Ben Carson says abortion is same as human sacrifice!

All I see is blatant racism by attacking a well respected and educated black man who worked hard to become what he is. Clear racism. Shame on you leftist trash.

Well, you cant deny that what he said was pretty much over the top.

But he has been hated by the left since the day he hit the stage as a black conservative.

They don't care what he says. That's just an excuse to destroy his character. They have to destroy him for what he represents. A runaway slave. That's the threat. They'll ignore race baiting trash like Sharpton and Jackson because they are leaders of getting the slaves to vote correctly.

What he represents is ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution, it's case law, and the right to privacy, common to most on the social right.
Republicans will run from Dr. Ben Carson like monkeys on fire.
Dr. is a good man and doctor.
He ain't running for anything.
We need Herman Cain, don't agree with all his stances but Herman is a fine man, smart, well educated and earned everything he has achieved.
They don't care what he says. That's just an excuse to destroy his character. They have to destroy him for what he represents. A runaway slave. That's the threat.

I, a conservative in most ways, found what he said disturbing.

He can express his views on abortion...but to compare it to human sacrifice is over the top in my opinion.

If he wants to be in politics, he needs to tone it down.

Uncle Tom doesn't want to be in politics.

Uncle Tom wants to make a bunch of money telling white conservatives what they want to hear.

Why the conservative movement keeps falling victim to these hucksters is the interesting question.

Everyone that is black and you disagree with their politics is an "Uncle Tom".

How does a man that owns his own medical practice making a profit an Uncle Tom?
You liberals would rather have them dependent on government, spitting out 70% of their babies with no father in the home. Keep them on the plantation is what you support.
Human sacrifice is a religious exercise and therefore protected under the 1st amendment, isn't it?

who says liberalism isn't a form of a demented 'religion'....?

any belief system that legally protects the killing of its children has to be demented...

Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya

fetuses aren't children.

Not in the Law.
Not in Medical Science.
Not even in the Bible.

The thing you wingnuts don't get, besides how badly the fucking Plutocrats are playing you for fools on this issue, is that Roe v. Wade didn't make abortion legal as just recognize it was going on.

Women were getting abortions in their doctor's offices, and they were simply marking something else down on the chart.

Now, if you Wingnuts and Teabaggers were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support comprehensive sex education, you'd support contraception, you'd support family leave and universal health care and a more equitable distribution of the wealth. That would discourage or prevent abortions.

Waging your finger at people and talking about Jesus... not so much.

Roe legalized abortion.
Abortion indeed, has nothing to do with religion. Human sacrifice did. Most of the anti-choice crowd (ya'll) also push a religious doctrine and some with a zealot like furor.

There is an example of the problem.

To you, abortion has nothing to do with religion. IO respect that. To me, it, too has nothing to do with religion. I am not overly religious.

However, to the religious right, abortion is directly related to their belief. They do not believe in killing an unborn child and they believe conception is when life begins.

I disagree, but I respect it. I will never frown on one who is against abortion for religious reasons.

But I am pro choice non the less.

being pro-choice may not be connected per se to religion.....but it is most certainly connected to one's values...

either you believe in the value of right to life or you don't...

liberals see themselves as demi-gods with the power of life or death in their grubby little hands...

Bull shit as I do not take kindly to folks claiming they know what I value and do not value.
You may support more government power to allow wealthy women to always be able to pay for an abortion even when it is "illegal" while forcing other women to bear their children they do not want claiming that is "believing in the value if right to life" but I don't. Women are still having abortions "legally" while government turns a blind eye only to persecute the poor women that do.
That is the way it always has been as NO doctor will EVER QUESTION another doctor when they say "I performed the abortion because of a medical need" while pocketing the cash because abortion is "illegal".
Nothing ever changes that, no law no nothing.
Abortion is a health decision. I OPPOSE IT for my family.
If another family pays off a doctor, there are lines of them willing to perform them "legally" even when abortion was "illegal" or a family chooses, wrongly in my book, to have an abortion GOVERNMENT needs to stay the hell out of it.
That is the real world. Nothing about what one's perceived values are or not. NO LAW ever stops "Legal" abortion. Ever.
who says liberalism isn't a form of a demented 'religion'....?

any belief system that legally protects the killing of its children has to be demented...

Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya

fetuses aren't children.

Not in the Law.
Not in Medical Science.
Not even in the Bible.

The thing you wingnuts don't get, besides how badly the fucking Plutocrats are playing you for fools on this issue, is that Roe v. Wade didn't make abortion legal as just recognize it was going on.

Women were getting abortions in their doctor's offices, and they were simply marking something else down on the chart.

Now, if you Wingnuts and Teabaggers were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support comprehensive sex education, you'd support contraception, you'd support family leave and universal health care and a more equitable distribution of the wealth. That would discourage or prevent abortions.

Waging your finger at people and talking about Jesus... not so much.

Roe legalized abortion.

It took the power away from the states.

File:Map of US abortion laws pre-1973.svg - Wikimedia Commons
If Carson really believes that abortion is the same as human sacrifice, why doesn't he support the death penalty for women who have abortions?

Or does he?

If he doesn't he's just one more cartoon rightwing hysteria monger.

You think that people who are anti-baby killing are automatically pro-death penalty?

I suppose that's because you're a retard.
There is an example of the problem.

To you, abortion has nothing to do with religion. IO respect that. To me, it, too has nothing to do with religion. I am not overly religious.

However, to the religious right, abortion is directly related to their belief. They do not believe in killing an unborn child and they believe conception is when life begins.

I disagree, but I respect it. I will never frown on one who is against abortion for religious reasons.

But I am pro choice non the less.

being pro-choice may not be connected per se to religion.....but it is most certainly connected to one's values...

either you believe in the value of right to life or you don't...

liberals see themselves as demi-gods with the power of life or death in their grubby little hands...

Bull shit as I do not take kindly to folks claiming they know what I value and do not value.
You may support more government power to allow wealthy women to always be able to pay for an abortion even when it is "illegal" while forcing other women to bear their children they do not want claiming that is "believing in the value if right to life" but I don't. Women are still having abortions "legally" while government turns a blind eye only to persecute the poor women that do.
That is the way it always has been as NO doctor will EVER QUESTION another doctor when they say "I performed the abortion because of a medical need" while pocketing the cash because abortion is "illegal".
Nothing ever changes that, no law no nothing.
Abortion is a health decision. I OPPOSE IT for my family.
If another family pays off a doctor, there are lines of them willing to perform them "legally" even when abortion was "illegal" or a family chooses, wrongly in my book, to have an abortion GOVERNMENT needs to stay the hell out of it.
That is the real world. Nothing about what one's perceived values are or not. NO LAW ever stops "Legal" abortion. Ever.

Too bad. If you don't like people commenting on the crap you write, I suggest you don't write it.

Aside from that, don't post drunk. Your drivel makes no sense.
The good doctor needs to learn that politics is not a place where you can shoot your mouth off, not wthout paying a price that is.
Oh, Ben is full of shit as always. Human sacrifice was a religious ceremony carried out by the same type of religious zealots (religionist) that you'll find bombing and murdering clinic and clinic workers.

If you're anti-choice, more power to you, don't have an abortion. But as the candidate Monica Wehby he endorsed said (from the link) "the government has no business interfering with the relationship between the mother, the baby, the doctor and God"., Christians have never engaged in ritual sacrifice.

"Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18)

"Note also that any one of his possessions which a man vows as doomed to the Lord, whether it is a human being or an animal, or a hereditary field, shall be neither sold nor ransomed; everything that is thus doomed becomes most sacred to the Lord. All human beings that are doomed lose the right to be redeemed; they must be put to death."
Leviticus 27:28-29

K-Girl - ye of little knowledge...

Jephthah Burns His Daughter

"At that time the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah, and he went throughout the land of Gilead and Manasseh, including Mizpah in Gilead, and led an army against the Ammonites. And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD. He said, "If you give me victory over the Ammonites, I will give to the LORD the first thing coming out of my house to greet me when I return in triumph. I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."

"So Jephthah led his army against the Ammonites, and the LORD gave him victory. He thoroughly defeated the Ammonites from Aroer to an area near Minnith – twenty towns – and as far away as Abel-keramim. Thus Israel subdued the Ammonites. When Jephthah returned home to Mizpah, his daughter – his only child – ran out to meet him, playing on a tambourine and dancing for joy. When he saw her, he tore his clothes in anguish. "My daughter!" he cried out. "My heart is breaking! What a tragedy that you came out to greet me. For I have made a vow to the LORD and cannot take it back." And she said, "Father, you have made a promise to the LORD. You must do to me what you have promised, for the LORD has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites. But first let me go up and roam in the hills and weep with my friends for two months, because I will die a virgin." "You may go," Jephthah said. And he let her go away for two months. She and her friends went into the hills and wept because she would never have children. When she returned home, her father kept his vow, and she died a virgin. So it has become a custom in Israel for young Israelite women to go away for four days each year to lament the fate of Jephthah's daughter." (Judges 11:29-40 NLT)

God Commands Burning Humans

[The Lord speaking] "The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel." (Joshua 7:15 NLT)

Josiah and Human Sacrifice

At the LORD's command, a man of God from Judah went to Bethel, and he arrived there just as Jeroboam was approaching the altar to offer a sacrifice. Then at the LORD's command, he shouted, "O altar, altar! This is what the LORD says: A child named Josiah will be born into the dynasty of David. On you he will sacrifice the priests from the pagan shrines who come here to burn incense, and human bones will be burned on you." (1 Kings 13:1-2 NLT)

He [Josiah] executed the priests of the pagan shrines on their own altars, and he burned human bones on the altars to desecrate them. Finally, he returned to Jerusalem. King Josiah then issued this order to all the people: "You must celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God, as it is written in the Book of the Covenant." There had not been a Passover celebration like that since the time when the judges ruled in Israel, throughout all the years of the kings of Israel and Judah. This Passover was celebrated to the LORD in Jerusalem during the eighteenth year of King Josiah's reign. Josiah also exterminated the mediums and psychics, the household gods, and every other kind of idol worship, both in Jerusalem and throughout the land of Judah. He did this in obedience to all the laws written in the scroll that Hilkiah the priest had found in the LORD's Temple. Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the LORD with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of Moses. And there has never been a king like him since. (2 Kings 23:20-25 NLT)

Human Sacrifice

Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself. As gold in the furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself. In the time of their visitation they shall shine, and shall dart about as sparks through stubble; (Wisdom 3:5-7 NAB The Book of The Wisdom of Solomon is mostly in Catholic versions of the Bible.)

Child Sacrifice

And this became a hidden trap for mankind, because men, in bondage to misfortune or to royal authority, bestowed on objects of stone or wood the name that ought not to be shared. Afterward it was not enough for them to err about the knowledge of God, but they live in great strife due to ignorance, and they call such great evils peace. For whether they kill children in their initiations, or celebrate secret mysteries, or hold frenzied revels with strange customs… (Wisdom 14:21-23 RSV) The Book of The Wisdom of Solomon is mostly in Catholic versions of the Bible. This passage condemns human sacrifice but acknowledges that it did happen by early God worshipers.

Humans are Fuel for Fire

As for you, son of man, prophesy: Thus says the Lord GOD against the Ammonites and their insults: A sword, a sword is drawn for slaughter, burnished to consume and to flash lightning, because you planned with false visions and lying divinations to lay it on the necks of depraved and wicked men whose day has come when their crimes are at an end. Return it to its sheath! In the place where you were created, in the land of your origin, I will judge you. I will pour out my indignation upon you, breathing my fiery wrath upon you, I will hand you over to ravaging men, artisans of destruction. You shall be fuel for the fire, your blood shall flow throughout the land. You shall not be remembered, for I, the LORD, have spoken. (Ezekiel 21:33-37 NAB)

Burn Nonbelievers

"Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

So the next time some Christian tells you about the "love of God", show them this page and ask them "Why does God want me to burn animals and humans?"
Good grief.

I don't even know that you deserve a response...but there are no Christians in the OT, you moron.
Wow. You guys aren't even remotely sane, now, are you?

Which is what one expects of men who advocate to kill babies.
Ah, heck, KG. I'm stuck here. I don't wanna be here. And the irony is all who have power to tell me get an early start on the weekend have already left for the weekend. So here I sit, with no motivation for anything more than the irony of the destruction of the gnostics with, in part, the propaganda that they ate their aborted fetuses. (They almost assuredly did not, though "life" was viewed differently in the early church than it is now)
There are very sick people on internet political forums. This place is no different. Happy birthday, America.

Christ was our only sacrifice.
So back to the ridiculous meme of "Christian sacrifice" nope. There is none.
Well, you cant deny that what he said was pretty much over the top.

But he has been hated by the left since the day he hit the stage as a black conservative.

They don't care what he says. That's just an excuse to destroy his character. They have to destroy him for what he represents. A runaway slave. That's the threat. They'll ignore race baiting trash like Sharpton and Jackson because they are leaders of getting the slaves to vote correctly.

What he represents is ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution, it's case law, and the right to privacy, common to most on the social right.

And this coming from a shyster that believes that the Manchurian muslim, is a Constitutional lawyer of the first order, that was just put down 13 straight opinions of SCOTUS as his policies were unconstitutional, or he disobeyed already PASSED LAW!....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
fetuses aren't children.

Not in the Law.
Not in Medical Science.
Not even in the Bible.

The thing you wingnuts don't get, besides how badly the fucking Plutocrats are playing you for fools on this issue, is that Roe v. Wade didn't make abortion legal as just recognize it was going on.

Women were getting abortions in their doctor's offices, and they were simply marking something else down on the chart.

Now, if you Wingnuts and Teabaggers were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support comprehensive sex education, you'd support contraception, you'd support family leave and universal health care and a more equitable distribution of the wealth. That would discourage or prevent abortions.

Waging your finger at people and talking about Jesus... not so much.

Roe legalized abortion.

It took the power away from the states.

File:Map of US abortion laws pre-1973.svg - Wikimedia Commons

On criminalizing abortion.
Making it legal on demand.
Good grief.

I don't even know that you deserve a response...but there are no Christians in the OT, you moron.

Yeah, he was such a vengeful God, then he had a son and kind of mellowed out a bit huh?


actually, I think the Jews view the Christian concept of Jesus and the Father's cooperative plan of "blood atonement" to be barbaric and crazy.

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