Kronk Gym. I know what I know and what you don't know, ya dig?

I don't give a fuck where you grew up .. you're a fucking racist. And if you grew up where you said you did, you grew up in the ghetto. That doesn't make you black, nor does you playing ball with the "brothas" make you any blacker than a golf ball. You're a racist, that what the fuck you are .. and a dumb one at that. Your thought that black people are going to vote for an all-white party and candidate demonstrates that you don't know a damn thing about us. That's never happened in large numbers, nor is that ever going to happen.
Still waiting for your answer to my question as to where Carson "melted down", Waiting! Your screen name is becoming rather apropos.
It is Ironically funny to watch the Alt-Right Deplorables cry "racist".

You are racists and the blacks are getting it loud and clear. They're all done with the Rats keeping them in poverty, in the projects jails with no jobs, no hope. Every four years they're bused down to vote for you stalinist creeps and then sent home with a bottle of Boones Farm and a free packet of heroin. Nothing changes, you want to keep them right where they're at.

Let's be clear .. your racist ass doesn't speak for black people .. and you'd have to be an absolute dimwit who knows nothing about politics to claim that black people are going to vote for the orange clown.

What fucking sissies you knuckleheads are. You spend all day on this board denigrating black people .. just as you're doing now .. then you're stupid enough to believe that we're going to vote for your all-white party to save your wrinkled asses from another defeat. Essentially begging black people to vote for your racist candidate to save you. :0)

Ain't going to happen Jethro.

Go right ahead .. say all the fucked-up nasty shit you can muster about black people because it doesn't mean shit to anybody but you insecure morons.
It sucks losing your privileges, doesn't it?

Why can't you even take a fraction of your own shit that you dish out?

Why are black people so stupidly reactionary?

What privileges did I lose moron?

What have you 'dished out?' I don't see it.

Say something stupid .. and I'll have fun reacting to it.
Trump's surrogates are failing right and left. A segment on Morning Joe a few minutes ago has Carson getting angry and asking that Katy Kay's mic be turned off when she pressed him for explanations of Trump's sexual allegations. Wow, the Sleepy dwarf turned into Grumpy!

If I can find the segment on YT or elsewhere I will post it here.


‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear

Morning Joe Erupts After Ben Carson Asks for Katty Kay’s Mic to Be Cut

Fucking racist pig.

That's cute. I suggest you watch the segment. It's something Trump would do and has done many times to female moderators

I just watched this bizarre episode of a man who claims to be Christian, but doesn't want to talk about ethics & morality until after the election.

.. and who constantly contradicted himself throughout the interview.

"let's be Christians .. but not during elections." :lol:
Still waiting for your answer to my question as to where Carson "melted down", Waiting! Your screen name is becoming rather apropos.

Since you'd never concede it was a meltdown, why should he bother?

I'm simply asking Waiting for the "location" of the supposed meltdown, Carbineer! He's already claimed that Carson didn't smile when he made the comment about turning off Katy Kat's mic and I showed that wasn't the case by providing a time when it took place. Why can't he do the same in return?
Still waiting for your answer to my question as to where Carson "melted down", Waiting! Your screen name is becoming rather apropos.

Since you'd never concede it was a meltdown, why should he bother?

I'm simply asking Waiting for the "location" of the supposed meltdown, Carbineer! He's already claimed that Carson didn't smile when he made the comment about turning off Katy Kat's mic and I showed that wasn't the case by providing a time when it took place. Why can't he do the same in return?

Time out. Are you saying you've seen the clip and don't consider it a 'meltdown', or you haven't seen the clip?
Still waiting for your answer to my question as to where Carson "melted down", Waiting! Your screen name is becoming rather apropos.

Since you'd never concede it was a meltdown, why should he bother?

I'm simply asking Waiting for the "location" of the supposed meltdown, Carbineer! He's already claimed that Carson didn't smile when he made the comment about turning off Katy Kat's mic and I showed that wasn't the case by providing a time when it took place. Why can't he do the same in return?

Time out. Are you saying you've seen the clip and don't consider it a 'meltdown', or you haven't seen the clip?

Of course I've seen the clip! How would I know that Carson smiled after making the turn off her mic comment? He didn't melt down. Considering he was constantly being talked over by one of the three MSNBC "interviewers" he remained remarkably calm. The only thing that approached a melt down was Joe Scarborough getting huffy when Carson referred to "you folks in the media" as if that was an insult of some kind!
Still waiting for your answer to my question as to where Carson "melted down", Waiting! Your screen name is becoming rather apropos.

Since you'd never concede it was a meltdown, why should he bother?

I'm simply asking Waiting for the "location" of the supposed meltdown, Carbineer! He's already claimed that Carson didn't smile when he made the comment about turning off Katy Kat's mic and I showed that wasn't the case by providing a time when it took place. Why can't he do the same in return?

Time out. Are you saying you've seen the clip and don't consider it a 'meltdown', or you haven't seen the clip?

Of course I've seen the clip! How would I know that Carson smiled after making the turn off her mic comment? He didn't melt down. Considering he was constantly being talked over by one of the three MSNBC "interviewers" he remained remarkably calm. The only thing that approached a melt down was Joe Scarborough getting huffy when Carson referred to "you folks in the media" as if that was an insult of some kind!

I rest my case, from my original post.
Still waiting for your answer to my question as to where Carson "melted down", Waiting! Your screen name is becoming rather apropos.

Since you'd never concede it was a meltdown, why should he bother?

I'm simply asking Waiting for the "location" of the supposed meltdown, Carbineer! He's already claimed that Carson didn't smile when he made the comment about turning off Katy Kat's mic and I showed that wasn't the case by providing a time when it took place. Why can't he do the same in return?

Time out. Are you saying you've seen the clip and don't consider it a 'meltdown', or you haven't seen the clip?

Of course I've seen the clip! How would I know that Carson smiled after making the turn off her mic comment? He didn't melt down. Considering he was constantly being talked over by one of the three MSNBC "interviewers" he remained remarkably calm. The only thing that approached a melt down was Joe Scarborough getting huffy when Carson referred to "you folks in the media" as if that was an insult of some kind!

Sorry, but you're trying to twist it just like a good rightie should. Good luck. No one buys it. Here's proof. Not smiling but chastising her.

How amazing that the moderators think this is a "Media" story. They are playing censor, too, just like Carson. So all the other threads about Trump's accusers should be moved here, too.
Because conservatives are wrong about almost everything

So you admit you have CONTEMPT for the right of minorities to disagree with you and your sick in the head factless, truthless party of corrupt kleptocrats??

I have contempt for all rightwingers.
You are a right winger.

You are the most regressive of regressive pieces of shit in the western world.

Nice meltdown. Try anger management.
Maybe you should try to not make me angry .....

Dr. Banner, is that you?
I saw the show. Carson melted down like butter in a hot skillet. He said morality was important, but only after the election. It's nothing more than a distraction for now.

Carson's an idiot savant. Talented in one craft, a fucking idiot in the rest of life.

Boy, you got that right. He was so out of his depth this morning that Scarborough had to just stop the conversation and ask, "Why don't you just answer the question?" And Carson just continued to sputter and talk about the economy of the U.S. in 1850, like it was something he had memorized.

Carson's answer is that nobody should care about this manufactured scandal when the country is a train about to go off the answer that obviously didn't sit well with Joe, Katy and the other MSNBC reporter because THEY went ballistic when Carson wouldn't play their game and focus on the Trump sex "scandal"!

It is a scandal, and either the right thinks morality is important or not. Evidently they don't think it is.
I saw the show. Carson melted down like butter in a hot skillet. He said morality was important, but only after the election. It's nothing more than a distraction for now.

Carson's an idiot savant. Talented in one craft, a fucking idiot in the rest of life.

Boy, you got that right. He was so out of his depth this morning that Scarborough had to just stop the conversation and ask, "Why don't you just answer the question?" And Carson just continued to sputter and talk about the economy of the U.S. in 1850, like it was something he had memorized.

Carson's answer is that nobody should care about this manufactured scandal when the country is a train about to go off the answer that obviously didn't sit well with Joe, Katy and the other MSNBC reporter because THEY went ballistic when Carson wouldn't play their game and focus on the Trump sex "scandal"!

It is a scandal, and either the right thinks morality is important or not. Evidently they don't think it is.

The right seems to care an awful lot about Bill Clinton's scandal, then and NOW. I bet Carson wouldn't not have quibbled if Kay had asked him about Bill instead of Donald. Trump called Carson a pedophile so what does the guy do? Go out on the campaign trail for him. What a whore.
Worse than Carson's tantrum was the statement he made right after,

when he said it did not matter whether the women were telling the truth, or not.

------- please. lol
I said they were wrong to be conservative


Why can't minorities decide for themselves if they are or are not part of a given ideology?

What gives you the right to think for them and dictate?

What makes you believe that we don't think for ourselves?

It is Ironically funny to watch the Alt-Right Deplorables cry "racist".

You are racists and the blacks are getting it loud and clear. They're all done with the Rats keeping them in poverty, in the projects jails with no jobs, no hope. Every four years they're bused down to vote for you stalinist creeps and then sent home with a bottle of Boones Farm and a free packet of heroin. Nothing changes, you want to keep them right where they're at.

Let's be clear .. your racist ass doesn't speak for black people .. and you'd have to be an absolute dimwit who knows nothing about politics to claim that black people are going to vote for the orange clown.

What fucking sissies you knuckleheads are. You spend all day on this board denigrating black people .. just as you're doing now .. then you're stupid enough to believe that we're going to vote for your all-white party to save your wrinkled asses from another defeat. Essentially begging black people to vote for your racist candidate to save you. :0)

Ain't going to happen Jethro.

Go right ahead .. say all the fucked-up nasty shit you can muster about black people because it doesn't mean shit to anybody but you insecure morons.

Sheeeeit...I'm blacker than you are, boy. I grew up in Detroit on Hubbard between 5 Mile and Lyndon...played ball all day with the brothas downtown and over at River Rouge...boxed at Kronk Gym. I know what I know and what you don't know, ya dig?

I don't give a fuck where you grew up .. you're a fucking racist. And if you grew up where you said you did, you grew up in the ghetto. That doesn't make you black, nor does you playing ball with the "brothas" make you any blacker than a golf ball. You're a racist, that what the fuck you are .. and a dumb one at that. Your thought that black people are going to vote for an all-white party and candidate demonstrates that you don't know a damn thing about us. That's never happened in large numbers, nor is that ever going to happen.

I didn't grow up in a ghetto but even if I did, I wouldn't live there my whole life like you are. Of course you won't change parties because you're what used to be called a "house n***er, all nice-nice with the mastah. That's why I call you "Jim" like all the train porters were called back in the day. You're just pissed that I see through you like a dirty windshield. You're terrified of change even if it might benefit you so you'll stay on the plantation and get those EBT pork ribs and drink your tall boys and maybe play the knockout game on some white boy caught on the wrong street. You call me a "racist" when you sound like something out of Panther screech. You're too far gone to bother with further other than to say keep shooting at cops if you'd rather deal with the Klan.

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